Wallace Non-Playing Character Listing: Difference between revisions

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== The NPC's of The USS Wallace and Deep Space 17 ==
The Wallace has a wide arrangement of interesting Non Playable Characters.

''Note'': Please remember to include <nowiki>[[Category:Wallace NPCs]]</nowiki> at the bottom of each character page you create.

The Wallace has a wide arrangement of interesting Non Playable Characters.
==NPC's on Wallace==

* [[Andy]]
* [[Andy]]
* [[Arcadia, Nev]]
* [[Culemerwin, Halla]]
* [[Culemerwin, Halla]]
* [[Culemerwin-Devar, Keiran]]
* [[Culemerwin-Devar, Keiran]]
* [[Freamer, Dianne]]
* [[Devar, Raina]]  
* [[Ione]]
* [[Kelly, Drew]]
* [[Kirov, Carmen Alexis]]
* [[Kirov, Carmen Alexis]]
* [[Kirov, Danniel Rudolf]]
* [[Kirov, Danniel Rudolf]]
* [[Kirov, Natasha]]
* [[Kirov, Natasha]]
* [[Kolari, Jankev]]
* [[Riley, Shannon]]
* [[Devar_Personal_History#Carmen_Rogers|Rogers, Carmen]]
* [[McGowan, Rachel]]
* [[McGowan, Rachel]]
* [[Freamer, Dianne]]
* [[Reagan, Kiara]]
* [[Tamren, Sam]]
* [[T'Raene]]
* [[Trentin Seeto]]
* [[Wittburn, William]]
* [[Wren]]
* [[Zanti, Zharaina]]
* [[Zara Elor]]
* [[Arcadia, Nev]]
* [[Kelly, Drew]]
* [[McLoughlin, Pádraig]]
* [[Piper, Michelle]]
* [[Piper, Michelle]]
* [[Riley, Shannon]]
* [[Riko]]
* [[Storos, Bron]]
* [[Storos, Bron]]
* [[Zuldane, Gwen]]
* [[Ailyn, Satya]]
* [[Hunter Kirov]]
* [[Tek]]
* [[Tek]]
* [[Tibideaux, Grace]]
* [[Tibideaux, Grace]]
* [[Zuldane, Gwen]]
* [[Tuillery]]
==Other NPC's connected to Wallace==
===[[Vulcan Embassy, Andoria|Andor]] NPC's===
* [[T'Pel]]
* [[T'Plar]]
* [[Vorak]]
===[[FTS P'Kothla]] NPC's===
* [[Belairey, Rem]]
* [[Parrin]]
* [[Sari]]
* [[Vera]]
===Vulcan Science Academy NPC's===
* [[Tarin]]
* [[Savek]]

===[[Shuttlecraft Wilson]] NPC===
'''Wallace Links'''
* [[Henderson, Marcus]]
* [[USS Wallace]]
* [[Deep Space 17]]
* [http://www.starbase118.net/members/personnel/bprofg.php?gid=56 Wallace's Current Crew Roster]
* [[Wallace NPC's]]
* [[Wallace Crew History]]
* [[Wallace/Deep Space 17 Mission Archive]]
* [[Craft assigned to USS Wallace]]
* [[Previous ships called Wallace]]
* [http://www.starbase118.net/forums/index.php?showforum=204 Wallace Forums]
* [http://www.starbase118.net/wallace/ Wallace's Website]

[[Category:USS Wallace]]
[[Category:USS Wallace]]
[[Category:Wallace NPCs|*]]
