Nolen Hobart

Joined 24 January 2023
Stole Hopper's code for PNPCs, too... note to me, uniform image ratios
(Updated character blurb)
(Stole Hopper's code for PNPCs, too... note to me, uniform image ratios)
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{{LCARS-bar-left|About me|200|COLOR=Black}}Hello! I'm Isaac, simming under [[Writer ID|Writer ID A240001NH3]], and I've been a member of SB118 since January 2023. I'm a proud father and annoying husband in Southern California who, by day, is something of a corporate muckety-muck. I'm proud to write for [[Nolen Hobart]] who currently serves as [[Engineering (Duty Post)|Engineer]] aboard the [[USS Arrow|USS ''Arrow'']]. Please send me all the dad jokes.
== About Me ==
Hello! I'm Isaac, simming under [[Writer ID|Writer ID A240001NH3]], and I've been a member of SB118 since January 2023. I'm a proud father and annoying husband in Southern California who, by day, is something of a corporate muckety-muck. I'm proud to write for [[Nolen Hobart]] who currently serves as [[First Officer]] aboard the {{USS|Khitomer}}. Please send me all the dad jokes.

== Characters ==
[[File:Nolen Hobart Arrow.png|left|frameless|200x200px|Nolen Hobart, Engineer aboard the USS ''Arrow''.]]
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My main PC is [[Nolen Hobart]], as I write this a Lieutenant (Junior Grade) serving aboard the [[USS Arrow|USS ''Arrow'']] as its Engineer, pinch hitting from time to time as Operations. Nolen is half-Betazoid, but he's never actually received formal training or guidance for his considerable empathic reading abilities. This means he has trouble shutting people out, and this is compounded by his memory of the echoes of his mother's trauma, suffered during the [[Dominion]] occupation of [[Betazed]] during the [[Dominion War]]. When interacting with Nolen, keep in mind a few points:
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<div style="margin: .5em 0;">[[File:Nolen Hobart Arrow.png|215px|frameless|link=Nolen Hobart]]</div>
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'''<big>Primary Character - [[Nolen Hobart|Lt. Commander Nolen Hobart]]</big>'''

* He likes most everybody.
Lt. Commander Nolen Hobart is a Human/[[Betazoid]] man, currently serving as Executive Officer aboard {{USS|Khitomer}}.
* He hates being around most everybody.

It's nothing personal, but for Nolen, foreign emotions feel intrusive. He is working to manage his abilities and cope with being around others, but it is especially trying in large groups. One crutch he has learned to rely on, however, is alcohol. For him, it seems to "numb" his paracortex and reduce or eliminate his empathic abilities altogether.
Born somewhere between the stars, he was raised exclusively on Relva VIII, a barren, airless rock of a planetoid with little to offer except dust, stone, dilithium, and a Federation mining facility. His father, Petty Officer Omar Hobart, served as head of maintenance for the site, while his mother, a traumatized Betazoid refugee named Mara Tarn, spent most of her days avoiding others. Nolen was a precocious child, prone to theft (when he was caught tinkering before he managed to return the "borrowed" tech) and mayhem. Some argued this made him a terrible fit for the Starfleet Engineering Corps. Others argued it made him a perfect fit.
Upon graduation from Starfleet Academy, Nolen was assigned to the {{USS|Arrow}}'s Engineering department, whereupon he befriended his immediate superior, [[Connor Dewitt]]. Over time, he also became embroiled in a wholly unrpofessional and unhealthy game of "flirt chicken" with [[Talia Ohnari]], the ship's doctor. This game seemed to be turning into something more substantial just as Hobart found himself reassigned to serve as Executive Officer of the ''Arrow''. Granted new responsibility over the ship and its crew, Hobart... promptly lost the ship. Or rather, it was stolen out from under him.
As XO of the ''Khitomer'', now, his aim is to lead the crew to assist the Captain in stealing it back.</div>
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'''<big>Regular PNPCs</big>
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'''Lt. Dukul Nibar'''<br>
<div style="margin: .5em 0;">[[File:D Nibar v5.jpg|215px|frameless|link=Dukul Nibar]]</div>
'''Judge Advocate Officer'''<br>
<small>Deep Space 33</small>
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'''Ens. Imogen "Ginny" Lacy'''<br>
<div style="margin: .5em 0;">[[File:Ginny Lacy Gold.png|215px|frameless|link=Ginny Lacy]]</div>
'''Engineering Officer'''<br>
<small>USS ''Khitomer''</small>
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'''Lt. Pershan'''<br>
<div style="margin: .5em 0;">[[File:Pershan (tiny).png|215px|frameless|link=Pershan]]</div>
<small>USS ''Khitomer''</small>
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'''Cdt. T'Lingot Jaunn'''<br>
<div style="margin: .5em 0; position: relative;">[[File:T Jaunn.png|215px|frameless|link=]]</div>
'''Cadet, Fourth Year'''<br>
<small>Starfleet Academy</small>
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