Alternate History (Artemis): Difference between revisions

Adjusted layout for ease of access, and updated mission summary for Team Romulus
(Updating mission history - Team Adea)
(Adjusted layout for ease of access, and updated mission summary for Team Romulus)
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{{LCARS-bar-heading|Act 1|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|A Battletorn Betazed|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}

===On the Streets of Medara===
* [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Talos Dakora]], [[Jaseb Chevalier|Ensign Jaseb Chevalier]], [[Savel|Ensign Savel]] & [[Z'Vahme|Ensign Z'Vahme]]
* [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Talos Dakora]], [[Jaseb Chevalier|Ensign Jaseb Chevalier]], [[Savel|Ensign Savel]] & [[Z'Vahme|Ensign Z'Vahme]]
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===Visitors at Casa Adea===
* [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Genkos Adea]], [[Jovenan|LT Jovenan]] & [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Gila Sadar]]
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ Unmistakable]
| [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cmdr. Dakora]] encounters a lost relative who does not belong.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Setting History Right|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
* [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Genkos Adea]], [[Jovenan|LT Jovenan]], [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Gila Sadar]] & [[Gnai|Ensign Gnai]]

Sequestered to [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Genkos Adea]]'s childhood home in Dekoa by CloQ - who also bars any attempts at leaving the homestead - the three officers find themselves thoroughly confused by the current state of affairs. Their confusion is not aided by the appearance of a young Tevet Elain, a childhood friend of the [[Genkos Adea|Commander]]'s that [[Jovenan|Lt Jovenan]] and [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] know as a vet in the future. The young Betazoid - not even ten years of age in this time - has been taking care of the city's pet inhabitants while their owners are away in one of the numerous internment camps run by the Dominion forces.<br><br>
Sequestered to [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Genkos Adea]]'s childhood home in Dekoa by CloQ - who also bars any attempts at leaving the homestead - the three officers find themselves thoroughly confused by the current state of affairs. Their confusion is not aided by the appearance of a young Tevet Elain, a childhood friend of the [[Genkos Adea|Commander]]'s that [[Jovenan|Lt Jovenan]] and [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] know as a vet in the future. The young Betazoid - not even ten years of age in this time - has been taking care of the city's pet inhabitants while their owners are away in one of the numerous internment camps run by the Dominion forces.<br><br>
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  |quote =''Purpose? ::their anger was barely concealed:: My purpose is to make your Betazoid friends confront their pasts. You’ve got mummy issues Dakora, and then the doctor here has been running from every trauma he’s ever had. He’s terrified that if he ever stops to confront any of them, well… ::they raised a brow at Genkos:: What do you think will happen, doctor?''|source = [ CloQ in Cmdr. Genkos Adea - Putting the Puzzle Together] - SD 240101.26}}
  |quote =''Purpose? ::their anger was barely concealed:: My purpose is to make your Betazoid friends confront their pasts. You’ve got mummy issues Dakora, and then the doctor here has been running from every trauma he’s ever had. He’s terrified that if he ever stops to confront any of them, well… ::they raised a brow at Genkos:: What do you think will happen, doctor?''|source = [ CloQ in Cmdr. Genkos Adea - Putting the Puzzle Together] - SD 240101.26}}
Just then, CloQ manifested before them, taunting the crew members with their inability to comprehend his grand design and reasserting his desire for entertainment. Succeeding in his intention to rile up the Betazoid [[Genkos Adea|Commander]], CloQ then promptly disappeared once more.
Just then, CloQ manifested before them, taunting the crew members with their inability to comprehend their grand design and reasserting their desire for entertainment. Succeeding in their intention to rile up the Betazoid [[Genkos Adea|Commander]], CloQ then promptly disappeared once more, leaving the group to ponder on their next move. Recalling his prior encounters with CloQ, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] ordered his subordinates to search for portals or windows connected to another place or time - a gimmick which CloQ had once used before. Locating such a window was easier said than done, but the group eventually discover one leading to the Romulus Capital, Ki Baratan, on the day of Senator Vreenek's return from his diplomatic talks with the Dominion - an event that never happened in ''their'' timeline, as Senator Vreenek had been assassinated by the Dominion by that point. Leaving behind Tevet Elain to guard the window from the other side, the Starfleet trio cross over in the hopes of setting right what went wrong.<br><br>
Whatever that means in context...<br><br>
Heading through the temporal window, the trio arrives on a walkway up in the skies of the Romulan homeworld, a world long-dead by the time of 2401. In order to stop the derailing of history, the three officers must head towards the Senate and intercept Senator Vreenek, but as they discuss how exactly to accomplish this, a Dominion vessel soars overhead. Perhaps they are already too late? Deciding that nothing could be gained by standing on a walkway in indecision, [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] leads the group into one of the connected skyscrapers, where the group encounters a very confused and very solitary [[Gnai|Ensign Gnai]]. Bringing the Ensign up to speed, the group are then surprised by a Romulan civilian nearly outing their presence on the planet, but between a bit of creative roadblocking by a clumsy [[Gila Sadar|LtJG Sadar]] and a handy canewhacking, their cover is maintained a while longer.

===On the Streets of Oxeania===
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ It's a Me, Genkos!]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] makes a dramatic reveal.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Retaking the Artemis|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
* [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. Addison MacKenzie]], [[Vitor Silveira|LT Vitor Silveira]], [[Hallia Yellir|LT Hallia Yellir]] & [[Kel Solas|Ensign Kel Solas]]
* [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. Addison MacKenzie]], [[Vitor Silveira|LT Vitor Silveira]], [[Hallia Yellir|LT Hallia Yellir]] & [[Kel Solas|Ensign Kel Solas]]
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{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims of Act 1
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ Unmistakable]
| [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cmdr. Dakora]] encounters a lost relative who does not belong.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Like a Swarm]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Like a Swarm]  
| [[Kyle Morgan|Lt. Morgan]] reflects on the current situation while under Jem'Hadar guard in Sickbay.
| [[Kyle Morgan|Lt. Morgan]] reflects on the current situation while under Jem'Hadar guard in Sickbay.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Fashion critics are the worst]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Fashion critics are the worst]  
| [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]] attempts to defend his fellow officers from a cloaked enemy in a clothing store.
| [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]] attempts to defend his fellow officers from a cloaked enemy in a clothing store.
! style="width:200px;"|[ It's a Me, Genkos!]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cmdr. Adea]] makes a dramatic reveal.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Act 2|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims of Act 2
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Act 3|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims of Act 3
! style="width:200px;"|
