SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Love Potion No. 9: Difference between revisions

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''Talas: So this thing we need a cure for, would that explain why I have a strong urge to kiss you both right now?
''Talas: So this thing we need a cure for, would that explain why I have a strong urge to kiss you both right now?''
Foster: I mean I’m always up for kisses ::He wagged his brows and antennae in unison.:: But only when off duty.''
''Foster: I mean I’m always up for kisses ::He wagged his brows and antennae in unison.:: But only when off duty.''

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''"Oh great, he opened his fool mouth and now the Andorian was looking at him.  The real Andorian.  He was like the cut rate version you got off Space Wish, a vague approximation of what you really wanted." - Wyn Foster''
''"Oh great, he opened his fool mouth and now the Andorian was looking at him.  The real Andorian.  He was like the cut rate version you got off Space Wish, a vague approximation of what you really wanted."'' - Wyn Foster  
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''"Nijil: =/\= We have a medical emergency at the Bajoran gardens. =/\=''
''"Nijil: =/\= We have a medical emergency at the Bajoran gardens. =/\=''

''Well crud. - Wyn Foster, dealing with chaos at the Bajoran Festival."''
''Well crud.'' - Wyn Foster, dealing with chaos at the Bajoran Festival."
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''Foster: Well I’m gonna save his sweet heart, ok?"''
''Foster: Well I’m gonna save his sweet heart, ok?"''
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''Maxwell: Don't mind me, aye? Just stood here like a wee lemon.''
''Maxwell: Don't mind me, aye? Just stood here like a wee lemon.''
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''"Someone was not whistling Dixie." - Foster, in Sickbay, dealing with...stuff."''
''"Someone was not whistling Dixie."'' - Foster, in Sickbay, dealing with...stuff.
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''"Sh’shelor: Doctor Foster, medical genius. ''
''"Sh’shelor: Doctor Foster, medical genius." ''
I''shani held back a snort."''
''Ishani held back a snort."''
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''In the face.''
''In the face.''

''With a brick."  - Captain Finch''
''With a brick."'' - Captain Finch
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''"Like someone who had lost their bones or something that could melt, he watched as the woman slowly pooled onto the floor." - Nijil watching Sheila melt.''
''"Like someone who had lost their bones or something that could melt, he watched as the woman slowly pooled onto the floor."'' - Nijil watching Sheila melt.
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''"It was like he had stepped into the wrong part of a movie, with no clear exit."It was like he had stepped into the wrong part of a movie, with no clear exit." - Poor Nijil observing the insanity''
''"It was like he had stepped into the wrong part of a movie, with no clear exit."It was like he had stepped into the wrong part of a movie, with no clear exit."'' - Poor Nijil observing the insanity
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''"Nijil paused a moment to seem if there was a rebound, if the man would leap back to his feet in some kind of chaotic 180."''  
''"Nijil paused a moment to seem if there was a rebound, if the man would leap back to his feet in some kind of chaotic 180."''  
''-Nijil stuck in a bad movie.''
-Nijil stuck in a bad movie.
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''"The electric blue shimmer from the transporter consumed the three -two completely hot messes." - Nijil, not having fun at the Festival.''
''"The electric blue shimmer from the transporter consumed the three -two completely hot messes."'' - Nijil, not having fun at the Festival.
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''"And here he was, caught with his pants around his ankles – metaphorically.  He was not the sort to easily lose those pants romantically or otherwise." - Wyn, still dealing with the insanity.
''"And here he was, caught with his pants around his ankles – metaphorically.  He was not the sort to easily lose those pants romantically or otherwise."'' - Wyn, still dealing with the insanity.
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''"He could keep this up for at least another eight hours.  Twelve if he had a steady stream of raktajino.  He had done it before, he’d do it again without a second thought.''
''"He could keep this up for at least another eight hours.  Twelve if he had a steady stream of raktajino.  He had done it before, he’d do it again without a second thought.''

''It was the aftermath that he pushed out of his mind.  After such a day he would just go somewhere dark, private and quiet and break down.  It was the way of things and had been for five years." - Wyn, pushing himself to serve his people.''
''It was the aftermath that he pushed out of his mind.  After such a day he would just go somewhere dark, private and quiet and break down.  It was the way of things and had been for five years."'' - Wyn, pushing himself to serve his people.
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''Well, wasn’t he a tall blue drink of water?" - Prylar Hanak, under the influence.''
''Well, wasn’t he a tall blue drink of water?"'' - Prylar Hanak, under the influence.
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''"She draped herself on his arm and he tensed a bit.  This was… awkward.  Visions of teacup targs floated in his head and now he had to escort the drunken Prylar that made his life miserable and got him chastised by the Captain back to the temple." - Major Dal dealing with a drunk Prylar''
''"She draped herself on his arm and he tensed a bit.  This was… awkward.  Visions of teacup targs floated in his head and now he had to escort the drunken Prylar that made his life miserable and got him chastised by the Captain back to the temple."'' - Major Dal dealing with a drunk Prylar
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''"It wouldn’t be all that easy. He left to dump the contents out into a nearby plant…. Maybe not the greatest ideas - it might spring to life and grab people..." - Nijil after being given a drink at the Festival.''
''"It wouldn’t be all that easy. He left to dump the contents out into a nearby plant…. Maybe not the greatest ideas - it might spring to life and grab people..."'' - Nijil after being given a drink at the Festival.
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''"Foster: I may not even have to draw any blood.  Science teams checked in, and found a contaminant – spread through either food or drink.  I can cross check you scans but I’ll bet you ten strips of latinum and a puppy that you all have the same contaminant in your bloodstream.
''"Foster: I may not even have to draw any blood.  Science teams checked in, and found a contaminant – spread through either food or drink.  I can cross check you scans but I’ll bet you ten strips of latinum and a puppy that you all have the same contaminant in your bloodstream.''

Which is a bet that no sane person should take.  Besides, Wyn didn’t have a puppy."''
''Which is a bet that no sane person should take.  Besides, Wyn didn’t have a puppy."''
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''He leaned forward listening, getting the pretty good sense that this Ferengi was about as dangerous as a wet noodle" - From the innermost thoughts of Zel Rohan.''
''He leaned forward listening, getting the pretty good sense that this Ferengi was about as dangerous as a wet noodle" - From the innermost thoughts of Zel Rohan.''
[[Category:StarBase 118 Mission History/Sal Taybrim]]