Alternate History (Artemis): Difference between revisions

Teams Artemis and Romulus updated up to next 'Act'
(Adding new Mission Stage and teams compositions)
(Teams Artemis and Romulus updated up to next 'Act')
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Whatever that means in context...<br><br>
Whatever that means in context...<br><br>
Heading through the temporal window, the trio arrives on a walkway up in the skies of the Romulan homeworld, a world long-dead by the time of 2401. In order to stop the derailing of history, the three officers must head towards the Senate and intercept Senator Vreenek, but as they discuss how exactly to accomplish this, a Dominion vessel soars overhead. Perhaps they are already too late? Deciding that nothing could be gained by standing on a walkway in indecision, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] leads the group into one of the connected skyscrapers, where the group encounters a very confused and very solitary [[Gnai|Ensign Gnai]]. Bringing the Ensign up to speed, the group are then surprised by a Romulan civilian nearly outing their presence on the planet, but between a bit of creative roadblocking by a clumsy [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Sadar]] and a handy canewhacking, their cover is maintained a while longer.<br><br>
Heading through the temporal window, the trio arrives on a walkway up in the skies of the Romulan homeworld, a world long-dead by the time of 2401. In order to stop the derailing of history, the three officers must head towards the Senate and intercept Senator Vreenek, but as they discuss how exactly to accomplish this, a Dominion vessel soars overhead. Perhaps they are already too late? Deciding that nothing could be gained by standing on a walkway in indecision, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] leads the group into one of the connected skyscrapers, where the group encounters a very confused and very solitary [[Gnai|Ensign Gnai]]. Bringing the Ensign up to speed, the group are then surprised by a Romulan civilian nearly outing their presence on the planet, but between a bit of creative roadblocking by a clumsy [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Sadar]] and a handy canewhacking, their cover is maintained a while longer.<br><br>
After disguising [[Jovenan|LT Jovenan]] as the now unconscious Romulan civilian, and managing to pull out a map of the building and the city-at-large, the group manages to locate a laboratory with funcioning replicators on one of the lower floors. While there, functional disguises, complete with wigs and prosthetics, are replicated to fit the [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr.]] and the [[Jovenan|LT]], and [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] realizes that they have a relatively clear shot at one of likely numerous planetary defense turrets, and a reasonable idea on how to carry out the assassination starts forming.
After disguising [[Jovenan|LT Jovenan]] as the now unconscious Romulan civilian, and managing to pull out a map of the building and the city-at-large, the group manages to locate a laboratory with funcioning replicators on one of the lower floors. While there, functional disguises, complete with wigs and prosthetics, are replicated to fit the [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr.]] and the [[Jovenan|LT]], and [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] realizes that they have a relatively clear shot at one of likely numerous planetary defense turrets, and a reasonable idea on how to carry out the assassination starts forming.<br><br>
Heading up towards the access point to the turret platform, the party's way is barred by a security checkpoint. Despite encountering some issues due to their inability to convincingly disguise [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Sadar]], the party is delayed, but some convincing acting from the disguised [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] and [[Jovenan|LT Jovenan]] manages to gain them entry to the turret. Battling the clock, the four Starfleet Officers begin planting evidence to suggest that the Dominion are the ones responsible for the tragedy that's about to occur, while simultaneously gaining control of the turret itself. As the Senator's shuttle enters the atmosphere, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] mans the controls and prepares to shoot it down. His junior officers still burdened with guilt and doubt in their hearts about the justice of their actions, their task is completed as the turret shoots off one violent burst that hits the shuttle, sending it careening off-course. And straight into the turret itself, burying the Senator's assassins under tonnes of rubble...<br><br>
Or so it would have been.

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! style="width:200px;"|[ The window is bigger on the inside!]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ The window is bigger on the inside!]  
| The group appears in Ki Baratan.
| The group appears in Ki Baratan.
! style="width:200px;"|[ A Very Warm Welcome]
| Ensign Gnai meets up with its superior officers.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Managing Public Opinion? Try Sadar Prosthetics!]
| [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Sadar]] replicates disguises for her senior officers.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Lo, The Wind was Blusterous]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] uses foul language and opens a door.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Backwards & In Heels]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] - Chief Assassination Officer
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  |quote =''Captain Addison MacKenzie! I am Tark’iqbar, First of the LV Mak’ro. I’ve claimed your Ship. I’ve claimed your crew. And in the name of the Dominion- ::fires::''|source = [ MSNPC Tark'iqbar - My Blaze of Glory] - SD 240102.03}}
  |quote =''Captain Addison MacKenzie! I am Tark’iqbar, First of the LV Mak’ro. I’ve claimed your Ship. I’ve claimed your crew. And in the name of the Dominion- ::fires::''|source = [ MSNPC Tark'iqbar - My Blaze of Glory] - SD 240102.03}}
In the Betazoid shuttle, the team brainstorms on possible ways for them to retake the ''Artemis''. Deeming the hijacking of a Dominion freighter far too perilous, [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]] puts her faith in a plan involving a spacewalk in environmental suits. The shuttle approaches the ''Artemis'', seemingly making it all the way to the access hatch without being detected. The entire group abandons the shuttle in favor of gaining access to their Starship. Once inside, [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]] is able to access the computer to learn of the situation as is. Troubled by the presence of hostile boarders on her vessel, the group then enter the Jeffries' Tubes with hopes of locating a means of self-defense to aid them in retaking the Ship. Meanwhile, the Jem'Hadar command realizes that the ''Artemis'' has been boarded, and sets out for the lower decks in the hopes of capturing the elusive Starfleet Officers. When such attempts are met with limited success, the Jem'Hadar opt for gassing the Jeffries' Tubes in order to smoke out them out, prompting the team out into the open in Main Engineering, where a firefight soon ensues. Outmanned and outgunned by the hostile boarders, [[Hallia Yellir|LT Yellir]] opts to rupture a tube of warp core coolant, causing the computer to start containment procedures in Main Engineering. The four Officers narrowly escape Main Engineering before the blast doors seal in the Jem'Hadar, who opt to escape through the Jeffries' Tubes. It's now a race to the upper decks.<br><br>
In the Betazoid shuttle, the team brainstorms on possible ways for them to retake the ''Artemis''. Deeming the hijacking of a Dominion freighter far too perilous, [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]] puts her faith in a plan involving a spacewalk in environmental suits. The shuttle approaches the ''Artemis'', seemingly making it all the way to the access hatch without being detected. The entire group abandons the shuttle in favor of gaining access to their Starship. Once inside, [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]] is able to access the computer to learn of the situation as is. Troubled by the presence of hostile boarders on her vessel, the group then enter the Jeffries' Tubes with hopes of locating a means of self-defense to aid them in retaking the Ship. Meanwhile, the Jem'Hadar command realizes that the ''Artemis'' has been boarded, and sets out for the lower decks in the hopes of capturing the elusive Starfleet Officers. When such attempts are met with limited success, the Jem'Hadar opt for gassing the Jeffries' Tubes in order to smoke out them out, prompting the team out into the open in Main Engineering, where a firefight soon ensues. Outmanned and outgunned by the hostile boarders, [[Hallia Yellir|LT Yellir]] opts to rupture a tube of warp core coolant, causing the computer to start containment procedures in Main Engineering. The four Officers narrowly escape Main Engineering before the blast doors seal in the Jem'Hadar, who opt to escape through the Jeffries' Tubes. It's now a race to the upper decks.<br><br>
Heading for Security to better arm themselves, the group encounters [[Salkath|Lt.Cmdr. Salkath]] - a recent addition to the crew - who has thus far avoided detection by the Jem'Hadar, and he joins their group as they start heading towards the environmental controls to begin a daring attempt at retaking the bridge. However, just as they approach their goal, a bright light blinds them, and [[Hallia Yellir|LT Yellir]] considers - is this death?<br><br>
If only it was so...

