Template:AmityCrew: Difference between revisions

Torvi on LOA
(Added Kaito Moore and Harrison Kiani)
m (Torvi on LOA)
(27 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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|HISTORY PAGE = Amity Crew History}}
|HISTORY PAGE = Amity Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rivi Vataix|Silver|Chief of Mission}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rivi Vataix|Silver|Chief of Mission}}
|{{Tile Officer|Keehani Ukinix|Silver|Ambassadorial Aide}}
|{{Tile Officer|Vaje Kizat|Silver|Dep Chief of Mission}}
|{{Tile Officer|Scotty Reade|Gold|Act. Chief of Ops}}
|{{Tile Officer|Nathan Richards|Gold|Engineering Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Cassian Iovianus|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rebecca Iko|Gold|Security Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Kaito Moore|Gold|Tactical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Wil Ukinix|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Wil Ukinix|Red|First Officer}}
<!--|{{Tile Officer|S'Raga|Red|Helm/Com/Ops}}-->
|{{Tile Officer|Robin Hopper|Blue|Chief Sci Ofc. & 2O}}
|{{Tile Officer|Niev Galanis|Blue|Jr. Science Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|D'Cyra Varati|Blue|Jr. Science Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|John Carter|Blue|Chief Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|John Carter|Blue|Chief Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ikaia Wong|Blue|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Jansen Orrey|Blue|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Olidra Fog|Blue|Medical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ikaia Wong|Blue|Medical Student}}
|{{Tile Officer|Harrison Kiani|Blue|Medical Ofc/Scientist}}
|{{Tile Officer|Robin Hopper|Blue|Chief Science Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Keehani Ukinix|Silver|Chief of Staff}}
|{{Tile Officer|Cara Veers|Blue|Science Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Vaje Kizat|Silver|Dep Chief of Mission}}
<!--|{{Tile Officer|Nadeshiko|Silver|Civilian Analyst}}-->
|{{Tile Officer|Samantha Richards|Silver|Civilian Sci. Liason}}
|{{Logotile|Amity Outpost}}  <!-- NOTE: Do not delete this line.  Just comment it out when it's not needed.  That way, when there's an odd number of characters, it can be put back. easily -->
|{{Tile Officer|Nathan Richards|Gold|Chief of Operations}}
|{{Tile Officer|Scotty Reade|Gold|Asst. Chief of Ops}}
|{{Tile Officer|Charlena Vanlith|Gold|Engineering Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rebecca Iko|Gold|Chief of Sec/Tac}}
|{{Tile Officer|Kaito Moore|Gold|Sec/Tactical Ofc.}}
<!-- |{{Tile Officer|Harrison Blackwood|Red|Helm/Com/Ops}} LOA -->
<!-- |{{Tile Officer|Torvi Ylvor|Gold|Sec/Tactical Ofc.}}  LOA -->
<!-- |{{Logotile|Amity Outpost}} NOTE: Do not delete this line.  Just comment it out when it's not needed.  That way, when there's an odd number of characters, it can be put back. easily -->
[[Category:Amity PCs]]
[[Category:Amity PCs]]