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| {{Sb118Ops}} | | {{Sb118Ops}} |
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| The following is a list of Starbase 118 Non-Player Characters (NPC) and Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPC). | | Note: The following is a list of past Starbase 118 Non-Player Characters (NPC) and Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPC). This history begins when Commander {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}} was placed in command. If you wish to see the NPC history of the station prior to 2392, please click [[Starbase_118_Ops_NPC_Crew_History_pre-2392|here]]. |
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| ''Note: Please remember to include'' <nowiki>[[Category:Ops NPCs]]</nowiki> ''at the bottom of each character page you create. ''
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| ==Starbase 118 Ops==
| | {{NPCRoster|SHIP = Starbase 118 Ops |
| ===Helm & Communications=== | | |{{Dept|Red|Command}} |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0' | | |{{PNPC|Captain|Storm Bomba|Red|Commanding Officer|Storm bomba.jpg|SPECIES=Antosian|SEX=Male|PC=Sal Taybrim|USERNAME=Sal_Taybrim|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| |- | | |{{PNPC|Captain|Ty Gordon|Red|President of the Chamber of Commerce|TySB118.png|SPECIES=Terran|SEX=Male|PC=Ian West|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=Slanted}} |
| ! style="background:#800000; width:650px;" |<font color=#efe576>'''Helm & Communications'''</font>
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Christen Meyers|Red|JAG Comms Officer|6406 lautner-taylor.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0' | | |{{PNPC|Senior Chief Petty Officer|Macon Fox|Red|Captains Aide|MFOX.jpeg|SPECIES=Betazoid/Human|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| |- | | |{{hr|Redline}} |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Ensign|Tyrian Moor|Red|Auxiliary Craft Pilot & Flight Operations||SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Male|PC=K'Mal|USERNAME=KMal|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| | |{{hr|Redline}} |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| | |{{PNPC|Cadet First Class|Donovan Jammer|Red|Cadet Cruise|Roster-blank.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| | |{{Dept|Gold|Engineering}} |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Cadfael Peters|Gold|Assistant Chief Engineer|Cpeters.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Carter Greyson|USERNAME=Chythar Daniel Skyfire|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| |- | | |{{PNPC|Ensign|Lathu|Gold|Systems Diagnostics Engineer|lathu.png|SPECIES=Suliban|SEX=Male|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| |} | | |{{No Link PNPC|Master Chief Petty Officer|Anthony Jemeth|Gold|Engineering Department Master Chief|Roster-blank.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Kaitlyn Falcon|USERNAME=Robert Falcon|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| |} | | |{{PNPC|Crewman First Class|Merlin Emrys|Gold|Engineering Officer|Roster-blank.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Carter Greyson|USERNAME=Chythar Daniel Skyfire|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Gold|Security}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant|Sanara Pran|Gold|Security Officer|Roster-blank.jpg|SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Female|PC=Theo Whittaker|USERNAME=Whittaker|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Tula Kanai|Gold|Security Officer|Tula Kanai.png|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Female|PC=Tyler Kelly|USERNAME=Colt Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Ensign|Jonathan Cumar|Gold|Security Officer|CumarGold.jpg|20|10|1.25|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Carter Greyson|USERNAME=Chythar Daniel Skyfire|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link NPC|Ensign|T'Kar|Gold|Crisis Response Officer|SPECIES=Vulcan|SEX=Male|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link NPC|Chief Petty Officer|Colin Quinn|Gold|Crisis Response Officer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|Damena Vaeden|Gold|Crisis Response Officer|SPECIES=Betazoid|SEX=Female|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Crewman Second Class|Jacob McFarland|Gold|Security Officer|mcfarland.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Gold|Tactical}} |
| | |{{Dept|Teal|Medical}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant |Jest Zalz|Teal|Nurse Practitioner|2090 evans-chris2.png|SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Rebecca Gilaars|Teal|Medical Officer|Rebecca_Gilaars-Medical_2.png|SPECIES=Human/Betazoid|SEX=female|PC=Trel'lis|USERNAME=Trel'lis|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|Rubani Praya|Teal|Medical Officer|BajoranMedicalTheo zpspwcil5hm.png|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=female|PC=Whittaker|USERNAME=Whittaker|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Ensign|Alex O'Conner|Teal|Nurse|Oconner.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=male|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Ensign|Shakkar Jakobi|Teal|Medical Officer|Shakkar.png|0|35|2.0|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Male|PC=Cadfael Peters|USERNAME=Chythar Daniel Skyfire|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Petty Officer Second Class|Greywin Fergus|Teal|Nurse|Fergus1.jpg|15|10|1.65|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Cadfael Peters|USERNAME=Chythar Daniel Skyfire|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Crewman 3rd Class|H8 Blue|Teal|Nurse|Hattie.jpg|SPECIES=Nasat|SEX=Female|PC=Phrik|USERNAME=Phrik|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{hr|Tealline}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant|Aelia Zotav|Teal|Counselor|AZotav.png|SPECIES=Orion|SEX=Female|PC=Mirra Ezo|USERNAME=Mirra Ezo|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant JG|James Pritzker|Teal|Counselor|James_Pritzker-Avatar.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Trel'lis|USERNAME=Trel'lis|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Blue|Science}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lt. Commander|Ian West|Blue|R&D Officer|CmdrWest_Intel.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Ensign|Karla Wishbourne|Blue|Astrophysicist|Roster-blank.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Purple|Federation Diplomatic Corps}} |
| | |{{Dept|Green|Starfleet Marine Corps}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Marine Captain|Raymond Hughes|Green|Marine Company Leader|Hughes1.PNG|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Tatash|USERNAME=Tatash|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Marine Captain|Quintus Lucius Raisillius|Green|Marine Second-In-Command|QLRaissillius.png|SPECIES=Magna Roman|SEX=Male|PC=Trellis Vondaryan|USERNAME=Trellis Vondaryan|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Marine Captain|Jandara Tem|Green|Marine Pilot|JandaraTem.png|SPECIES=Trill|SEX=Female|PC=Trellis Vondaryan|USERNAME=Trellis Vondaryan|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Black|Intelligence}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lt. Commander|Rilem Danoel|Black|Counterintelligence Analyst|Armie-Hammer.jpg|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME=hsvbmh24|STYLE=Slanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lt. Commander|Colt Daniels|Black|Intelligence Officer|ColtAcademyInstructor.png|2||1.5|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Tyler Kelly|USERNAME=Colt Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Ensign|Declan Graham|Black|Intelligence Officer|2vmv60z.jpg|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Richard Matthews|USERNAME=Richard Matthews|STYLE=Slanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Ensign|Faran Losak|Black|Intelligence Analyst|FaranLosak.PNG|SPECIES=Al-Leyan|SEX=Female|PC=Trellis Vondaryan|USERNAME=Trellis Vondaryan|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Chief Petty Officer|Franklin Simons|Red|Intelligence Liaison|FranklinSimons.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Trellis Vondaryan|USERNAME=Trellis Vondaryan|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{Dept|Silver|Civilian}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Lieutenant|Philip Neri Styles|Black|Catholic Priest|Philip Neri Styles.png|13|||SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Baylen Anders|USERNAME= hsvbmh24|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Alivea Daniels|Silver|Tactical,Technological, And Strategy Consultant/Founder Of [[P.I.P.A]]|Alivea 1.Face.jpg||||SPECIES=[[El-Aurian]]|SEX=Female|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Meena Harper|Silver|Jaded Vixen's Main Pilot/Co-Founder Of [[P.I.P.A]]|MEH Face.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Hologram]]/Android|SEX=Female|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Killian Jowns|Silver|Civilian Psychiatrist/Diplomatic Liason|Smile.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Romulan]]/[[Vulcan]]|SEX=Male|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Mathias Duncan|Silver|FNS Reporter/[[P.I.P.A]] Agent|Duncan 1.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Betazoid]]|SEX=Male|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Illiam Brax|Silver|Civilian Doctor/[[P.I.P.A]] Agent|Will Brax 2.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Trill]]|SEX=Male|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Ra'Dar Dregen|Silver|Security for [[Brax-Jowns Mental and Physical Health Clinic]]/[[P.I.P.A]] Agent|Ra'dar 1.jpg||||SPECIES=1/4 [[Antican]]; 1/4 [[Caitian]]; 1/2 [[El-Aurian]]|SEX=Male|PC=Olen Daniels|USERNAME=Olen Daniels|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{NPC|Civilian|Annie Lopez|Silver|Nurse for [[Brax-Jowns Mental and Physical Health Clinic]]|Annie Lopez.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Human]]|SEX=Female|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{NPC|Civilian|Rose Bennet|Silver|Secretary for [[Brax-Jowns Mental and Physical Health Clinic]]|Rose Bennet.jpg||||SPECIES=[[Human]]|SEX=Female|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Civilian|Marshal James Paul|Silver|Chief of Police|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Ian West|USERNAME=Hsvbmh24|STYLE=Slanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Civilian|Vaik Bree|Silver|Civilian||SPECIES=|SEX=Female|PC=Arden Cain|USERNAME=Arden Cain|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Civilian|Nathan Keal|Silver|Pub Owner||SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Kaitlyn Falcon|USERNAME=Robert Falcon|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Civilian|Vera Yanis-Keal|Silver|Civilian||SPECIES=Andorian|SEX=Female|PC=Kaitlyn Falcon|USERNAME=Robert Falcon|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{No Link PNPC|Civilian|Aliyah Sereen|Silver|Accountant||SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Female|PC=Tatash|USERNAME=Tatash||STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Tabitha Gard|Silver|Child|Tabitha Gard.png|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|PC=Rustyy Hael|USERNAME=Rustyy Hael|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | |{{PNPC|Civilian|Taxo|Silver|Son|Taxo.jpg|SPECIES=Human/El-Aurian|SEX=Male|PC=Zinna|USERNAME=Zinna|STYLE=RetroSlanted}} |
| | }} |
| |
| ===Operations===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
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| ! colspan="4" style="background:#d28102; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Operations'''</font>
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| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
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| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E2-Crew2nd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Crewman, 2nd Class
| |
| ![[Dupuis, Remy|Remy Dupuis]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Captain's Yeoman'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Crewman, 3rd Class
| |
| ![[Julen, Kay|Kay Julen]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Captain's Yeoman'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Engineering===
| | [[Category:StarBase 118 Ops|NPC Crew]] |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
| | [[Category:Ops NPCs|*]] |
| |-
| | [[Category:Non-Playing Character Crew Histories]] |
| ! colspan="4" style="background:#d28102; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Engineering'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:03-Lt-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Damon, Zygami|Damon Zygami]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Electrical Engineer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Ethne, Ladon|Ethne]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:03-Lt-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Wassner, Danice|Danice Wassner]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Technical Starship Specialist'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Ethne, Ladon|Ethne]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Th&ndy]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Circuitry Expert'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Taiven, Kiarna|Kiarna Taiven]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Engineering Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Reed, Sakorra|Reed]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Maes, Alice|Alice Maes]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Quantum Mechanical Analyst'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Martinez, George|George Martinez]]
| |
| !style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''General Engineering Expert'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Candar]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Engineering Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Sasak]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E4-PO3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Petty Officer, 3rd Cl.
| |
| ![[Arisu, Midori|Midori Arisu]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Transporter Chief'''</font>
| |
| ! NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Crewman, 3rd Class
| |
| ![[Blaze, Elizabeth|Elizabeth Blaze]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Technician'''</font>
| |
| ! PNPC ([[Atimen, Nemitor|Atimen]])
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Security & Tactical===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! colspan="4" style="background:#d28102; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Security & Tactical'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:03-Lt-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Reed, Lincoln|Lincoln Reed]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Reed, Sakorra|Reed]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:03-Lt-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Hightower, Moses|Moses Hightower]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security Officer'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E4-PO3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Petty Officer
| |
| ![[Naslund, Matthias|Matthias Naslund]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security Officer'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E3-Crew1st-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Crewman, 1st Class
| |
| ![[Argoff, Vex|Vex Argoff]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Assitant to the Chief of Security'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E4-PO3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Petty Officer, 3rd Class
| |
| ![[Pitik, Danilo|Danilo Pitik]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Tan, Alleran|Tan]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E1-Crew3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Crewman
| |
| ![[Jufalal, Amra|Amra Jufalal]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:E4-PO3rd-Gold.png]]
| |
| !Petty Officer, 3rd Class
| |
| ![[Fleming, Theodore |Theo Fleming]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color=#d28102>'''Security Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Shan, Darren|Shan]])
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Medical===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
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| ! colspan="4" style="background:#00008B; width:650px;" |<font color=#efe576>'''Medical'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
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| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:110px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Blue.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Netial, Kale|Kale Netial]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Blue">'''Doctor'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Reed, Sakorra|Reed]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Blue.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Rox, Nilan|Nilan Rox]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Blue">'''Doctor'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Sasak]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:01-Ens-Blue.png]]
| |
| !Ensign
| |
| ![[Taneko]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Blue">'''Nurse'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Sasak]])
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Science===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
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| ! colspan="4" style="background:#00008B; width:650px;" |<font color=#efe576>'''Science'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
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| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
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| |}
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| |}
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| ===Marines===
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| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
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| ! colspan="4" style="background:#006600; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Marines'''</font>
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| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
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| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:M02-1Lt-Green.png]]
| |
| !1st Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Adrura, Jill|Jill Adrura]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Marine Officer'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Ethne, Ladon|Ethne]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:M01-2Lt-Green.png]]
| |
| !2nd Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Fontana, Dorothy|Dorothy Fontana]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Operations Coordinator'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:MW2-CWO3-Green.png]]
| |
| !Chief Warrant Officer, 3rd Class
| |
| ![[Klimqiw, Estovar|Estovar Klimqiw]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Terrain Analysis Technician'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:MW1-WO-Green.png]]
| |
| !Warrant Officer
| |
| ![[Smithers, Tom|Tom Smithers,(Dodger)]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Pilot'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:ME9-SgtMjr-Green.png]]
| |
| !Sergeant Major
| |
| ![[Tomar Re]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Marine/Pilot'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:ME6-SSgt-Green.png]]
| |
| !Staff Sergeant
| |
| ![[Kildare, Chris|Chris Kildare]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Demolitions'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Somers, Alexandria|Somers]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:ME4-Cpl-Green.png]]
| |
| !Corporal
| |
| ! [[Jackson, Moses|Moses Jackson]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Marine Specialist'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:ME2-Pvt1st-Green.png]]
| |
| !Private, First Class
| |
| ![[Ovad, Hyvas|Hyvas Ovad]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="green">'''Marine'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Ambassadorial===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! colspan="4" style="background:#black; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Ambassadors'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:03-Lt-Black.png]]
| |
| !Lieutenant
| |
| ![[Estrane, Flaurine|Flaurine Estrane]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Black">'''General Envoy'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Greekle]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:A-Amb-Black.png]]
| |
| !Ambassador
| |
| ![[Dion, Yiroth|Yiroth Dion]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="black">'''Romulan Attache'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[T'Reshik]])
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Unassigned/Unspecified===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! colspan="4" style="background:#111111; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Unassigned/Unspecified'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| !
| |
| !
| |
| !
| |
| !
| |
| !
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===Civilians and Pets===
| |
| {| border='2' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! colspan="4" style="background:#808080; width:650px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Civilians & Pets'''</font>
| |
| {| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| |
| |-
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Insignia'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Rank'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:250px;" |'''Character Name'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:200px;" |'''Current Post'''
| |
| ! style="background:#c4bfb8; width:100px;" |'''Status'''
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Carte, Alla|Alla Carte]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Chef'''</font>
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Sabek]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Relation'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Reed, Sakorra|Reed]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Satelk]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Relation'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Reed, Sakorra|Reed]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Fuzzy]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Pet'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Greekle]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Professor Codswallop's Emporium|Archibald T. Wiggins]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Shopkeeper'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Whale, David|Whale]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Adrura, Colette|Colette Adrura]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Roboticist and Cyberneticist'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Ethne, Ladon|Ethne]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Kona]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Cook and Owner of [[The Mess Hall]]'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Sasak]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Tamisit, Neera|Neera Tamisit]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Occupation Unknown'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Sasak]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Gibson, Sherry|Sherry Gibson]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Investigative Reporter'''
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Juhani]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Trader'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Whale, David|Whale]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Pet
| |
| ![[Tweeko]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Merchant's Pet'''
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Roxy]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Tea Room Employee'''
| |
| !PNPC ([[Whale, David|Whale]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Kasi]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Tea Room Employee'''
| |
| !NPC
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Shan Kyle|Kyle Shan]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Relation'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Shan, Darren|Shan]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Shan Alexander|Alex Shan]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Relation'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Shan, Darren|Shan]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[Shan, Debbie|Debbie Shan]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Crew Relation'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Shan, Darren|Shan]])
| |
| |-
| |
| ![[Image:00-Blank-Silver.png]]
| |
| !Civilian
| |
| ![[E'Brelle]]
| |
| ! style="background:#dddddd;" |<font color="Gray">'''Orion Free Trader'''</font>
| |
| !PNPC ([[Kelly, Michael|Kelly]])
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| [[Category:StarBase 118 Ops|Crew]] | |
| [[Category:StarBase 118 Ops]] | |