Ronin Deck Layout: Difference between revisions

update to deck 03
(update to deck 03)
(56 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
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The USS Ronin's layout is comprised of 22 Decks in total. The decks in the katamaraned secondary hull are labeled A through D, while the primary hull holds the remaining 18.  
The USS Ronin's layout is comprised of 22 Decks in total. The decks in the katamaraned secondary hull are labeled A through D, while the primary hull holds the remaining 18.  

===Deck A===
[[File:Akira class.jpg|center|600px|Akira class]]
* Tactical Information Center/Flight Operations
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Flight Operations Senior and Junior Officer Living Quarters]]
===Deck B===
* TIC Maintenance Support Section
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Flight Operations Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters]]
===Deck C===
* Sail Torpedo Control Room
* Sail Torpedo Launchers (Fore and Aft)
* Emergency Shield Generators 1-2
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Senior and Junior Officer Living Quarters]]
===Deck D===
* Sail Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Senior and Junior Officer Living Quarters]]

===Deck 1===
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
* [[Ronin Captain's Ready Room|Captain's Ready Room]]
!colspan=3 style="background:aliceblue;"|Highlighted Locations
* [[Ronin Main Bridge|Main Bridge]]
* [[Briefing Room|Briefing Room]]
! style="background:aliceblue; width:50px;" |Deck
* [[Ronin Observation Lounge|Observation Lounge]]
! style="background:aliceblue; width:500px;" |Facilities
! style="background:aliceblue; width:500px;" |Layout
===Deck 2===
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Junior and Senior Officers Quarters]]
|'''Mission Pod Level A'''
* VIP/Guest Quarters
* [[Ronin Holosuites|Holosuites]]
* Photon Torpedo Launch System:
** 3 x 3-Aspect Launcher
===Deck 3===
** Torpedo Feed/Transfer Conveyor
* Visiting Officers/Noncommissioned Officer's Quarters
** Torpedo Elevator (High Bay)
* [[Ronin Holodecks|Holodecks]]
** Torpedo Magazines Stacks
* Primary Shield Generators
* Auxiliary Fusion Reactor Compartment
===Deck 4===
* [[Ronin Sickbay|Sickbay]]
* Chief Medical Officer's Office
|'''Mission Pod Level B'''
* [[Primary Science Labs]]
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Junior and Senior Officers Quarters]]
* Inter-ship Transporter Room
* [[Counsellor's Office]]
* ''Musashi'' Lounge  - Japanese style café
* 2 x Cryogenic Gas Storage
===Deck 5===
* Structural Integrity Field Generator Compartment
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Junior Officers and Crew Quarters]]
* Regenerative Deflector Screen / Force Field Generator Compartment
* [[Double Shot]] Crew Lounge
* Life Support Compartment
* Secondary Science Labs
* Battle Module Computer Core (Upper Level)
* [[Cargo Bay]] 1 & 2
* Torpedo Elevator (Mid Bay)
* Battery Compartment
===Deck 6===
* Primary Computer Core Control
* Tertiary Science Labs
* [[Cargo Bay]] 3 - Primary Cargo Bay
|'''Mission Pod Level C'''
===Deck 7===
* Auxiliary Computer Core (Main Level)
* Primary Computer Core
* Battery Compartment
* Shuttle Maintenance Hangar and Storage 
* Photon Torpedo Dual Launcher:
===Deck 8===
**2-Aspect Launcher
* [[Primary Computer Core]]
**Torpedo Feed/Transfer Conveyor
* Flight Operations Armory
**Torpedo Elevator (Main Bay)
* Fighter Maintenance Hangar and Storage
**Torpedo Magazines Stacks
===Deck 9===
* Fore and Aft Torpedo Bay Control
* Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area
|'''Deck 1'''
* Shuttle and Fighter Hangar Elevator Support Systems
* Primary Shield Generators
* '''Starboard-Side Catamaran'''
===Deck 10===
** Warp Plasma Supercharger Upper Level
* [[Transporter Rooms]] 3 and 4
** 5 x Junior Officer's Quarters
* Shuttle and Fighter Preparation Pre-Flight Bay
** Zen Lounge / Rock Garden
* Emergency Shield Generators 3-4
* '''Port-Side Catamaran'''
** Warp Plasma Supercharger Upper Level
===Deck 11===
** 5 x Junior Officer's Quarters
* Primary Machine Shop
** Creche Zone / Family Lounge
* Primary Maintenance Support Center
* [[Shuttlebay]] (Fore and Aft access via deck 12)
|'''Deck 2'''
* '''Starboard-Side Catamaran'''
** Warp Plasma Supercharger Main Level
** 6 x Junior Officer's Quarters
** ''The 47'' Lounge (High Bay)
** 2x Internal Airlock
*** '''Catamaran High Bay'''
** Regenerative Deflector Force Field Generator
** Structural Integrity Field Generator
** Impulse Drive Dedicated Fusion Generator Platform
* '''Port-Side Catamaran'''
** Warp Plasma Supercharger Main Level
** 6 x Junior Officer's Quarters
** Port Observation Lounge
** 2x Internal Airlock
*** '''Catamaran High Bay'''
** Regenerative Deflector Force Field Generator
** Structural Integrity Field Generator
** Impulse Drive Dedicated Fusion Generator Platform
|'''Deck 3'''
* '''Starboard-Side Catamaran'''
** 15 x Petty Officer's Quarters
** ''The 47'' Lounge (Mid Bay)
** Starboard Observation Lounge
** 2x Internal Airlock
* '''Port-Side Catamaran'''
** 15 x Petty Officer's Quarters
** ''The 47'' Lounge (Mid Bay)
** Starboard Observation Lounge
** 2x Internal Airlock
* '''Catamaran Main Level'''
** Regenerative Deflector Force Field Generator
** Structural Integrity Field Generators (Primary Node)
** Impulse Drive Fusion Generator Bay
** Personnel Lift / Ladder Access Hatch (Leads to Catwalk Deck 2)
** Explosive Destruct Charge
** Impulse Drive Fusion Generators Quad
** Impulse Exhaust Manifold
* '''Primary Hull'''
** [[Akira class/Main Bridge Layout|Main Bridge]]
** [[Akira class/Captain's Ready Room|Captain's Ready Room]]
** [[Akira class/First Officer's Office|First Officer's Office]]
** [[Akira class/Briefing Room|Briefing Room Layout]]
** Bridge Crew Break Room
** Conference Room
** EVA Egress
** Docking Port
** Structural Integrity Field Generators (Secondary Node)
** Bridge Emergency Life Support Compartment & Battery Compartment
** Auxiliary Computer Core
** Cryogenic Tank
** Atmospheric Recycler
** Cold Fusion Battery Bank
|'''Deck 4'''
* '''Catamaran'''
** 16x Officer's Quarters  
** 26x Junior Officer's Quarters  
** VIP / Guest Quarters
** 2x Internal Airlock
** Structural Integrity Field Generator
** Entrance to [[Ronin Deck Layout/The 47 Lounge|The 47 Lounge]] - Section 7, Starboard side
* '''Primary Hull'''
** Navigation / Tactical Sensor Array / Subspace Radio Transceiver / Transporter Transceiver Upper Level
** Emergency Life Support Compartment
** Recreation Facilities
*** Fitness Suite
*** Holosuites 1-4
** [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core - Deuterium Injector Upper Level ]]
** 10x Escape Pod Access
|'''Deck 5'''
* '''Catamaran'''
** 16x Officer's Quarters
** 22x Junior Officer's Quarters
** 6x Enlisted Quarters
** Deuterium Tankage Compartment Mid Level
** Battery Compartment
** Damage Control / Emergency Supply Locker
** Cryogenic Cooling Compartment
* '''Primary Hull'''
** Captain's Quarters
** First Officer's Quarters
** 6x Senior Officer's Quarters
** Gymnasium
** Emergency Life Support Compartment
** Cryogenic Gas Tankage
** Education Centre
*** Library
*** Classroom
*** Bookroof
** Navigation / Tactical Sensor Array / Subspace Radio Transceiver / Transporter Transceiver Main Level
** [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core - Deuterium Injector Main Level ]]
** 5x Escape Pod Access
|'''Deck 6'''
* '''Catamaran'''
* 12x Officer's Quarters
* 4x Junior Officer's Quarters
* Deuterium Tankage Compartment Main Level
* Battery Compartment
* Regenerative Deflector Screen / Force Field Generator Compartment
* '''Primary Hull'''
* 61x Enlisted Quarters
* Port Evacuation Transporter Room (22 Person Capacity)
* Starboard Evacuation Transporter Room (22 Person Capacity)
* Battery Compartment
* Port Observation Lounge / Mess
* Starboard Observation Lounge / Mess
* 2x Internal Airlock
* Shuttlebay 2 Upper Level (No External Access)
* Holodeck Upper Level
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
* Damage Control / Emergency Supply Locker
|'''Deck 7'''
* '''Catamaran'''
** 6x Officer's Quarters
** 8x Junior Officer's Quarters
** Deuterium Tankage / Processing Compartment  Main Level
** Transporter Transceiver Compartment
** Cryogenic Gas Tankage
** '''Primary Hull'''
** 18x Officer's Quarters
** 52x Junior Officer's Quarters
** Emergency Life Support / Shuttlebay Pressurizing Compartment
** 4x Internal Airlock
** Shuttlebay 2 Main Level (No External Access)
*** Shuttlebay 2 EVA suit and Equipment Locker
** [[Akira class/Holodecks|Holodeck Main Level]]
** [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
** [[Akira class/Flight_Operations_Center|Flight Operations Center]]
|'''Deck 8'''
* 13x Senior Officer's Quarters
* 12x Officer's Quarters
* 32x Enlisted Quarters
* Cargo Bays 1-4 Upper Level
* Dorsal Forward-Midships Phaser System Compartment
* 4x Internal Airlock
* Shuttlebay 1 Upper Level
* Holodeck / Holosuite Support Systems Compartment
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
* Port Observation Lounge / Mess
* Starboard Observation Lounge / Mess
* 14x Escape Pod Access
|'''Deck 9'''
* 10x Senior Officer's Quarters
* 8 Officer's Quarters
* 68 Enlisted Quarters
* Gymnasium
* Transporter Rooms 1-4
* Cargo Bays 1-4 Main Level
* Damage Control / Emergency Supply Locker
* 4x Internal Airlocks
* Shuttlebay 1 Main Level
** Shuttlebay 1 EVA suit and Equipment Locker
* Main Computer Core Upper Level
* Auxiliary Bridge
* Battery / Shuttlebay 1 Force Field Generator Room
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
* RCS Thruster and Fueling System Bay Upper Level
|'''Deck 10'''
* Lateral Structural Array / Structural Integrity Field
* Generator Bay
* Main Deflector Control Systems
* Ventral Forward-Midships Phaser System Compartment
* Navigation / Tactical Sensor Array / Transporter Buffer Bay
* Regenerative Deflector Screen / Force Field Generator / Transporter Transceiver
* Water Tankage Compartment
* Subspace Radio Transceiver Bay
* Port Observation Lounge / Mess
* Starboard Observation Lounge / Mess
* 2x Inorganic Replication Complex
* 2x Organic Replication Complex
* Torpedo Launch and Magazine Bay
* Sickbay Complex
** Chief Medical Officer's Office
** Containment Area
** 4x Operating Rooms
** 4 Wards - 3 Diagnostic Beds Each
** Replicator
** Medical Lab
** Morgue
** Medical Stores
* Counseling Suite
* Science Lab Complex
** Chief Science Officer's Office (within Main Science Lab)
** 4x Type 2 Science Lab:
***Main Science Lab/1 - General, Multi-Function Lab
***Science Lab 2 - General Science Lab (Astrophysics, Astrometrics and Geosciences can be found here)
***Science Lab 3: Xenobiology & Medical Sciences Lab
***Science Lab 4: Hazardous and High-Energy Specialist Lab
** Stellar Cartography
* Main Computer Core Upper-Mid Level
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core - Reactor Upper Level]]
* Shuttle Repair / Fabrication Bay Upper Level
* RCS Thruster and Fueling System Bay Mid Level
* 22x Escape Pod Access
|'''Deck 11'''
* Officer's Mess / Lounge (Starboard) (Captain's Mess)
* Cryogenic Gas Tankage
* Navigation / Tactical Sensor Array
* Water Tankage Bay
* Life Support Compartment
* Battery Compartment
* Security Complex
** Chief of Security Officer's Office
** Chief Tactical Officer's Office
** Mission Specialist/Strategic Operations Officer's Office
** Brig and Monitoring Room
** Armory
** Training Holosuite
** Briefing Room
** 2x Locker Room
* Main Computer Core Lower-Mid Level
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core - Reactor Main Level]]
* Cargo Bay 5
* Cargo Bay 6
* Hydroponics Bay
* 2x Internal Airlock
* Shuttle Repair / Fabrication Bay Main Level
|'''Deck 12'''
* Battery Compartment
* 4x Type 2 Diagnostics and Repair Engineering Workshops
* Independent Computer Core
* Port Observation Lounge
* Starboard Observation Lounge
* Main Computer Core Main Access
* Port Evacuation Transporter Room (22 Person Capacity)
* Starboard Evacuation Transporter Room (22 Person Capacity)
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
**Engineering Lab 4
* 2x Internal Airlock
* VIP Shuttle Parking Bay Upper Level
|'''Deck 13'''
* Battery Compartment
* 6x Type 3 Science Lab:
**3x Individual General Labs (for smaller and personal experiments)
**2x Small Hazardous Experimental Labs
**1x Cybernetic/Robotics/Engineering Experimental Project Lab
* Main Deflector Generator Compartment Upper Level (No Access)
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core Upper Level]]
* 2x Internal Airlock
* VIP Shuttle Parking Bay
|'''Deck 14'''
* Chief Engineer's Office
* Chief Operations Officer's Office
* 4x Senior Officer's Quarters
* 2x Junior Officer's Quarters
* 2x Engineer's Lounge
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Deflector Generator Compartment Main Level]]
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering: Warp Core - Antimatter Injector Bay]]
* 4x Type 2 Diagnostics and Repair Engineering Workshops
|'''Deck 15'''
* Antimatter Generator Bay
* Antimatter Storage Pod Bay
|'''Deck 16'''
* Main Tractor Beam Control and Emitter
* Environmental Controls
* Damage Control / Emergency Supply Locker
|'''Deck 17'''
* Tertiary Maintenance Support Center  
* Secondary Systems Support
* Emergency Power Generators
|'''Deck 18'''
* Warp Engine Core Jettison Hatch
* Auxiliary Regenerative Deflector Force Field Generator

===Deck 12===
* Primary Systems Support Compartments
* [[Shuttlebay]] (Fore and Aft Access)
===Deck 13===
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters]]
* Secondary Shuttle and Fighter Maintenance Hangar (Fore and Aft access via deck 12)
* Flight Deck Operations and Maintenance
===Deck 14===
* Upper Engineering Support Area
* Fusion Power Generators 1-4
* [[Ronin Crew Quarters|Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters]]
* [[Stellar Cartography]]
* Lower Forward Torpedo Bay Control
* [[Chief Science Officer's Office]]
* [[Armory]]
* Firing Range
===Deck 15===
* [[Ronin Main Engineering|Main Engineering]]
* Fusion Power Generators 4-6
* Flight Operations Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters
* [[Transporter Rooms 1 and 2]]
* [[Armory]]
* [[Chief Tactical Officer's Office]]
* [[Chief Engineer's Office/Station]]
===Deck 16===
* Lower Engineering
* Deflector Control
* Main Tractor Beam Control and Emitter
* Environmental Control
* Secondary Computer Core
* Space Wing Briefing Room
* Null-G Gymnasium/Weight Room
===Deck 17===
* Tertiary Maintenance Support Center
* Emergency Power Generators 7-9
* Secondary Systems Support
* [[Brig]]

===Deck 18===
* Environmental Control
* Deuterium Storage
* Anti-matter Storage Pods
* Gravimetric Polaron Generators
* Secondary Shield Generators

[[Category:USS Ronin|D]]
[[Category:USS Ronin|D]]
