Betelgeusian: Difference between revisions

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   image = [[Image:No-Graphic.jpeg|110px]]|
   image = [[Image:Betelgeusian.jpg|250px]]|
   fedstatus = Member|
   fedstatus = Member|
   4letter = BTLG|
   4letter = BTLG|
   origin = Betelgeuse IX|
   origin = Hav'a'halar|
   encountered = Unspecified|
   encountered = [[wp:Star Trek: The Motion Picture|''Star Trek: The Motion Picture]]''|
   techlevel = N (Unspecified, but assumed as Federation Standard)|
   techlevel = N (Unspecified, but assumed as Federation Standard)|

Betelgeuseans are a race of blue skinned humanoids. Dramatically different from most humanoid races, except [[ma:Bolian|Bolians]], with blue skin, nickel based blood and facial cartilage plates. They prefer to stay on their homeworld, only leaving for diplomatic purposes.
Betelgeusians are a race of blue skinned humanoids.  

Betelgeusans occupy all three of the Class M planets in the Betelgeuse system. Betelgeuse lies 527 light-years from Earth, in the Orion constellation. Betelgeusans know Betelgeuse IV, where their ancestors first evolved, as Hav'a'halar, which means "home" in one of the central ancient languages of Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse II and VI, each colonized less than a thousand years ago, are called, respectively, A'halar and B'halar. The large planet Hav'a'halar boasts a great range of climates and extreme geographical features similar to that of Earth. Four moons erratically orbit the mother world; the largest has an atmosphere of its own. This moon's extensive coal deposits have burned since prehistory, shrouding the Smoky Moon (as it is called) in thick black clouds. A'halar is tropical at high latitudes and almost uninhabitably hot in its equitorial zones. The once-frigid small planet B'halar was made habitable only through extensive climactic alteration. Even after those changes, it is subject to wildly powerful storms; to avoid them, most B'halaran cities are constructed underground.
==Home System==
* '''Quadrant''':
* '''Location''': Orion Sector
* '''Proper Name''': Betelgeuse system
* '''Star''':
* '''Distance from Star''':
* '''Companions''': It's the first of 6 planets
* '''Moons''': 4

No doubt the Betelgeusans, like most of their fellow Federation cultures, evolved from early hominids to intelligent humanoids, developed culture and language, and learned to hunt and farm. Then came various "Ages" in Betelgeusan history, based upon their creation mythology and the Heroes therein. Most Betelgeusans follow a quasi-religious way of life called j'tonka, which translates as "The Path of Emulation." Betelgeusans do not distinguish between myth and history as most spacefaring cultures do. Early in life, each Betelgeusan decides which of the Six Acceptable Heroes he will strive to emulate. They join naccords, social groups ruled by j'tonka masters of their chosen hero, and whose members all follow the same hero. A naccord consists of anywhere from a hundred to five hundred individuals. Betelgeusans are loyal to their hero, to their naccords, and to their masters; kin ties hold a reduced importance.
Four moons erratically orbit the Betelgeuse IV; the largest has an atmosphere of its own. This moon's extensive coal deposits have burned since prehistory, shrouding the Smoky Moon (as it is called) in thick black clouds.
==Home World==
:'''''See also:''' [[A'halar]], [[B'halar]]
* '''Proper Name''': Hav'a'halar
**'''Other names:''' Betelgeuse IV
* '''Diameter''':
* '''Gravity''':
* '''Axial Tilt''':
* '''Orbital Period''':
* '''Rotational Period''':
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
* '''Surface Water''':
* '''Atmosphere''':
* '''Climate''': A great range.
* '''Terrain''': Extreme geographical features similar to that of [[Earth]].
* '''Population''':

Followers of Altaa train as warriors. Followers of Slichez master the intellect. F'ter emulators learn about the operation and construction of machines. Ost followers become clowns, critics, gadflies, and artists. Followers of Lahile master the social arts, becoming courtesans, mediators, lawyers, and politicians. Dobanians are the society's proud and determined laborers. Betelgeusans of all stripes celebrate their heroes not only by following in their footsteps, but by displaying elaborate, delicate costumes at ceremonies and formal occasions. They add symbolic sashes, pins, and belts from these costumes to everyday clothes. Starfleet allows its Betelgeusan officers to decorate their uniforms with these culturally vital accessories.
Betelgeusians know Betelgeuse IV, their homeworld and where their ancestors first evolved, as Hav'a'halar, which means "home" in one of the central ancient languages of Betelgeuse. However, the Betelgeusians also inhabit the other two M class planets in their system, being [[A'halar]] and [[B'halar]] respectively.

Betelgeusans are tall, thin humanoids with fine bones and delicate features. Even Altaans and Dobanians, known for physical strength, look fragile. In fact, all Betelgeusans have unusually strong skeletal structures. Psychologically, Betelgeusans dislike change and embrace tradition. They look to the past, not the future, for answers. They best process information when it is presented to them in the form of a story or parable. They are inward-looking, focused on their own behavior, and not especially empathetic.
No doubt the Betelgeusians, like most of their fellow Federation cultures, evolved from early hominids to intelligent humanoids, developed culture and language, and learned to hunt and farm. Then came various "Ages" in Betelgeusian history, based upon their creation mythology and the Heroes therein. Most Betelgeusians follow a quasi-religious way of life called j'tonka, which translates as "The Path of Emulation."

It's presumed 1,000 years ago, the Betelgeusans developed space flight, and colonized the other two M class planets within their home system.
They are dramatically different from most humanoid races, except [[Bolian]]s, with blue skin, nickel based blood and facial cartilage plates.
Betelgeusians are tall, thin humanoids with fine bones and delicate features. Even Altaans and Dobanians, known for physical strength, look fragile. In fact, all Betelgeusians have unusually strong skeletal structures.
Psychologically, Betelgeusians dislike change and embrace tradition. They look to the past, not the future, for answers. They best process information when it is presented to them in the form of a story or parable. They are inward-looking, focused on their own behavior, and not especially empathetic. They prefer to stay on their homeworld, only leaving for diplomatic purposes.
Early in life, each Betelgeusian decides which of the Six Acceptable Heroes he will strive to emulate. They join naccords, social groups ruled by j'tonka masters of their chosen hero, and whose members all follow the same hero. A naccord consists of anywhere from a hundred to five hundred individuals. Betelgeusians are loyal to their hero, to their naccords, and to their masters; kin ties hold a reduced importance.
*Followers of Altaa train as warriors.
*Followers of Slichez master the intellect.
*F'ter emulators learn about the operation and construction of machines.
*Ost followers become clowns, critics, gadflies, and artists.
*Followers of Lahile master the social arts, becoming courtesans, mediators, lawyers, and politicians.
*Dobanians are the society's proud and determined laborers.
Betelgeusians of all stripes celebrate their heroes not only by following in their footsteps, but by displaying elaborate, delicate costumes at ceremonies and formal occasions. They add symbolic sashes, pins, and belts from these costumes to everyday clothes. Starfleet captains may allow Betelgeusian officers to decorate their uniforms with these culturally vital accessories.
Betelgeusians do not distinguish between myth and history as most spacefaring cultures do.
==Starfleet Intelligence Files==
Some or all of this content may have come from the [[ma:Star Trek: The Next Generation - Core Game Book|Star Trek: The Next Generation - Core Game Book]] published by [[ma:Last Unicorn Games|Last Unicorn Games]].
Some or all of this content may have come from the [[ma:Star Trek: The Next Generation - Core Game Book|Star Trek: The Next Generation - Core Game Book]] published by [[ma:Last Unicorn Games|Last Unicorn Games]].

[[Category:Intelligent Lifeform Index Species]]
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