Wikitoria Freedman: Difference between revisions

(New Veritas ensign)
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Introductory text goes here. For example: Ensign '''Joe Bloggs''', a Terran, is currently the chief science officer aboard the [[USS Independence]].
|NAME = Wikitoria Freedman
|SHIP = USS Veritas
|RANK = Ensign
|POST = Security/Tactical Officer
|COLOR = Gold
|SPECIES = [[Human]]
|GENDER = Female
|BIRTHPLACE = New Zealand
|IMAGE = WikitoriaFreedman.jpg
Ensign [[Wikitoria Freedman]] is a [[Human]] security/tactical officer stationed aboard the {{USS|Veritas}}.

* '''Full Name''':  
* '''Full Name''': Wikitoria (Wick-ee-TORI-uh) Puanani Freedman
* '''Race''': Create a link to a species from the [[ILI]], i.e.- [[Terran]]
* '''Species''': [[Human]] (Terran)
* '''Date of Birth''':  
* '''Date of Birth''': 237411.04
* '''Place of Birth''':  
* '''Place of Birth''': Omaio Reservation, New Zealand
* '''Age''':  
* '''Age''': {{age|2374|11|04}}
* '''Gender''':  
* '''Gender''': Female
* '''Telepathic status''': See [[T/E Rating System|Telepathic/Empathic Scale]]
* '''Telepathic status''': T0/E0

* '''Height''': In feet or meters.
* '''Height''': 175m / 5’7”
* '''Weight''': In pounds or kilos.
* '''Hair Color''': Black
* '''Hair Color''':  
* '''Length of Hair''':  
* '''Length of Hair''':  
* '''Eye Color''':  
* '''Eye Color''': Brown
* '''Skin Tone''':  
* '''Skin Tone''': Light Brown
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''':  
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': She has a ta moko (traditional Maori tattoo) over her sternum.
* '''Build''':
* '''Face''':
* '''Eyes''':
* '''Mouth''':
* '''Arms''':
* '''Legs''':
* '''Carriage''':
* '''Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head)''':
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''':  
* '''Taste in Clothing (when off duty)''':  
* '''Shoes''':
* '''Handedness''': Ambidextrous
* '''Voice''':
* '''Handedness''':  

* '''Quarters''':  
* '''Quarters''':  
* '''Favorite Room''':  
* '''Favorite Room''': The Holosuite
* '''Habits''':
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': She prays every morning, night and when she eats. She may also pray before a battle, or before travelling.
* '''Mannerisms''':
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''':  
* '''Hobbies and Pastimes''':
* '''Likes''':
* '''Dislikes''':
* '''Ambitions and Goals''':  
* '''Ambitions and Goals''':  
* '''Achievements in Life''':  
* '''Achievements in Life''':  
* '''Disappointments in Life''':  
* '''Disappointments in Life''':  
* '''Temperment''':  
* '''Temperement''': Wiki is reserved, idealistic and motivated. But as her interpersonal relationships develop, she tends to become very gregarious.
* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''':  
* '''Mental problems (complexes and phobias)''':  
* '''Physical Limitations''':
* '''Physical Limitations''':  
* '''Hobbies and Pastimes''':
Mau rākau (Maori martial art), Hand-to-hand combat, Languages, Music, Sports; especially team sports and contact sports. Learning about other species, with particular interest in the arts and sporting activities.
* '''Likes''': Trying new cuisine, playing music, poetry, parties; Sport, sport and more sports.
* '''Dislikes''': Overly familiar people, those who belittle others, gossips. 
==Fun facts==
* She is fluent in English, Maori, Vulcan, and Hawaiian. Conversational Farsi, Ferengi, Orion and Klingon. She’s very keen to learn Bajoran and, if ever given the chance, Cardassian.
* Prefers spicy and hearty food
* Loves cocktails because they’re “fun”
*A karaoke fiend
* Her most prized possessions are several greenstone and bone ornaments gifted by her grandmother, and a carved box containing specially curated cultural holo-programs from an uncle.
* Has a paper and pen journal
* Has perfect pitch

* '''Marital Status''':  
* '''Marital Status''':  
** '''Spouse''': If you put "single" above, remove this line.
** '''Spouse''':  
** '''Place of Marriage''': If you put "single" above, remove this line.
** '''Place of Marriage''':  
* '''Children''':  
* '''Children''':  
* '''Parents
* '''Parents
** '''Father''':  
** '''Father''': Sherkhan Omaio
** '''Mother''':  
** '''Mother''': Merania Freedman
* '''Siblings''':
* '''Siblings''': Persis Omaio, Darius Freedman, Taika Omaio. T’Kesh (cousin/ adoptive sister; half-Vulcan).

==Personal History==
Wikitoria was born in 2374 on a reservation in New Zealand. Her parents are professors of Sociology and Law, respectively. Wiki grew up surrounded by a large extended family. Her childhood was rather idyllic if a bit awkward sometimes. The Freedman family had once had a long history in Starfleet that ended after the Dominion War. And they had made enemies of some of their neighbours after refusing to support the Maquis.

==Personal History==
Wikitoria paid those people no mind, but sometimes found herself scrapping with the kids of some other local families.
# '''232001.01''': Event.
On the other hand (and rather ironically), Wikitoria has a familial association with former Maquis dissidents through her mother. Having been named after a close maternal aunt (one of the few Freedman dissidents) despite said connections, questions have been asked about the family's loyalties. But the Freedman parents, and their children too for the most part, paid no mind to any murmurs. Barring Darius's rather confused and cynical teenage years. Her parents have given no excuse for the name they chose, or for their dichotomy of thought pertaining to dissident family members.
Wiki's family, in particular the elder children, do not associate with Aunty Nani or her children, one of whom is a Starfleet officer. Well, everyone except for Wiki.
While Wiki is introverted, she is curious, loves challenges and meeting new people. She is not scientifically inclined, as her interests lean toward informal immersive and kinesthetic learning.
# '''232001.01''': Event.  
# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.
# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.

==Professional History==
==Professional History==
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''':  
* '''Date Graduated from Academy''': 239711.24
* '''Current Rank''':  
* '''Current Rank''': Ensign
* '''Current Assignment''': Vessel/base/etc.
* '''Current Assignment''': {{USS|Veritas}}
* '''Duty Post''':  
* '''Duty Post''': Security/Tactical

===Awards & Commendations===
===Awards & Commendations===
* '''The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1''': Date awarded.
* '''Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon:''' 239711.24

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# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.
# '''232001.02''': Event, etc.

[[Category:Characters| ]]

[[Category:Veritas PCs]]
[[Category:Veritas Alumni]]
[[Category:Security Officers]]
[[Category:Security Officers]]
[[Category:Tactical Officers]]
[[Category:Tactical Officers]]
