Podcast Team: Difference between revisions

Teller's now a commander. Updated rank.
m (New Member)
m (Teller's now a commander. Updated rank.)
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The '''Podcast Team''' is responsible for ''The PADDcast'', an in-universe podcast that gets real-world, wide release. The release schedule for ''The PADDcast'' is monthly, so this is an active team in terms of specific deadlines and tasks, but individual tasks are typically small time commitments, typically no more than you'd spend on writing a solid sim.
Amateurs, newbies, and curious folk are all welcome! We'll gladly help you cultivate your skills.
{{SectionRounded|Team Members| Blue}}
*Facilitator: Lieutenant [[Lazarus Davis]] ''(Host of Laser Focused with Lazarus, composer, editor)''
*Assistant Facilitator: Commander [[Geoffrey Teller]] ''(Host, Purveyor of fine advertisements)''
*Editor: ''none yet''
*Contributors: ''none yet''
*Guest Contributors: ''none yet''
{{SectionRounded|Team Role Explanations| Blue}}
*Facilitator: Responsible for the Podcast Team and has final say over the content of ''The PADDcast,'' like a [https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/f/f0/Shinzon.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20101021183055&path-prefix=en Praetor]
*Co-Facilitator: Responsible for the Podcast Team and assists in final say over podcast content, but more like a [https://www.startrek.com/sites/default/files/styles/content_full/public/images/2019-07/577fd60255d4bb0f466464849ffe6d8e.jpg?itok=Wi_suXQU Viceroy]
*Editor: Responsible to edit whole episodes; and when available, help contributors with editing segments
*Contributors: Expected to (co-)lead a team comprised of Contributors and Guest Contributors, and to take an active and substantial role in creating at least 4 segments each year. This is the cast of regulars that create the PADDcast content. To be a contributor, you do ''not'' need to be on mic (but you most certainly can.)
*Guest Contributors: similar to a Contributor, and will make content for the PADDcast. It is a junior role to the senior role of Contributors. By working with contributors, you'll learn how we do the PADDcast and gain the skills you need to become a full Contributor. (Technically not considered a team member for purposes of advancement in the fleet because Guest Contributors can participate as much or at little as they like.)
{{SectionRounded|Joining Podcast Team| Blue}}
Membership to Podcast Team is by application. Applications enthusiastically open to all members of rank Ensign or higher. The application process is simple: contact the facilitator or co-facilitator via email or Discord and when asked, provide a sample of your work. Something small, and can be something you've made before. We want to see/hear/read what you're capable of. (And don't worry, we'll provide you with constructive feedback and resources to help you improve if you don't make the cut!) If you don't have a sample of your work, we can help you make one!

We recognize this is somewhat uncommon among the teams but because of the public nature of the podcast, we want to make sure Starbase 118 sounds as good as it is to write!
{{SectionRounded|Episode Structure| Blue}}
Each episode will be organized around a theme to create some connective tissue between segments. These connections can be vague and implicit from segment to segment. An example of a theme could be "friendship," "nostalgia," "Romulans," etc. Pretty much anything goes.
Below is the template we'll follow with episodes. You can see we have some standard segments, such as "Laser focused with Lazarus." We encourage others to consider developing recurring segments.
{| class="wikitable"
! Segment !! Duration
| Jingle / Intro || 1 min
| Headlines from FNS || 3 min
| News Analysis || 5 min
| Guest Segment 1 || 5 min
| Guest Segment 2 || 5 min
| Laser Focused with Lazarus || 5 min
| OOC Segment (team spotlight, interview, etc) || 5-10 min
| "Advertisement" || 1 min
| Sign-off || 1 min
We intend to keep the content upbeat and, when applicable, humorous.
{{SectionRounded|Example Production Schedule| Blue}}
This section is an example of how the team will function from the perspective of a contributor/ editor.

{{LCARS Section Heading|Introduction|#6699cc}}
* March 1: March's episode is released. Facilitators send out an email with May's theme, and solicit pitches for segments for the episode.
118 Radio is a new project to provide an internet radio station for simmers to listen to music, news, and shows while writing and simming with Starbase 118. The station launched in 239301 under the guidance of Colonel {{n|Nugra}} and Captain {{n|Selene Faranfey}}. Past leadership of the group prior to the radio station included Captain {{n|Andrus|Jaxx}}, Major {{n|Leo|Handley-Page}}, and Lt. Commander {{n|T'Mar}}.
* April 1st: May's segments submitted by this date to allow editors time to work.
* May 1st: May episode is released.

{{LCARS Section Heading|Team Member Duties|#6699cc}}
Of course, there's more to it than that. Every first of the month will be the release of that month's episode, deadline for submission of next month's segments, and assigning the theme for 2 months out. Hopefully emphasizing the first of the month will make it easier to plan ahead and schedule for the team, and produce fewer and more valuable emails.
Each member of the Radio Team will endeavor to accomplish the following tasks:
*Offer at least one live segment per month
*Find at least one news article to read for said live segments
*Collaborate with others on special short episodes like musical numbers
*Review at least one movie or episode of a series

Each podcast is available for download, and on YouTube.com.
{{SectionRounded|Interested but little/no prior podcasting experience?| Blue}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|Joining Podcast Team|#6699cc}}
That is perfectly fine! You might not be the host of your own recurring segment right away, but we will work with you to help you build the skills you need to be polished podcaster. We have materials and guides to help you get started, and you might be surprised to learn how useful something as mundane as a smartphone can be for podcasting.  
Membership to Podcast Team is open to all members of rank Lieutenant Junior Grade or higher. To join, leave a message with the current facilitator of the team on his or her talk page or contact your Commanding Officer.  

We recognize the volunteer work you are doing, and are determined to create value for you through skill building (and fun!) along the way.

{{LCARS Section Heading|Current Members Podcast Team|#6699cc|clear}}
<!--{{SectionRounded|Current Members Podcast Team| Blue}}

{{User|Nugra|Jonathan aka Colonel Nugra|ColonelNugra.png}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant Commander|Lael Rosek||DS9|{{USSwhite|Atlantis}}|Engineering Officer|Active}}
{{User|Sundassa|Nicole aka Captain Selene Faranfey|Selene_Faranfey.png}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant JG|Lazarus Davis||DS9|{{USSwhite|Constitution-B}}|Assistant Chief of Science|Active}}
{{CharacterHeaderNoRound|'''Other Admin Staff'''}}
{{User|Chythar Daniel Skyfire|Zephyr aka Lt. Commander Chythar Skyfire|LtCmdrSkyfire-red.png}}
{{User|Rich|Rich aka Lt. Commander Roshanara Rahman|Rahman3.jpg}}
{{User|T'Mar|Mel aka Lt. Commander T'Mar|Tmar.jpg}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant Commander|Geoffrey Teller||DS9|{{USSwhite|Thor}}|First Officer|Active}}
{{User|Alora DeVeau|Amanda aka Lt. Commander Alora DeVeau|Alorasuit.jpg}}
{{User|Aigle Phos|James aka Prof. Russo Rin|Russo Rin.png}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant Commander|Toryn Raga||DS9|{{USSwhite|Atlantis}}|Mission Specialist|Active}}
{{User|Hsvbmh24|Lt. Commander Baylen Anders|Aeut0h.png}}
{{CharacterListing|Ensign|Chloe Waters||DS9|{{USSwhite|Eagle}}|HCO|Active}}
{{User|Gwen Gardener|Lt. Commander Sabrina Holly|SabrinaHolly.jpg}}
{{CharacterListing|Senior Commander|Nugra||DS9|{{USSwhite|Constitution-B}}|Intelligence|Active}}
{{User|Mirra Ezo|Lt. JG Mirra Ezo|Ezo, Mirra.png}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant JG|James Colquhoun||DS9|{{USSwhite|Gorkon}}|Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical|Active}}
{{CharacterListing|Lt. Commander|Alora DeVeau|DS9|Starbase 118 Ops|Science|Active}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant|Lorian Lovar|DS9|{{USSwhite|Thor}}|Science|Active}}
{{CharacterListing|Lieutenant JG|Sheila Bailey|DS9|Starbase 118 Ops|Assistant Chief Medical Officer|Active}}
{{CharacterHeaderNoRound|'''LOA from the team'''}}
{{CharacterListing|Lt. Commander|Mirra|Ezo|DS9|Starbase 118 Ops|Medical|Inactive}}

{{CharacterHeaderNoRound|'''Retired from the team'''}}
{{CharacterListing|Lt. Commander|Sabrina|Holly|DS9|Unassigned|Command|Inactive}}
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