Comprehensive Dictionary of 'Loranese': Difference between revisions

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== A ==
== A ==
'''''All Norris''''' - always capitalized, replacemt of phrase "all check" in flight procedures; see also: ''Chuck''.<br>
'''''Apollo''''' - apology.

== B ==
== B ==
'''''Bambolino''''' - a hanging ornament in the temples of Trill, derived from original Trillese word bam'abon.<br>
'''''Bambolino''''' - a hanging ornament in the temples of Trill, derived from original Trillese word bam'abon.<br>
'''''Bargainly''''' - not completely honest assertion.<br>
'''''Blimey''''' - suspicious, fishy.<br>
'''''Brigger''''' - a person involved with security, a Security Officer.
'''''Brigger''''' - a person involved with security, a Security Officer.

== C ==
== C ==
'''''Cavalrangers''''' - backup (as in cavalry + rangers).<br>
'''''Chuck''''' - always capitalized, 1. replaces word "check" in flight procedures; 2. friend, good guy; see also: ''All Norris''.<br>
'''''Clonk''''' - kilometer.<br>
'''''Commbie''''' - comm-badge.
'''''Commbie''''' - comm-badge.

== D ==
== D ==
'''''Damp fingers''''' - certain, proved beyond doubt.

== E ==
== E ==

== F ==
== F ==
'''''Fallupy''''' - derogatory remark, equivalents fool, dumb, idiot etc.<br>
'''''Fantasmic''''' - fantastic.<br>
'''''Figurgles''''' - figures (as in "it figures").
'''''Figurgles''''' - figures (as in "it figures").

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== H ==
== H ==
'''''Hocco''''' - HCO Officer.

== I ==
== I ==

== J ==
== J ==
'''''Jambalayas''''' - always capitalized, a general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, often preceded by prefix "Great", see also ''Sacred bambolinos''.
'''''Jambalayas''''' - always capitalized, a general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, often preceded by prefix "Great"; see also: ''Sacred bambolinos''.<br>
'''''Jollo''''' - 1. friend; 2. merry man.

== K ==
== K ==

== L ==
== L ==
'''''Leftout''''' - Second Officer, third in command.<br>
'''''Lettucehead''''' - sarcastic for a Klingon.

== M ==
== M ==
'''''Marvelabulous''''' - marvelous or fabulous.<br>
'''''Myst''''' - short for mysterious, secretive.
'''''Myst''''' - short for mysterious, secretive.

== N ==
== N ==
'''''Nutty''''' - 1. a person good with machines and maintenance; 2. an Engineering Officer.

== O ==
== O ==
'''''Oowey-gooey''''' - mush, slop, typically about bad drink or food.

== P ==
== P ==
'''''Peach-a-boo''''' - 1. expression of extreme complacency, stronger than ''Peachies'', see also ''Peachy-peachy-peach''; 2. An act of scaring someone performed by Loran Reven.<br>
'''''Peach-a-boo''''' - 1. an act of scaring someone performed by Loran Reven; 2. expression of extreme complacency, stronger than ''Peachies''; see also ''Peachy-peachy-peach''. <br>
'''''Peachies''''' - 1. expression of complacency or citation, equivalents: brilliant, fabulous, good, great, marvellous etc.; 2. Loran Reven's nickname.<br>
'''''Peachies''''' - 1. an expression of complacency or citation, equivalents: brilliant, fabulous, good, great, marvelous etc.; 2. Loran Reven's nickname.<br>
'''''Peachy-peachy-peach''''' - expresion of extreme complacency or citation, also referred as "the perfect combo", see also ''Peach-a-boo''.
'''''Peach of the cake''''' - an extremely easy thing, a piece of cake.<br>
'''''Peacholino''''' - see ''Peachies''.<br>
'''''Peachy-peachy-peach''''' - an expresion of extreme complacency or citation used in magnificent situations, also referred as "the perfect combo"; see also: ''Peach-a-boo''.<br>
'''''Picard's slip''''' - 1. a mistake impossible to make, fiasco of unbelievable magnitude; 2. a once-in-a-lifetime occurence, very improbable outcome.<br>
'''''Prance pony''''' - 1. to talk shop; 2. to pull one's leg, deceive someone.

== Q ==
== Q ==

== R ==
== R ==
'''''Rightman''''' - First/Executive Officer.

== S ==
== S ==
'''''Sacred bambolinos''''' - general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener, see also ''Jambalayas'', ''bambolino''.<br>
'''''Sacred bambolinos''''' - general purpose exclamation, usually as sentence opener; see also ''Jambalayas'', ''Bambolino''.<br>
'''''Suntan''''' - something.<br>
'''''Suntan''''' - something.<br>
'''''Suprest''''' - best.<br>
'''''Swapoon''''' - the act of changing/swapping something (eg. clothes).
'''''Swapoon''''' - the act of changing/swapping something (eg. clothes).

== T ==
== T ==
'''''Teedly''''' - a little bit.<br>
'''''Tictac''''' - 1. Tactical Officer; 2. Person crazy on guns and violence.

== U ==
== U ==
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== Y ==
== Y ==
'''''Yest''''' - yesterday.

== Z ==
== Z ==

