Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Artemis): Difference between revisions

linking to Meirashi
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m (linking to Meirashi)
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{{LCARS-bar-heading|Teaser|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Teaser|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}

When Starbase 224 receives a distress signal from an unknown civilian freighter with no records of ship, crew or cargo, the recently returned USS ''Artemis'', still recovering from the chaos of [[Frontier Day]], is dispatched to locate the missing spaceship. With the added complication of a very active Celendi Nebula pouring radiation into the space around it, the ''Artemis'' goes on a bit of a search and rescue mission for the missing ''Tritorian'' with more questions than answers as to who they're supposed to rescue, and from what.

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{{LCARS-bar-heading|The Search|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Back on the Border|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
===On the Bridge===
===On the Bridge===
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Jovenan_Lt_2401.png|<small> [[Jovenan|LT.Cdr. Jovenan]]<br>Chief Science Officer</small>
Jovenan_Lt_2401.png|<small> [[Jovenan|LT.Cdr. Jovenan]]<br>Chief Science Officer</small>
Sil-Picard_Uniform.png|<small> [[Vitor Silveira|LT Vitor Silveira]]<br>Chief Tactical Officer</small>
Sil-Picard_Uniform.png|<small> [[Vitor Silveira|LT Vitor Silveira]]<br>Chief Tactical Officer</small>
Lyara.png.a74aa194814329054780237adc48ffdd.png|<small> [[Lyara Alroyo|Ens Lyara Alroyo]]<br>Helmsman</small>
Lyara.png|<small> [[Lyara Alroyo|Ens Lyara Alroyo]]<br>Helmsman/Ops Officer</small>
{{Quote box
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|quote =''It is never'' quiet ''in the Borderlands, Mister Silveira.''|source = [https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/uSxHGRDfxcQ Flt.Cpt. Addison MacKenzie - Hypotheses] - SD 240110.03}}<br>
Upon their return to the Borderlands, and their dispatch onto their new mission to locate the missing - and entirely unknown - civilian freighter, the ''Tritorian'', the recently promoted [[Addison MacKenzie|Fleet Cpt. MacKenzie]] orders her crew to initiate their search for the vessel. With [[Lyara Alroyo|Ens Lyara]] revealing that their available search grid is too large for them to search in time to intercept the ''Tritorian'' in time to rescue them from a possible crisis, [[Jovenan|Lt.Cdr. Jovenan]] sends orders to the Science Department to calibrate the sensors to make the search through the heavily irradiated Celendi Nebula less bothersome, while [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] is charged with ensuring that the Medical Division is prepared to deal with a substantial amount of radiation poisoning while the ''Artemis'' remains in close proximity to the irradiated nebula.<br><br>
Approaching two possible planets in their search for the ''Tritorian'', the crew of the ''Artemis'' comes face-to-face with a very unpleasant indication: of the two planets, one is void of life, but the other - Ura Neteos III - is home to a species of [[Meirashi|sentient serpentine aliens]], currently experiences their version of the Dark Ages. Knowing that the possibility of the ''Tritorian'' crashing into that planet would mean a Prime Directive incident, [[Addison MacKenzie|Fleet Cpt. MacKenzie]] orders her crew to do a full scan of the uninhabited planet. She has no intention of sending a team down to Ura Neteos III unless absolutely necessary, but considering [[Jovenan|Lt.Cdr. Jovenan]]'s continued inability to ascertain the ''Tritorian'''s presence on the uninhabited planet, the writing on the wall is becoming clearer... Despite their hopes that the ''Tritorian'' is located elsewhere, [[Addison MacKenzie|Fleet Cpt. MacKenzie]] commands her crew to guide the ''Artemis'' towards Ura Neteos III, and soon enough, [[Jovenan|Lt.Cdr. Jovenan]] is able to locate the crashed vessel on the surface of the Class M planet while also confirming what was already known about the native population: pre-industrialization, with only simple infrastructure available to them.

===Sensor Calibrations===
===Sensor Calibrations===
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Gnai.png|<small> [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]]<br>Science Officer</small>
Gnai.png|<small> [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]]<br>Science Officer</small>
Salkath1.png|<small> [[Salkath|Lt.Cdr. Salkath]]<br>Engineering Officer</small>
Ollie_Bergman_Ensign.png|<small> [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Olliver Bergmen]]<br>Operations Officer</small>
Receiving directions from [[Jovenan|Lt.Cdr. Jovenan]] to calibrate the sensor pod, [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]] sends word towards its friend, [[Salkath|Lt.Cdr. Salkath]] from Engineering to assist it, alongside a newly-boarded Ensign from Operations, [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Bergmen]]. Faced with a mission alongside his senior officers, and feeling saddled with low expectations due to his youthful appearance, [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Bergmen]] opts to be proactive in his task and summons a small team of enlisted specialists to aid them in their task. This backfires horrendously, however, as [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]] immediately dismisses the team of specialists to other, more pressing duties, while Lt.Cdr. Glim Vel - the new Chief of Operations - contacts [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Bergmen]] on his communicator to reprimand him for the misstep. Resaddling after the unfortunate beginning to his first work duty aboard the USS ''Artemis''-A, [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Bergmen]] assists his two senior officers with recalibrating the sensor grid to better achieve results through the heavy radiation of the Celendi Nebula, and while the environmental complications provided by the nebula initially hinder their efforts, their creative thinking soon enables them to make the necessary alterations. While [[Salkath|Lt.Cdr. Salkath]] evaluates the Ensign's performance, [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]] gets in touch with the Bridge to confirm the succesful completion of their task.

===Prepping Sickbay===
===Prepping Sickbay===
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JK_-_Red_Picard_v5.jpg|<small> [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Talos Dakora]]<br>First Officer</small>
Adea-2400-CMO-Coat.png|<small> [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Genkos Adea]]<br>Chief Medical Officer</small>
Gila-Sadar-2.png|<small> [[Gila Sadar|LT Gila Sadar]]<br>Medical Officer</small>
Gila-Sadar-2.png|<small> [[Gila Sadar|LT Gila Sadar]]<br>Medical Officer</small>
Kyle_Morgan.png|<small> [[Kyle Morgan|LT Kyle Morgan]]<br>Assistant CMO<br>''PNPC of [[Addison MacKenzie]]''</small>
While [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] has gone to Secondary Sickbay to ensure that it's ready to handle any possible patient congestion during the course of the mission, he's left [[Kyle Morgan|Assistant Chief Morgan]] and [[Gila Sadar|LT Sadar]] in charge of Primary Sickbay. The preparations proceed as according to specifications, with one minor holdup. Due to resource shortages following [[Frontier Day]], the replication of the anti-radiation medication Hyronalyn is taking longer than usual, and they now have to find a way to mitigate the crew's exposure to the nebula's dangerous radiation until enough Hyronalyn can be replicated to inoculate everyone. To help assuage Sickbay's medicine shortage, [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] promises to negotiate with Lt.Cdr. Vel to make extra resources available for the replication, but this is only a temporary solution.<br><br>
Since the protective effects of Hyronalyn only lasts for 50 hours, the ''Artemis'' is on an active time limit, unless the medical personnel can find a way to make their limited resources meet the continued need for anti-radiation medication while the Ship remains within the vicinity of the Celendi Nebula. [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] returns to Sickbay, sending [[Kyle Morgan|Assistant Chief Morgan]] to be in charge of the Secondary Sickbay in his absence, while touching base with [[Gila Sadar|LT Sadar]]. The Mizarian Doctor - despite her anxious demeanor - assures him that they'll be able to find a solution for their resource shortage, and while encouraged by his junior officer's promise, orders her to start the necessary preparations for non-essential personnel redeployment. No reason to expose the crew to any more radiation than absolutely necessary, after all.
===Security Standards===
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Ensign_Savel.png|<small>[[Savel|LtJG Savel]]<br>Security Officer</small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>[[Kel Solas|Ens Kel Solas]]<br>Security Officer</small>
{{Quote box
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|quote =''Things have potentially been made substantially more complicated for us, Mr. Solas.''|source = [https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-artemis/c/hy7uaH6GXxM LtJG Savel - Commonplace Complications] - SD 240110.11}}<br>
In Security, [[Savel|LT Savel]] locates his junior officer, [[Kel Solas|Ens Kel]] to start a briefing concerning the impending mission. Due to a lack of information, the two Security Officers attempt to form a base strategy that would be appropriate for a standard search-and-rescue op, when [[Savel|LT Savel]] receives a communication from the command staff that complicates matters. Facing the possibility of heading down to a pre-warp civilization to exfiltrate a crashed crew without violating the Prime Directive, is, after all, far from standard.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Search and Rescue, or First Contact?|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
===Locating Crashed Crew===
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Adea-2400-CMO-Coat.png|<small> [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Genkos Adea]]<br>Chief Medical Officer</small>
Jovenan_Lt_2401.png|<small> [[Jovenan|LT.Cdr. Jovenan]]<br>Chief Science Officer</small>
Gila-Sadar-2.png|<small> [[Gila Sadar|LT Gila Sadar]]<br>Medical Officer</small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>[[Kel Solas|Ens Kel Solas]]<br>Security Officer</small>
===Suspicious Cargo===
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JK_-_Red_Picard_v5.jpg|<small> [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Talos Dakora]]<br>First Officer</small>
Sil-Picard_Uniform.png|<small> [[Vitor Silveira|LT Vitor Silveira]]<br>Chief Tactical Officer</small>
Ensign_Savel.png|<small>[[Savel|LtJG Savel]]<br>Security Officer</small>
Ollie_Bergman_Ensign.png|<small> [[Ollie Bergmen|Ens Olliver Bergmen]]<br>Operations Officer</small>
===Freighter Recovery===
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2400-MacKenzie-WM-Long.png|<small> [[Addison MacKenzie|Fleet Cpt. Addison MacKenzie]]<br>Commanding Officer</small>
Salkath1.png|<small> [[Salkath|Lt.Cdr. Salkath]]<br>Engineering Officer</small>
Gnai.png|<small> [[Gnai|LtJG Gnai]]<br>Science Officer</small>
Lyara.png|<small> [[Lyara Alroyo|Ens Lyara Alroyo]]<br>Helmsman/Ops Officer</small>

{{LCARS-bar-heading|MSNPCs and NPC Mentions|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|MSNPCs and NPC Mentions|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
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Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Unknown as of yet<br>Simmed by ??? </small>
Gaire_Unem.png|<small>Gaire Unem<br>Crashed Orion Engineer<br>''Simmed by [[Gila Sadar]]''</small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Unknown as of yet<br>Simmed by ??? </small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Leilossh<br>Rishe of Lesser Prash and<br>Speaker for the Divine Light<br>''Simmed by [[Gnai]]''</small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Unknown as of yet<br>Simmed by ??? </small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Maprash<br>Grand Rishe of Greater Prash,<br>Conqueror of Upper Meirash,<br>and Lord-Upon-The-Soil of the Divine Light’s Domain<br>''Simmed by [[Gnai]]''</small>
Unknown-person.jpg|<small>Falia<br>Follower of the Empress<br>''Simmed by [[Gnai]]''</small>
Artemis_MSNPC_-_Legend_O'Connor.png|<small>Legend O'Connor<br>Crashed Crew<br>''Simmed by [[Gila Sadar]]''</small>

* '''Mentioned NPCs''':
* '''Mentioned NPCs''':
Lt. Commander Glim Vel - ''Chief of Operations (PNPC of [[Genkos Adea]])''

{{LCARS-bar-heading|FNS Headlines|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|FNS Headlines|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
