Valesha Sienelis: Difference between revisions

Small update to relationships.
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(Small update to relationships.)
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{| class="infobox" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" width=240 align="right"
|NAME = Harry Kim
!colspan=100% style="background:SteelBlue" class="whitelinks"|<font color="white">'''[[USS Gorkon]]'''
|SHIP = USS Voyager
|RANK = Ensign
!colspan=100% style="background:black"|{{Portrait|Sienelis (2399 Uniform).png}}<br>{{Pips2Collar|Lieutenant|Blue|PIC}}
|PIPSTYLE = Default
|POST = Operations Officer
!colspan=100% style="background:SteelBlue" class="whitelinks"|<font color="white">Valesha Sienelis
|COLOR = Gold
|SPECIES = Human
| colspan=100% style="font-size: 90%" |
|GENDER = Male
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
|'''Full Name'''
|Valesha ir-Jhianhre e-Yanovna t'Sienelis
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
|BIRTHPLACE = South Carolina, Earth
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|Late Twenties/Early thirties
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
|Jhianhre Province, Romulus
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
|'''[[T/E Rating System|T/E Rating]]'''
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
!colspan=100% |{{Ribbons Rack
|Captain's Commendation|
|Prisoner of War Ribbon|
|Purple Heart|4
|Explorer's Ribbon|4
|First Contact Ribbon|
|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|
|Maiden Voyage Ribbon|
|Distinguished Service Ribbon|
|Good Conduct Ribbon|
|Legion of Merit|
|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon|
|Prometheus Ribbon|
|War of Shadows Ribbon|
|Warp XV Drive Pioneer|
|Project Capstone Ribbon|3
|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|4
:''Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!''
'''Valesha Sienelis''', a refugee from Romulus in the wake of the [[Hobus|Hobus disaster]], currently serves in Starfleet as the '''Assistant Chief Science Officer''' aboard the [[USS Gorkon]].

<!--Let's start with your sidebar! Take out Harry Kim's info above and put in your own character's information. Valid colors are Red, Gold, Blue, Teal, Violet, Black, Silver, and Green. Remember those colors as we'll be using them for the section headers in the rest of this bio.
* '''Height''': 1.78m (5' 10")
* '''Build''': Slim, boyish
* '''Hair''': Black, short
* '''Eyes''': Green

Not all ranks are available in all colors. Use full rank names (except for Lieutenant JG and Lt. Commander, and Lt. Colonel). Pipstyle can be changed from Default to DS9 or Slanted. See the table later in this bio for examples of each. There is also an extra STO pip set, but it works best in the table rather than in the sidebar.
Valesha is a tall young woman, with a slim, boyish figure. Her skin is pale, crying out for a touch of real sunlight, and tinted ever-so-slightly by her copper blood. A long-standing practice of martial arts is visible in the defined outlines of lean muscle, and a languid, precise grace of movement. Emerald eyes are keen with a sharp intellect, sometimes distant if she drifts off into her busy inner world. Her dark hair is worn short, though she avoids the traditional, severe crops of her people. She uses few cosmetics, though she does have an occasional fondness for statement lip colour, and her only perfume is that of soap.  

For date of birth, add a leading zero for single digit months and dates. The sidebar will automatically calculate your character's age as well.

If you have an image for your character, add the file name for it such as EnsignSmith.jpg in the last field.
INTP - The Logician
Valesha is independent, adaptable and creative, possessing a fiercely logical and analytical mind. She often brings a unique perspective on a situation, and has a sharp eye for patterns and discrepancies. This also translates into a good ability to read people, and she's often quick to spot a lie. "Traditional" goals such as popularity and stability mean little to her, and she can be restless and temperamental, particularly if she doesn't feel intellectually challenged. She has an appreciation for action and risk, exemplified by her choice of career and leisure activities.

Do NOT put [[ or ]] or File: in the name. The template will automatically resize your image to fit the sidebar.
Her constantly busy mind can have the effect of making her look pensive and detached, while she's actually conducting a full-fledged debate in her own head. With people she knows, or who share her interests, she can be relaxed and friendly, though she never quite loses that sarcastic edge. If she believes her conclusions or theories are being unduly criticised, her attitude can quickly turn combative and her sarcasm can become deliberately cutting.

If you don't have an image for your character, just leave that field blank and a placeholder will show up instead. You can use the "EXTRA" field if you want to add something else to the bottom of your sidebar such as another image, a badge such as the Featured Bio Contest winner badge or links to subpages such as an academy transcript or a medical record. If you don't want to add anything, just leave it blank as well.
She isn't easy to make friends with; relationships tend to form with those she shares a common interest or train of thought. In those cases, the connection sparks instantly and can surprise those who consider her distant. Those who have sharply differing tastes may only find a stony demeanour that borders on the rude.

Once you're done, we'll move onto the introductory sentence/paragraph for your character below!-->
{| style="width:100%" cellpadding="1"
! colspan="2" |
! style="background:white; width:150px;" |'''Strengths'''
! style="background:white; width:150px;" |'''Weaknesses'''
* Analytical, abstract thinker
* Imaginative and original
* Open-minded
* Objective
* Honest and straightforward
* Very private, withdraws easily
* Insensitive
* Condescending
* Can struggle with rules and guidelines
* Insecure

('''Your rank and name''') is currently serving as a ('''your duty post''') aboard the ({{USS|Your Ship}}). (A table of contents will be automatically generated below this line - you won't see it in the edit window but it'll be right there once you save the page!)

===<font color=SteelBlue>Hobbies</font>===
* '''Height''': (Add your stats after each bullet point)
'''Swimming and Underwater Diving''': With the luxury of rivers and a lake near the family home, Valesha enjoyed swimming and often spent hours in the water with her brother. As she grew older, her love of the water expanded to include snorkelling and scuba diving. Since arriving in the Federation, she has taken full advantage of holodecks and holidays to visit a variety of diving spots.
* '''Weight''':
* '''Hair''':
* '''Eyes''':
* '''Build''':

'''Martial Arts''': On the insistence of her father, Valesha is a long-term student of Ch'Vashrek. Her lessons were focused on a variation that involves rapid, hard and direct assaults intended to incapacitate as swiftly as possible. Since leaving the Empire, she practises in holodeck programs, rather than against real opponents.  
Whom does your character get on with or not get on with? For now, pick one member of your current crew and enter their name below, then describe the nature of your character's relationship with them.

* [[(Name of character)]]
'''Ballet''': After resisting for years in an illusionary reality, and months thereafter in the real world, Valesha finally agreed to let [[Christopher Johns|Chris Johns]] teach her ballet when they were stationed aboard the [[USS Juneau]]. It didn't take her long to fall in love with the art and she is now a dedicated student, practising regularly under the instruction of her partner.
(Description Here)

'''Dressmaking''': Born into a house-clan of artisans and craftsmen, Valesha was encouraged to create by hand as much as possible, rather than replicate. Her brother was the cook and gardener in the household, while she turned her hand to clothes making and household maintenance.

{{Heading|(Background/Personality/Career History)|Gold}}
'''Literature''': With full access to the Federation's extensive libraries, she makes an effort to read seminal and classic works from across the known galaxy.
In the coding above, delete two of the headings so that only one remains. You can then type here as if you were writing on notepad to drop in some information about your character. If you want to use bullets, copy and paste the star above. You can also look on the forums and the wiki for tutorials on how to use more adventurous coding. Want to include sections for Background, Personality AND Career History? Just copy the code for the title bar above, then paste it in type in the title you want - you can add extra sections in too!

{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}
===<font color=SteelBlue>Quarters</font>===
:''Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. Again, not all ranks are available in all colors and/or pipstyles. You can change pips from the default to a different style such as [[Template:DS9Pips|DS9]], [[Template:STOPips|STO]], or [[Template:SlantedPips|Slanted]] by adding DS9, STO, or Slanted after the color.''
Valesha shares quarters with her husband [[Christopher Johns|Chris]], and the evidence of their shared and separate interests are on full display. Music, often cello, is a frequent hear in the background, and it's not unusual to encounter the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the air. A pair of framed pointe shoes, one with a decisively snapped shank, are displayed in a box frame bearing the date 239612.14, and dancewear sometimes litters furniture and floor after a late or exhausting practise session. Books, either physical or stored on a PADD are a common sight on side tables in the living room and bedroom. Shells, corals and underwater pictures from Valesha's dives are on display, dotted about on shelves and tables, including an image of Chris looking bewildered at a starfish crawling along his hand. There are often rolls of fabric, sewing threads, needles, pins and scissors piled on her desk, accompanying the most recent garment she's creating.  

{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
===<font color=SteelBlue>Family</font>===
{| style="width:90%" cellpadding="1" align=center
! colspan="2" |
!  colspan="100%" style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Service History
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:120px" |Insignia
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Name'''</font>
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:200px;" |Rank
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Relationship'''</font>
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:200px;" |Dates
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:350px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Description'''</font>
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Posting
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold}}
![[File:Christopher Johns NW.png|120px|link=Christopher Johns]]<br>[[Christopher Johns|Chris Sienelis <small>(née Johns)</small>]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you completed your Academy Class)
|Fast friends for many years in the dreamscape of the Maquis Raider [[Sweet Dreams Are Made of This (Gorkon)|Skarbek]], they awoke to find that that had barely exchanged names in reality, their closeness there a simple result of physical proximity when they were sent to sleep. Unable to shake off the sense of loss that came with the absence of one another's company, they decided to see how a friendship would work for real. And work it did, the pair easily falling into the same rhythms they shared on the Skarbek, including keeping silent about the true nature of their feelings for one another. It was after a close brush with death that Valesha finally confessed her love, and was both delighted and relieved that it was reciprocated. The couple became engaged on [ 239612.14] and married on [ 239808.07].
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Duty Post you Graduated as)
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|Slanted}}
! colspan="3" |<hr>
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your first ship) - (When you left)
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your first ship}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Gold|DS9}}
![[File:Taeval Sienelis.png|100px|link=Taeval Sienelis]]<br>[[Taeval Sienelis|Taeval ir-Jhianhre tr'Sienelis]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant JG
|<center>Brother (twin)</center>
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your second ship) - (When you left)
|Younger than Valesha by a matter of minutes, the pair were inseparable as children and still close as adults. When nearby, the twins were able to share their thoughts in a vestigial form of telepathy and even when apart, could often sense the other's mood.
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your second ship}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
They were separated in the rush to board the refugee ships as the wavefront of the Hobus supernova approached Romulus. She has not seen him since, and after several years of searching, came to accept that he died on Romulus with so many others. This was until a chance conversation with [[Geoffrey Teller|Geoff Teller]] aboard the [[USS Juneau]], who revealed he had seen her brother on [[Ketar V]].
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Mirra Sienelis.jpg|100px|link=Mirra Sienelis]]<br>[[Mirra Sienelis|Mirra ir-Jhianhre e-Llhranak t'Sienelis]]
|<center>Niece (Adopted)</center>
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Noimage.jpg|100px]]<br>Llaiira ir-Jhianhre t'Sienelis
|<center>Mother <br><small>''Deceased''</small></center>
|Valesha's mother was a no-nonsense woman; discreet, sometimes stubborn, firm but fair, and devoted to her family. She raised her two children to be independent and self-sufficient, eschewing many modern conveniences such as a household replicator. Llaiira was dedicated to her house-clan's craft of smithing, and Sienelis blades were prized among the upper echelons of Romulan society.
She died on one of the refugee ships fleeing the Hobus disaster, when life support failed in one of the cargo bays.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Noimage.jpg|100px]]<br>''Withheld''<!--Traian i-Ra'tleihfi e-Valai tr'Saeihraoi-->
|The identity of Valesha's father is a secret she keeps closely guarded, allowing most people to believe that he perished along with the rest of her family in the Hobus disaster. She is caught in a love-hate relationship with him, resenting his heavy-handed attempts to interfere with her life, but misses him far more than she's willing to admit.
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your current ship) - Present
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your current ship}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)

{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Gold}}
===<font color=SteelBlue>Friends and Associates</font>===
* (''We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional [[awards]] and [[service ribbons]] that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out [[Template:Ribbons Display]].'')
{| style="width:90%" cellpadding="1" align=center
! colspan="2" |
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Name'''</font>
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Relationship'''</font>
! style="background:SteelBlue; width:350px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Description'''</font>
![[File:Caedan-Nkai-1.jpg|100px|link=Caedan Nkai]]<br>[[Caedan Nkai]]
|<center>Best Friend</center>
|It seems to Valesha that Caedan simply decided that one day they were friends, and that's how it's been ever since. His telepathic abilities are a frequent source of frustration and annoyance for her, but his easy-going and affectionate manner compensates, and she appreciates his care, company and advice. He has recently begun attempts to encourage her to socialise with his wider circle of friends, which she finds awkward and pleasing in equal amounts.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:BearMarshall.jpg|100px|link=Orson Marshall]]<br>[[Orson Marshall]]
|<center>Partner in "Crime"</center>
|A friendship born out of forced association rather than choice, Valesha began with an intense dislike of the elder Marshall [[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|during their time as "fugitives"]], not least because of his actions in selling their exit from the Gorkon. Over time, she reluctantly grew fond of the man whose sarcasm equals her own, and while she's not sure if they're actually ''friends'', she would go out of her way to help him. While complaining. Constantly.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Veritas-Teller.png|100px|link=Geoffrey Teller]]<br>[[Geoffrey Teller|Geoff Teller]]
|Valesha and Geoff Teller first met aboard the [[USS Juneau]], when she walked into a vacant science lab to discover it had become an impromptu coffee house. One conversation later and he had revealed that her twin was likely still alive, earning her lifelong gratitude. Over the course of their tour on the Juneau, which involved a fair few games of poker, she grew fond of the enthusiastic engineer and considers him a friend.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Walter Brunsig.jpg|100px|link=Walter Brunsig]]<br>[[Walter Brunsig]]
|<center>Partner in Crime</center>
|An odd friendship born out of a shared criminal act — that of stealing the [[USS Yarahla]] — Valesha and Walter Brunsig have kept in touch since. As neither is particularly given to calling the other up over subspace, this mostly occurs when he is visiting the Gorkon and usually over some kind of alcoholic beverage.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Quinn_Reynolds.jpg|100px|center|link=Quinn Reynolds]]<br>[[Quinn Reynolds]]
|<center>Academy Sponsor</center>
|Quinn Reynolds was one of the first Starfleet officers that Valesha encountered, and the one that left a significant impression upon her. The pair first met during the [[USS Drake|USS Drake's]] mission to escort a refugee caravan after the destruction of [[Hobus supernova|Romulus]]. After being convinced of Valesha's genuine desire to serve in Starfleet, Reynolds sponsored her entry to the academy, and they kept in touch during her student years and afterwards. When the Gorkon [[Annus_Horribilis_(Gorkon)|was declared lost]], it was her connection to Quinn that spurred Valesha's determination to see the ship rescued, whatever it took. It was a sentiment repaid years later, when Reynolds extricated her from false charges of treason, espionage and murder.
! colspan="3" |<hr>
![[File:Cropped Kells.jpg|100px|link=Aron Kells]]<br>[[Aron Kells]]
|<center>Friend and Mentor</center>
|Valesha and Aron first met when the [[USS Drake|Starfleet vessel]] he served on escorted a caravan of Romulan refugee ships into Federation territory. The then science officer encouraged Valesha to follow her dream of a scientific career, vouching for her when she made her application. The pair kept in contact throughout her time at Starfleet Academy, and were briefly reunited during her time serving on the [[USS Invicta]]. Though they now serve in different regions of the galaxy, they still keep in loose touch.
<!--===<font color=SteelBlue>Colleagues</font>===-->
{{Heading|Personal History|Blue}}
Valesha was born and raised in the Jhianhre province, in a small, quiet settlement some distance from the city of Tal K'shir. She shared the family home with her mother and her twin brother, Taeval. It is a time she remembers very fondly, growing up happy and healthy, with very few troubles. As the twins grew older and matured into adolescence, their father began to pressure both his children to take a career in the military, so that they might follow in his footsteps one day. Neither had much interest -- Valesha wanted to study science, while Taeval dreamed of travel and becoming an author.
The tug of war between father and children was never resolved. The Hobus star went supernova, the explosion propagating through subspace. At the last minute, their father secured a space on the refugee ships for his children and mistress. Taeval was separated from his mother and sister as they boarded, and the ship lifted off without him. Valesha has not seen him since, and officials consider him deceased along with the majority of Romulus' population.
Conditions in the refugee caravan were poor. Cramped and overcrowded, it was not unusual for vital systems to fail with little warning due. Valesha lost her mother when one of the cargo bays that served as sleeping quarters lost its inertial dampening, with catastrophic consequences for those inside.
Eventually, the Federation agreed to assist the refugees, allowing them inside Federation borders and rehoming them in temporary camps on Vulcan. It was during this journey that she met [[Quinn Reynolds]] and [[Aron Kells]], two Starfleet officers who would change her entire future. Kells was a fellow scientist, and the pair bonded over their shared interests. It was he who encouraged her entry into Starfleet, Reynolds who sponsored her entry into the academy, and the three kept in contact throughout her training.
Frequently transferred around the fleet at the start of her career, Valesha found it hard to settle, and ran up against anti-Romulan sentiment more than once. When the USS Gorkon [[Annus_Horribilis_(Gorkon)|went missing]], she took a leave of absence and was able to discover what had happened to the ship, but ignored by senior officers. This resulted in her bringing her findings to then Commander [[Walter Brunsig]] and becoming a member of the ''Yarahla Nine'', a group of Starfleet officers and civilians who stole the [[USS Yarahla]] and used it to rescue the missing ship. Strong public opinion and private sympathies saw the Nine avoid any legal consequences, though her participation stalled Valesha's career and she remained an ensign for some time. After a brief time in limbo, she was posted to the Gorkon.
She served aboard the Sovereign-class vessel until spring 2396, when she was arrested on charges of espionage, treason and murder. With the aid of [[Orson "Bear" Marshall]], she broke out of the brig and escaped from Federation borders, adding further charges of theft and escaping from custody. On their return to the Gorkon, it was revealed that their "escape" had been part of an undercover Starfleet Intelligence operation intended to retrieve information stolen from the Gorkon [[Sweet Dreams Are Made of This (Gorkon)|some months prior]]. It was an escapade that nearly cost Valesha her life, receiving a lethal dose of the Romulan poison melanth and saved only by the last-minute intervention of the Gorkon's medical staff.
{{Heading|Service Record|Blue}}
===<font color=SteelBlue>Service History</font>===
{{Service Record}}
{{SR Insignia|Cadet|Teal|STYLE=DS9}}
{{SR Rank|Cadet}}
{{SR Dates|2388 - 2392}}
{{SR Posting|[[Starfleet Academy]]|AcademyLogo2390.png|73px}}
{{SR Assignment|Science Major<br>Security Minor|Teal}}
{{SR Insignia|Ensign|Teal|STYLE=DS9|ROWS=2}}
{{SR Rank|Ensign|ROWS=2}}
{{SR Dates|239207.16 - 239211.15}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Invicta}}|Cardiff-icon1.gif|73px}}
{{SR Assignment|Science Officer|Teal|ROWS=2}}
{{SR Dates|239211.15 - 239303.04}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Darwin-A}}|Horizon-icon.gif|73px}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" colspan=5|''Leave of Absence''
{{SR Insignia|Ensign|Teal|STYLE=DS9}}
{{SR Rank|Ensign}}
{{SR Dates|239312.10 - 239503.31}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Gorkon}}|Sovereign-icon1.gif|73px|ROWS=5}}
{{SR Assignment|Science Officer|Teal|ROWS=3}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant JG|Teal|STYLE=DS9}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant JG}}
{{SR Dates|239503.31 - 239607.25}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant|Teal|STYLE=DS9|ROWS=2}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant|ROWS=3}}
{{SR Dates|239607.25 - 239802.10}}
{{SR Dates|239802.10 - 239806.29}}
{{SR Assignment|Acting Chief Science Officer|Teal}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant|Blue|STYLE=PIC}}
{{SR Dates|239802.10 - Present}}
{{SR Assignment|Assistant Chief Science Officer|Blue}}
{{Service Record End}}

===<font color=SteelBlue>Commendations and Decorations</font>===
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{No Citations}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|Year or Stardate|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|2392|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|239211.13|[[USS Invicta]]|Awarded to a person who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.}}
{{Citation|Prometheus Ribbon|239211.13|[[USS Invicta]]|Awarded to a person who helped in handling the Prometheus Incident and ensuing chaos during 2392.|0}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239301.05|[[USS Darwin-A]]|Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.|0}}
{{Citation|War of Shadows Ribbon|239401.21|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Orion Syndicate.}}
{{Citation|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|239401.21|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239409.09|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.|2}}
{{Citation|First Contact Ribbon|239409.09|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who participates in a successful first contact event.}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239412.13|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.|3}}
{{Citation|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|239503.31|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Orion Syndicate.|2}}
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239503.31|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual for exemplary service and/or honourable actions performed in the course of his/her duties, when that service is deemed worthy of formal recognition by his/her commanding officer}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239503.31|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who sustains an injury in the line of duty.}}
{{Citation|Prisoner of War Ribbon|239601.27|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded to an individual who has been taken prisoner.}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239404.27|[[USS Gorkon]]|Presented in acknowledgement of the injuries received aboard the [[The Njörðr Incident (Gorkon)|USS Njörðr]].|2}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239404.27|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded for the discovery of a semi-sentient subspace "nebula" during the [[The Njörðr Incident (Gorkon)|Njörðr incident.]]|4}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239404.27|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded for risking her life to save a wounded Bajoran crewperson, Kroho Kiyel, during the [[The Njörðr Incident (Gorkon)|Njörðr incident.]]}}
{{Citation|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon|239404.27|[[USS Gorkon]]|Awarded for saving the life of Crewman First Class Kroho Kiyel, during the [[The Njörðr Incident (Gorkon)|Njörðr incident.]]}}
{{Citation|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|239407.25|[[USS Gorkon]]|Presented in acknowledgement of her participation in [[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|Operation Sea Devil]].|3}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239407.25|[[USS Gorkon]]|Presented in acknowledgement of the injuries received during [[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|Operation Sea Devil]].|3}}
{{Citation|Distinguished Service Ribbon|239407.25|[[USS Gorkon]]|Presented in acknowledgement of her actions during [[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|Operation Sea Devil]].}}
{{Citation|Warp XV Drive Pioneer|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for participating in the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].}}
{{Citation|Project Capstone Ribbon|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for participating in the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].|3}}
{{Citation|Maiden Voyage Ribbon|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for participating in the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].}}
{{Citation|Legion of Merit|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for participating in the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].}}
{{Citation|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for participating in the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].|4}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239701.22|[[USS Juneau]]|Presented for being injured during the test voyage of the [[USS Juneau]].|4}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}
{{Heading|Mission History and Sim Archive|Blue}}
===<font color=SteelBlue>Mission History</font>===
====[[USS Invicta]]====
* "[[The_Q_Collection_(Invicta)|The Q Collection]]"
* "[[The_Road_Not_Taken_(Invicta)|The Road Not Taken]]"
====[[USS Darwin-A]]====
* "[[Silent Night (Darwin-A)|Silent Night]]"
* "[[Outpost Unity (Darwin-A)|Outpost Unity]]"
====[[USS Gorkon]]====
* "Annus Horribilis: [[Annus Horribilis (Gorkon)|Part One]] and [[Annus Horribilis, Part 2 (Gorkon)|Part Two]]"
* "[[A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Gorkon)|A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]]"
* "[[Old Hatreds (Gorkon)|Old Hatreds]]"
* "[[The Silver Function (Gorkon)|The Silver Function]]"
* "[[The Devil's Expanse (Gorkon)|The Devil's Expanse]]"
* "[[Telutho'kai (Gorkon)|Telutho'kai]]"
* "[[Sweet Dreams Are Made of This (Gorkon)|Sweet Dreams Are Made of This]]"
* "[[The Njörðr Incident (Gorkon)|The Njörðr Incident]]"
* "[[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|Operation Sea Devil]]"
* "[[Together in Electric Dreams (Gorkon)|Together in Electric Dreams]]"
* "[[Serpent Heart, Flowering Face (Gorkon)|Serpent Heart, Flowering Face]]"
<!--* USS Gorkon: "[[|]]-->

{{Heading|SIM Archive|Gold}}
===<font color=SteelBlue>Sim Archive</font>===
:''Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here [ at the SIM Archive].''
====[[Operation Sea Devil (Gorkon)|Operation Sea Devil]]====
* '''Start as You Mean to Go On''': While on an undercover mission for Starfleet Intelligence, Valesha and [[Orson Marshall|Orson "Bear" Marshall]] meet an [[Lena Josett|ally]] in the pirate haven of [[Ma no Umi|Hai Tac]].
** [ (Part I)], [ (Part II)], [ (Part III)], [ (Part IV)] - ''Written by Rear Admiral [[Quinn Reynolds]] and Lt.Cmdr [[Jocelyn Marshall]].''
* '''In Stillness, Regret; A Legacy is Denied: Together, They Run''': Running into some unanticipated complications during their time on Hai Tac, Valesha, [[Orson Marshall|Bear]] and [[Lena Josett]] make a hasty and dramatic exit from the outpost.
** [  (Part I)], [ (Part II)], [  (Part III)], [ (Part IV)], [  (Part V)], [ (Part VI)], [ (Part VII)] - ''Written by Rear Admiral [[Quinn Reynolds]] and Lt.Cmdr [[Jocelyn Marshall]].''

* [ Title of First SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
* [ Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)

:''To end your bio, we're going to drop in some code here for your ship's crew template, which should appear at the bottom of your bio and will help members of the fleet easily browse other bios of your shipmates. Change the name of the ship below to whatever the name of your character's ship is, unless of course you've been assigned to the USS Gemini! Don't forget the letter suffix for your ship if yours has one (such as the USS Darwin-A).''
<gallery mode=packed heights=300px>
File:Sienelis.png|Ensign Sienelis on duty.
File:SienelisMasque.png|Dressed for the Darwin's masquerade ball.
File:Valesha Sienelis (on the run).png|On the run

{{Crewnav|USS Apollo-A}}

:''Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by species]]; your duty post listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by duty post]]; and your ship characters category here: [[:Category:Characters by ship]].

{{Gorkon Crew}}
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:(Your ship's characters category)]]
[[Category:Science Officers]]
[[Category:(Your duty post category)]]
[[Category:Gorkon Characters]]
[[Category:(Your species category)]]
[[Category:Invicta Alumni]]