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'''''Stardate 240107.01 - 240108.26'''''{{Denali}}
== Teaser ==
== Teaser ==

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An old lady recognizes that Aria is not the evil sister and points the way out. Lieutenant Drex returns the gesture by leaving food and medicine from his emergency supply and is rewarded with some worn-out cloaks, but they make the group less conspicuous.
An old lady recognizes that Aria is not the evil sister and points the way out. Lieutenant Drex returns the gesture by leaving food and medicine from his emergency supply and is rewarded with some worn-out cloaks, but they make the group less conspicuous.
===Act 2===
<b>USS Eagle</b>
As the team sent to repel boarders comprised of Lt. Commanders Kendrick & Kettick, and Ensigns McGillian, Harford, and Zavesh descends in the turbo lift, the remaining Bridge crew of Commander DeVeau, Lt. Commander Falt, and Ensign Strathmore receives threats from Oddas Ushow aboard the BDS Kai Ircash. Lt. Commander Falt attempts to bluff with a story about a radiation leak, but Ushow doesn’t believe him and, in fact, boarders are already on the USS Eagle.
Meanwhile in the turbolift, quick decisions were being made by Lt. Commander Kendrick and his team to keep the USS Eagle safe. Ensign McGillian was sent off to muster the security team but not before handing his phaser over to Dr. Harford. The rest of the team descended to Deck 10 where, still in the lift, they learned that four hostiles had entered the ship from the Shuttle Bay, which Lt. Commander Kettick depressurized, hopefully making it difficult for the four assailants to get away. Having decided on a plan, the four remaining officers entered the maintenance tunnels to set their trap. It was then that Dr. Harford discovered the KIA notifications for two crewmen.
Back on the Bridge, Lieutenant JG Strathmore begins to show severe symptoms of a concussion and Nurse Hetz is called to the Bridge to tend to him. The USS Eagle finds they are held in place by the BDS Kai Ircash’s tractor beam and Commander Alora DeVeau sends out a large energy pulse to temporarily free themselves from the Hegemony’s grasp. Under Lt. Commander Falt’s order, they set engines to impulse and make a break for the nearest section of the Ring’s orbital platform to hide. They reach their hiding place without incident and soon after receive a signal from Commander Oddas’ team on the surface. After verifying their identity, Lieutenant Drex sends information related to an artifact on the surface and a possible way home to the Prime Denali.
Lt. Commander Kendrick’s team in the service tunnels is pressed in on from both sides by the boarding party that had split up. After falling victim to a telepathic attack from the alternate dimension’s Karen Stendhal, the explosive Lt. Commander Kettick rigged went off. Unfortunately, the Remillian Chief Engineer absorbed most of the blow directly to his face. While under telepathic influence, Dr. Alix Harford and her alternate self, Doc, share a moment of connection inside their own minds, a fact that neither woman chooses to divulge to their team once Karen Stendhal is knocked unconscious by her own explosives, thus ending the psychic barrage. After a very quick assessment of injuries, Lt. Commander Kendrick manages to transport his entire team to Sickbay, leaving only himself behind to pursue the two remaining assailants, Doc Harford and Katsim Peri, through the tubes and towards the Bridge.
<b>Science Directorate, Shai Bel</b>

Dawn approaches and the group reaches the Science Directorate of Shai Bel. They access the interior through an unguarded door and, managing to hide from the people who work there, go through the internal doors until they reach the laboratory area.
Dawn approaches and the group reaches the Science Directorate of Shai Bel. They access the interior through an unguarded door and, managing to hide from the people who work there, go through the internal doors until they reach the laboratory area.
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Once calm has returned, Doctor Vahin takes care of the wounded while Drex takes care of blocking the entrances. Ijo and Oddas begin to talk, but One, Ijo's Remillian assistant, does not accept his superior's about-face and opens fire on the traitors.
Once calm has returned, Doctor Vahin takes care of the wounded while Drex takes care of blocking the entrances. Ijo and Oddas begin to talk, but One, Ijo's Remillian assistant, does not accept his superior's about-face and opens fire on the traitors.
The Remmilian is quickly stopped, but soon a new clone enters the area. Drex felt guilty because he failed in securing the area. Vahin convinces the new One to help him on better securing the room, while Oddas orders Drex to send the logs and any information and hypothesis he has to Commander DeVeau on USS Eagle. The tranquility doesn't last long: the floor shakes and from the underground a group of rebels leaded by a copy of Lt. Commander Falt breaks in.
The new One tries to attack Villkat, but the man is faster and shoot the insectoid to death. Oddas begins a diplomatic approach, while Doctor Vahin decides to look after the injured and those in needs among the rebels, not caring about the phasers he has pointed at him. Drex takes advantage of the rebels' hesitation to kill them immediately and try to send a new message to the Eagle.
The diplomatic dialogue seems to turn against the Commodore, since Villkat does not seem to believe the words of the sister of the terrible Colonel Oddas, but his second in command convinces him to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Suddenly a sequence of explosions is heard outside the big room. Drex and Vahin are willing to leave and seek a safer place, but the Commodore orders them to hold the room. Given the situation, Villkat also opts to resist on the spot, having no guarantees that the tunnel is still passable to exit.
===Act 3===
<b>USS Eagle</b>
Just outside the Bridge, Katsim Peri and Doc Harford reached the Ready Room and prepared to breach the Main Bridge of the USS Eagle, unaware that Lt. Commander Kendrick is following behind them. When they force their way onto the Bridge, several crewmen are shot by Katsim Peri while Doc Harford covers the assassin with her own phaser. Lt. Commander Falt is angered but all together unimpressed by the boarder’s reckless plan. While monitoring the position of the BDS Kair Ircash, and working out a plan to rescue the stranded members of their crew, negotiations begin between Katsim Peri and Lt. Commander Falt. Commander DeVeau is shot by Doc to try and make a point, which only seems to add to the tensions on the Bridge. Lt. Commander Kendrick and a fresh faced HCO Officer, Ensign Archer, reach the Bridge in time to disarm the boarders who are now trying to negotiate with Lt. Commander Falt for the demise of Colonel Oddas Ushow. Katsim Peri gives the team on the Eagle the codes needed to lower the BDS Kai Ircash’s shields as the Ircash and another ship make their approach.
In Sickbay, Dr. Harford’s first concern is stabilizing the senior member of their group, Lr. Commander Kettick who is sound of mind enough to request being deemed medically unfit so that his credentials as Chief Engineer may temporarily pass to Ensign Zevash. Dr. Harford grants his request before using his own crystalline excretion to patch the wound in his chest and devising a coupling of hyposprays to temporarily aid in the recovery of his neural function. Once the Remillian is stabilized, Dr. Harford and Dr. Zevash turn their attention to their captive, Karen Stendhal attempting a routine off good Doctor / bad Engineer which ultimately fails as Ms. Stendhal’s mental capacity rapidly diminishes. The team works together to find a temporary fix for Ms. Stendhal’s condition.
On the Bridge, discovering their crewmen were merely stunned, and realizing the two assailants posed no immediate threat, Lt. Commander Falt ordered use of the codes from Katsim Peri to give the USS Eagle opportunity to fire on the BDS Kai Ircash and make their escape. The two interlopers use concealed personal transporters to transport back to their own shuttle and leave heading far from the clutches of both the Eagle and the Ircash.
<b>Science Directorate, Shai Bel</b>
While Villkat decides to face the soldiers who are trying to breach the lab, Ijo leads the federal officers and Enni, Villkat's right-hand man, to one of the complex's transporter rooms. Oddas doesn't want to give up the device that can take the federals home, so he orders them to take it with them.
The transfer goes smoothly and the small group of fugitives reaches one of the rebel ships.
Enni takes command and with the support of the starfleet officers takes the shuttle into orbit. While traveling inside Ring 42 space area, they spot the USS Eagle and not far away the ship commanded by Colonel Oddas Ushow.
They watch helplessly as the two ships exchange fire, while Commodore Oddas and Drex manage to connect the Artifact to a secondary power line on the Unity.
Once the Artifact's start-up commands are entered, the group of federal officers manage to beam themselves onto the USS Eagle; while Enni remains aboard the rebel ship, Ijo decides to follow Aria.
=== Final Act ===
The away team finally reunites with the crew left behind on the USS Eagle and the entire crew, plus two newcomers, manages to escape back through the anomaly and to their own dimension.
== Articles ==
[ Denali Station crew thrust into alternate universe during routine mission]
[[Category:Denali Station]]
[[Category:Denali Station]]
[[Category:Denali Mission Archive]]
