The Trinity-Serellan Defense Fleet: Difference between revisions

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{{mergefrom|StarBase 118 Ops Support Vessels}}
[[Image:Trinity_Sector.jpg|left|200px|thumb]]Starfleet's '''Trinity-Serellan Defense Fleet''' is a fleet of Federation starships that operate from [[Starbase 118]] under the command of [[Drawoh, Rocar|Fleet Captain Rocar]]. The small fleet is based here to assist with administration in the Trinity-Serellan region of space, an area of major strategic importance at the crux of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space. The primary duty of the fleet is to defend and patrol the area around StarBase 118, while the secondary mission is to support and defend the interests of Starfleet, including colonies, bases, and member planets. The fleet has jurisdiction across three sectors:

*the [[Trinity Sector]]
*the [[Serellan Sector]]
Starfleet's '''Trinity-Serellan Defense Fleet''' is a small fleet of Federation starships that operate in the region of space near [[Starbase 118]], providing support to the area due to its crucial status as the crux of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space.The primary duty of the fleet is to support and defend the interests of Starfleet, including colonies, bases, and member planets.
*the [[Jenatris Cloud Sector]]
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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Jurisdiction|150|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}</h3>

During peace time the ships in Starbase 118's Defense Fleet fall into one of four categories:
*Patrol Duties
*Hot Standby
*Cool Standby
*Medical/Science Support

The vessels making up the Trinity-Serellan Defense Fleet rotate depending on Starfleet's requirements elsewhere and on the commanding Fleet Captain's desired configuration. The current configuration of Starbase 118's Defense Fleet during this rotation is detailed below.
<h2>[[Trinity Sector]]</h2>
<h2>[[Serellan Sector]]</h2>
<h2>[[Jenatris Cloud Sector]]</h2>
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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Current Fleet Vessels|250|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}</h3>

==Patrol Duty==
To protect [[Starbase 118]] against surprise attacks, a patrol and monitor group maintains an around-the-clock watch on the base "in the air." This group currently consists of:

* an escort ship (currently  the [[USS Phoenix-C]])
* 2 squadrons of [[The Fighter Guide|fighters]]
|USS Avalon-A
* 1 squadron of [[ma:Type-9 shuttlecraft|Type 9]] support shuttles.
|BLURB=The USS Avalon-A is a starship under the command of '''Captain Lora Joreis''' that operates in the Trinity Sector and Jenatris cloud. The vessel assisted with retaking '''Starbase 118''' during the [[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Sal_Taybrim/Edge_of_Glory|Edge of Glory]] in 2394.
|USS Benjamin Franklin
|BLURB=This science vessel was once stationed in the [[Ithassa Region]], but went missing in early 2384. The ship was later recovered and brought back to the Trinity Sector for repairs and for re-assignment, eventually being reassigned to the Trinity-Serellan Defense Fleet.
|USS Braveheart
|BLURB=This medical vessel has served for over a decade, most notably in 2385 and 2388 where it provided various forms of assistance to the crew of '''Starbase 118'''. Its primary focus is medical studies, research, and missions of mercy.
|USS Rahuba
|RELATIONSHIP=Cheyenne Class
|PICTURE=Cheyenne class.jpg
|BLURB=The USS Rahuba is a newly commissioned [[Cheyenne class]] ship under the command of [[Velidra Dofar]].  Its purpose is to support and assist the crew of '''Starbase 118'''.  It's primary focus is to aid in defense, but contains up to date technology that make it useful for scientific missions as well. 
|USS Tribal
|PICTURE=Aegian class.jpg
|BLURB=Badly damaged when it attempted to intercept [[Haz Arrhimen]] in 2392, this vessel was then aided by the {{USS|Albion}} and {{USS|Avalon}}. Such aid ensured that the ''USS Tribal'' was able to undergo repairs and then eventually return to service.
|USS Typhoon
|RELATIONSHIP=Ambassador Class
|PICTURE=Enterprise C beauty shot.jpg
|BLURB=The USS Typhoon is a formerly-retired starship that was refitted with the Cyclone II upgrades and returned to service. She assisted with the evacuation of '''Starbase 118''' due to a Class 11 neutrino storm in 2394, transporting the families of some of the station's crew to [[Raskor|Raskor I]].
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<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Past Fleet Vessels|200|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}</h3>

Whilst on patrol duty, the USS Phoenix-C remains flanked by one squadron of fighters, while the other squadron of fighters maintains a defensive posture in the opposite quadrant of the base's orbital zone. The patrol vessels use a random pattern of movement to ensure that timed surprise attacks based on movement are not possible. The patrols, however, coordinate their movements via encrypted channels to ensure adequate coverage.

Fighter squadrons and support shuttles rotate in staggered shifts of four hours, while the main escort vessel maintains patrol in constantly until required to return to dock for repairs or service. Crews aboard the escort vessel rotate internally, and when necessary can transport back to the base, or utilize a shuttle ferry.
*{{USS|Avalon}} - Patrol Vessel, destroyed on ''239309.15''
*{{USS|Phoenix-C}} - Patrol Vessel
*{{USS|Steadfast-A}} - Patrol Vessel
*{{USS|Ranger-A}} - Cool Standby Vessel
*{{USS|Resolution}} - Research/Laboratory Ship
*{{USS|Arrow}} - Patrol vessel. Assigned to Alpha Isles region under command of Commander [[Randal Shayne]] on stardate 239706.22.

<table border="2" height="625" width="500" align="center">
[[Category:StarBase 118 Support Vessels]]
<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Steam detail.gif|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" height="225" width="275">[[USS Phoenix-C|USS Phoenix]]<br> ''Patrol vessel''<br>NCC-65403-C<br> [[Steamrunner-Wolverine class]] [[Starfleet Starships: Escorts|Escort]] vessel</td>
</table><br /><br />
==Hot Standby==
The fleet has two ships which are are kept docked at Starbase 118 as a backup to the main patrol outside the station. These two vessels are on hot standby. On the current rotation these are the [[USS Aegis]] and the [[USS Columbia]]. These two ships remain docked at Starbase 118 and are ready to launch on five-minutes notice. The two hot standby ships are designated to responding to any situations that might crop up within the region. To this end, a specially-trained StarBase crew man's these craft as a skeleton crew for the battle-ready designated vessels. Oftentimes either the USS Aegis or the [[USS Columbia]] may be moved to mission active status and used by Starbase 118's command staff to follow up leads or react to specific situations. When this occurs, the smaller ship, [[USS Arrow]], moves on to hot standby to ensure that there are always two battle-ready vessels ready to leave Starbase 118 within five minutes. When the USS Arrow is not performing this duty, she is used to run escort protecting special cargo shipments or V.I.P.s in transit.
<table border="2" height="625" width="500" align="center">
<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Aegis.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" width="275">[[USS Aegis]]<br> ''Hot standby/primary support vessel''<br> NCC-74323<br > [[ma:Norway class|Norway Class]]  [[Starfleet Starships: Escorts|Escort]] vessel
<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Columbiawiki.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" height="225" width="275">[[USS Columbia]]<br> ''Hot standby vessel''<br>NCC-85279<br> [[ma:Nebula class|Nebula Class]]</td>
<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:arrowwiki.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" height="225" width="275">[[USS Arrow]]<br> ''Hot standby backup vessel''<br>NCC-69829<br> [[ma:Saber class|Saber Class]]  [[Starfleet Starships: Escorts|Escort]] vessel</td>
These ships are supported by:
* 2 squadrons of [[The Fighter Guide|fighters]]
* 1 squadron of [[ma:Type-9 shuttlecraft|Type 9]] support shuttles.
In the event that these three permanently stationed vessels are unavailable, one of the StarFleet vessels which are in dock for resupply or shore-leave will be designated as the battle-ready vessel. Whenever possible, if the battle-ready vessel is a visiting (temporary) ship, more than one will be designated as battle-ready to allow an "on" and "off-shift" for the skeleton crew so as to allow the ship's own crew the chance to disembark.
==Cool Standby==
The fleet's cool standby vessel is currently the [[USS Constitution]], which remains docked at [[Starbase 118]] awaiting assignment. A heavy cruiser, the cool standby vessel is ready to launch on thirty-minutes notice so as to respond to any situations that might crop up within the region. When on cool standby, the USS Constitution interfaces with Starbase 118's computers to keep tabs on it's crew, who are expected to utilize the Constitution's internal transporter systems to report for duty if the need arises. Due to the necessity of proper resource utilization, the cool standby vessel will often be rotated, to allow these valuable ships to see time in the field. If a heavy frigate is not available, up to three light frigates can be substituted at Starfleet's discretion.
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<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Constitution-B.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" width="275">[[USS Constitution]]<br> ''Cool Standby vessel''<br>NCC-0912-B<br> [[ma:Galaxy class|Galaxy Class]]</td>
The cool standby vessel is supported by:
* 15 squadrons of fighters
* 4 squadrons of support shuttles (any type)
==Medical/Scientific Support==
Medical vessels, such as the ''Geneva''-, ''Graceful''- and ''[[ma:Olympic_class|Olympic]]''-class vessels, are much more predictable in their configuration and missions. Dedicated to healing the injured, treating the sick, and pushing back the frontiers of medical knowledge, they have saved uncounted millions of Federation lives. Instead of flying "patrols," they go where ordered by Starfleet Medical or Starfleet Command, or accompany large contingents of ships heading into battle or other dangerous situations (though they carefully remain to the rear and display their medical emblems prominently).
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<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Olympic.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" height="225" width="275">'''[[USS Braveheart]]'''<br> ''Hospital Ship''<br>NCC-55241<br> [[ma:Olympic_class|Olympic]]</td>
==Research/Laboratory Vessels==
Scientific pursuits remain at the forefront of Starfleet's agenda, and it is justly proud of its Research and Laboratory vessels. Ranging from the smaller ''Fermi''-class "flying laboratory," which conducts experiments in zero-g and other space environments, to the large ''[[ma:Nova_class|Nova]]''-class planetary surveyor, they tend to be highly specialized. Many are modular, allowing different laboratory modules to be swapped in and out to reconfigure the ship for a specific mission with relatively little effort.
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<td align="center" width="300">[[Image:Nova-beauty-800x600.jpg|300px|center]]</td>
<td align="center" colspan="3" height="225" width="275">[[USS Resolution]]<br> ''Research/Laboratory Ship''<br>NCC--B<br> [[ma:Nova_class|Nova]]</td>
[[Category:StarBase 118]]
[[Category:SB118 Fleet]]
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