Chythar Skyfire/Art Gallery: Difference between revisions

+new picture
(added Gorkon sig banner to sig gallery)
(+new picture)
(33 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{heading|Skyfire's Rogue Gallery|#800000}}
{{heading|Skyfire's Rogue Gallery|teal}}
‎Image:Medics_of_excalibur.jpg|Left to Right: Skyfire, Morgan, Folds -- Medical Team of the ''USS Excalibur A''
‎Image:Medics_of_excalibur.jpg|Left to Right: Skyfire, Morgan, Folds -- Medical Team of the ''USS Excalibur A''
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Image:casualskyfire.jpg|Skyfire in his "service jacket" with an ''Ops 118'' patch on one sleeve and ''Excalibur-A'' patch on the other
Image:casualskyfire.jpg|Skyfire in his "service jacket" with an ''Ops 118'' patch on one sleeve and ''Excalibur-A'' patch on the other
Image:SkyfireJGDress.png|Lt. JG Chythar Skyfire, 239105.01 after Fleet Captain Nicholotti's wake.
Image:SkyfireJGDress.png|Lt. JG Chythar Skyfire, 239105.01 after Fleet Captain Nicholotti's wake.
Image:Ltjgskyfire.jpg|Lieutenant JG Skyfire, aboard the ''USS Excalibur-A''
Image:Ltskyfire1.jpg|Lt Skyfire aboard the USS ''Garuda''
Image:Ltskyfire.png|Lieutenant Skyfire, aboard the ''USS Garuda''
Image:Romulan Skyfire.png|Skyfire under cover as Dr. So'lon
Image:Romulan Skyfire.png|Skyfire under cover as Dr. So'lon
Image:Skyfiredoc.png|<small>A joke image of Skyfire as the 14th Doctor Who, based on a temporal incursion.</small>
Image:Skyfiredoc.png|<small>A joke image of Skyfire as the 14th Doctor Who, based on a temporal incursion.</small>
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Image:LtCmdrSkyfire-red.png|The Red Shirt
Image:LtCmdrSkyfire-red.png|The Red Shirt
Image:Victorian Skyfire.png|Skyfire attends a promotion ceremony on Astrofori One
Image:Victorian Skyfire.png|Skyfire attends a promotion ceremony on Astrofori One
Image:SkyfireOffDuty.png|Chythar off duty, reading a book</gallery>
Image:SkyfireOffDuty.png|Chythar off duty, reading a book
Image:Ltskyfire2.png|Lieutenant Skyfire in his natural sickbay habitat
Image:Chythar Skyfire Formal.png‎|Lt. Skyfire Dress-Whites, {{USS|Garuda}}
Image:Lael_&_Chythar.jpg|'''Chythar Skyfire''' and best friend [[Lael Rosek]] off duty
Image:LaelChythar.jpg|Lael and Chythar
Image:Lael&Chythar2.jpg|[[Lael Rosek|Lael]] & '''Chythar''' on the holodeck
File:LaelChythar2.jpg|[[Lael Rosek|Lael]] & Chythar
Image:Lael&Chythar3.jpg|Partywear for [[Lael Rosek|Lael]] & '''Chythar'''
Image:RosekSkyfire.png ‎|<center>Chythar, Lael, and niece [[Madeline Young|Maddy]]
Image:Chythar and Friends 1.jpg ‎|[[Dassa Alexander|Dassa]], '''Chythar,''' [[Alex Blair|Alex]] and [[Lael Rosek|Lael]]
Image:Skyfire Blair Veritas.png|'''Chythar''' and Alex Blair aboard the {{USS|Veritas}}
Image:Lt Skyfire Dress 2394.png|Lt Skyfire - {{USS|Veritas}}, 2394
Image:Chythar Skyfire Patch Collection 1.png|Patch Collection part 1
Image:LtCmdr_Skyfire_2396.png|2396, Lt. Commander Skyfire, CMO of the ''Montreal''
Image:2398_skyfire.png|2398 Lt. Commander Skyfire, {{USS|Chin'toka}}

{{heading|Posters|#800000}}<gallery class="center" heights=200>
{{heading|Posters|teal}}<gallery class="center" heights=200>
Image:Gorkon movie poster.jpg|''USS Gorkon'' Movie Poster made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Gorkon movie poster.jpg|''USS Gorkon'' Movie Poster made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:GarudaPoster-Skyfire.jpg|Skyfire's portrait for the NetFlix Original Series ''USS Garuda'' made by {{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}
Image:GarudaPoster-Skyfire.jpg|Skyfire's portrait for the NetFlix Original Series ''USS Garuda'' made by {{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}
Image:TGE-Poster.jpg|''Invicta'' Movie Poster, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}</gallery>
Image:TGE-Poster.jpg|''Invicta'' Movie Poster, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Gorkon Poster 2.jpg|''Gorkon'' Tyrellian Sector Episode 2 poster made by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Veritas_Aftershock.jpg|Veritas Episode III poster made by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Veritas_iv.png|''Veritas'' Episode IV poster by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Veritas V.png|'''Veritas''' Episode V poster by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Veritas VI Poster.png|''Veritas'' Episode VI poster by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Flashpoint_Poster.png|Episode I: Flashpoint (''Montreal'' Pilot Poster) made by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}
Image:Montreal_Episode_2_Poster.png|Episode II: Enemy of My Enemy made by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}

{{heading|Wallpapers|#800000}}<gallery class="center">
<gallery class="center">
Image:Columbia Wallpaper.png|''USS Columbia'' Wallpaper, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Columbia Wallpaper.png|''USS Columbia'' Wallpaper, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Invicta crew.png|''Invicta'' Wallpaper, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Invicta crew.png|''Invicta'' Wallpaper, made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Columbia poster.png|''USS Columbia'' Signature Wallpaper made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}</gallery>
Image:Columbia poster.png|''USS Columbia'' Signature Wallpaper made by {{n|Chythar|Skyfire}}
Image:Za_239406.14.jpg|Crew of the ''Za'' as of SD 239406.14, made by {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}

{{heading|Signature Gallery|#800000}}<gallery class="center" caption="Signature Gallery">
{{heading|Signature Gallery|teal}}<gallery class="center" caption="Signature Gallery">
Image:SkyfireOpsBanner.jpg|Ensign Chythar Skyfire, [[Starbase 118 Ops]]
Image:SkyfireOpsBanner.jpg|Ensign Chythar Skyfire, [[Starbase 118 Ops]]
Image:SkyfireExcalSig.jpg|Lieutenant JG Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Excalibur|A}}
Image:SkyfireExcalSig.jpg|Lieutenant JG Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Excalibur|A}}
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Image:SkyfireGreysonBanner.png|Chythar Skyfire & {{n|Carter Greyson}} hybrid
Image:SkyfireGreysonBanner.png|Chythar Skyfire & {{n|Carter Greyson}} hybrid
Image:SkyfireGorkonBanner.png|LtCmdr Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Gorkon}}
Image:SkyfireGorkonBanner.png|LtCmdr Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Gorkon}}
Image:Veritas Skyfire Banner.jpg|Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Veritas}}
Image:Skyfire_Veritas_2_Banner.png|LtCmdr Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Veritas}}
Image:Skyfire Montreal Banner.png|Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire, {{USS|Montreal}}

{{heading|Graphics Contest Entries|#800000}}
{{heading|Graphics Contest Entries|teal}}
<gallery class="center">
<gallery class="center">
Image:TributeToOps.jpg|Summer [[Graphics Contest]] 2392 Runner Up <!--linked to with Cadfael also-->
Image:TributeToOps.jpg|Summer [[Graphics Contest]] 2392 Runner Up <!--linked to with Cadfael also-->
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{{heading|ID Cards|#800000}}<gallery>
{{heading|ID Cards|teal}}<gallery>
Image:SkyfireIDcard_Garuda.png|Skyfire's ''Garuda'' ID
Image:SkyfireIDcard_Garuda.png|Skyfire's ''Garuda'' ID
Image:ID card.png‎|Skyfire's ''Excalibur'' ID
Image:ID card.png‎|Skyfire's ''Excalibur'' ID
Image:Skyfire Columbia ID.jpg|Skyfire's ''Columbia'' ID
Image:Skyfire Columbia ID.jpg|Skyfire's ''Columbia'' ID
Image:Skyfire_Gorkon-Teal_ID.jpg |Skyfire's ''Gorkon'' ID - Teal
Image:Skyfire_Gorkon-Teal_ID.jpg |Skyfire's ''Gorkon'' ID - Teal
Image:Skyfire Gorkon Red.png|Skyfire's ''Gorkon'' ID - Red</gallery>
Image:Skyfire Gorkon Red.png|Skyfire's ''Gorkon'' ID - Red
{{heading|Halloween Avatars|#800000}}<gallery>
Image:Skyfire_Veritas_ID.jpg|Skyfire's ''Veritas'' ID
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Excalibur_2013_Skyfire.jpg|2013: Mordred ''Mists of Avalon'', 2001
Image:Skyfire-Kit.jpg|2014: Kit Cloudkicker ''Talespin'', 1990
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Gorkon_2015_Skyfire.jpg|2015: Wolfman ''The Wolf Man'', 1941</gallery>

{{heading|Additional Graphics Reference Pages|#800000}}
{{heading|Halloween Avatars|Teal}}<gallery>
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Excalibur_2013_Skyfire.jpg|2390: Mordred ''Mists of Avalon'', 2001
Image:Skyfire-Kit.jpg|2391: Kit Cloudkicker ''Talespin'', 1990
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Gorkon_2015_Skyfire.jpg|2392: Wolfman ''The Wolf Man'', 1941
Image:GorkonAvatar_Skyfire.png|2393: Sabertooth
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Veritas_2017_Skyfire.png|2394: William ''Westworld'', 2016
Image:Halloween_Avatars_Veritas_2018_Skyfire.png|2395: Riff Raff, "Rocky Horror Picture Show," 1975
{{heading|Additional Graphics Reference Pages|Teal}}
*[[Garuda Additional Graphics]]
*[[Garuda Additional Graphics]]
*[[Invicta Crew Graphics]]  
*[[Invicta Crew Graphics]]  
*[[Columbia Additional Graphics]]
*[[Columbia Additional Graphics]]
*[[Gorkon Additional Graphics]]
*[[Gorkon Additional Graphics]]
*[ Excalibur Halloween Contest 2013]: Additional images (wallpapers) containing Mordred reference
*[[Za Graphics]]
*[ Garuda Halloween Contest 2014]
*[[Veritas Graphics]]
*[ Gorkon Halloween Contest 2015]{{LCARS-sdfooter|COLOR=#800000}}
*[[Montreal Graphics]]
*[ Excalibur Halloween Contest 2013]: Arthurian Legend
*[ Garuda Halloween Contest 2014] Disney All-Stars
*[ Gorkon Halloween Contest 2015] Monster Mash
*[ Gorkon Halloween Contest 2016] Comic Book Villains
*[ Veritas Halloween Contest 2017] West World
*[ Veritas Halloween Contest 2018] Rocky Horror Picture Show
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire]]
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire]]
