Chythar Skyfire/Relationships: Difference between revisions

revisited the page, removed the "it's complicated" category and re-added Moonsong to Chosen Family, moved Rosek to Romantic Liaison, Added a couple lines to Mei'konda and Blair
m (formatting a tag)
(revisited the page, removed the "it's complicated" category and re-added Moonsong to Chosen Family, moved Rosek to Romantic Liaison, Added a couple lines to Mei'konda and Blair)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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::The results came in and she contacted Skyfire before he left the ''Invicta'' to discuss them. He's not irradiated with temporal radiation, but he does have some sort of link to the Peppelaxian queen of the First Kingdom  -- which somehow keeps drawing him back to some point in her timeline. Upon the death of Queen Virah-Latyi, it is believed by Chythar that these incursions would stop. After his final temporal incursion, he witnessed the death of the queen. When he returned, he sent Alora the results of the tricorder scan. Whatever link he had to the past was gone. His association with Alora hasn't continued much beyond this, as the last time they spoke was shortly before his transfer to the ''Columbia''.  
::The results came in and she contacted Skyfire before he left the ''Invicta'' to discuss them. He's not irradiated with temporal radiation, but he does have some sort of link to the Peppelaxian queen of the First Kingdom  -- which somehow keeps drawing him back to some point in her timeline. Upon the death of Queen Virah-Latyi, it is believed by Chythar that these incursions would stop. After his final temporal incursion, he witnessed the death of the queen. When he returned, he sent Alora the results of the tricorder scan. Whatever link he had to the past was gone. His association with Alora hasn't continued much beyond this, as the last time they spoke was shortly before his transfer to the ''Columbia''.  
:Fate once again turned, and she confronted him when he transferred suddenly aboard the ''Za'' without informing her of his transfer, which he was still trying to process himself. So, he couldn't blame her for being surprised.}}
:Fate once again turned, and she confronted him when he transferred suddenly aboard the ''Za'' without informing her of his transfer, which he was still trying to process himself. So, he couldn't blame her for being surprised.}}
|BLURB=During their tour of the [[Dominion War|alternate universe]], the ship was faling to pieces around them and Lael noticed Chythar seemed to be more distant than normal. He looked like he needed a friend, so they began talking and their friendship was born. He takes jujitsu lessons from her once in a while and has become one of her closest friends since. Every now and again, he comes face to face with the mat in practice because he drops his guard. Sometimes, he is asked to just listen, which puts him in the unlikely role of a counselor. It helps once in a while. He's also teaching her what he knows about shielding her mind.
::During some recent spinal surgery and his apparent refusal to give up on her, they became empathically and telepathically connected. The nature of this unusual connection allowed them to read each other's mind to a certain extent, to share the same nightmares, to read each other's emotions, and to sense when their mental shields weren't at their greatest.
:::They had served together through the ''Gorkon'', briefly aboard the ''Za'', and managed to stay together through it's decommissioning before their transfers to the ''Veritas'' and ''Montreal''. During that time, they were practically inseparable as far as friendships went. Several jujitsu lessons, several combat exercises, awkward family moments, and shouting matches over stupidity as friends tend to do, their relationship strengthened.
{{Quote box
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|quote = <small>'''Skyfire:''' I am quite sure. You and Commander Rosek are the the best command duo I’ve had the pleasure of serving with, but I would like to formally request time to collect myself and heal.</small>|source =Dr. Skyfire to [[Lael Rosek]] and [[Mei'konda Delano]]<br />[ Physician, Heal Thyself Part II] - SD 239603.02
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:Over the course of their mission to Meridian, Chythar realized that his flashbacks and PTSD are keeping him from doing his job. With a heavy heart, he had to tell his best friend that he was taking an indefinite leave from Starfleet to regain his sanity.
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|Mei'konda Delano
|Mei'konda Delano
|RELATIONSHIP=Former CO / Friend
|RELATIONSHIP=Former CO of the Astraeus / Present CO / Friend
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:Their time together during this most recent period is wrought with intrigue, and several flashbacks which Chythar would rather forget. To make matters worse, the final mission during which CD fulfilled his role as CMO was the same one in which Mei'konda saw him freeze in front of his staff.  In all honesty, Chythar was grateful when the Caitian said he understood the reason for an indefinite sabbatical.  
:Their time together during this most recent period is wrought with intrigue, and several flashbacks which Chythar would rather forget. To make matters worse, the final mission during which CD fulfilled his role as CMO was the same one in which Mei'konda saw him freeze in front of his staff.  In all honesty, Chythar was grateful when the Caitian said he understood the reason for an indefinite sabbatical.  
Several months after the destruction of the ''Montreal'', the Caitian contacted Chythar at home on Earth and asked for him to come back, but not in a medical capacity -- as a civilian. It was the opportunity of a lifetime, in which the Eagle Nebula would be explored and new flavors of coffee would be found.
:Upon once again returning to service in Starfleet, Chythar receives authorization from Mei'konda to open up another BC franchise on the Chin'toka.}}
|Carter Greyson
|PICTURE=Semi-formal Greyson.png
|BLURB=Carter and Chythar served together aboard the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}. They have gone through several rough patches together, ranging from Chythar saving Carter's life aboard the {{USS|Garuda}} to the occasional disagreements with other officers. Now, the pair of them occasionally joke that Chythar's time on engineering projects will land him in a gold collar, even if the only purpose that serves would be to put another color in his wardrobe.}}

{{heading|Romantic Liaisons|teal}}
{{heading|Romantic Liaisons|teal}}
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<small>'''Valaine:'''</small> Seemed to me you knew what you wanted. Don’t let anyone complicate that.  
<small>'''Valaine:'''</small> Seemed to me you knew what you wanted. Don’t let anyone complicate that.  
|source = Chief Valaine's Quarters, Chief Valaine & Dr. Skyfire <br>[[Skyfire, Chythar/Date2|Can You Tell Me The Date? Part 2]] - SD 239201.25|quoted = 1|width = 70%}}
|source = Chief Valaine's Quarters, Chief Valaine & Dr. Skyfire <br>[[Skyfire, Chythar/Date2|Can You Tell Me The Date? Part 2]] - SD 239201.25|quoted = 1|width = 70%}}
:Chase and Chythar met during the chief's physical, during which time Chythar shared the fact he was a telepath and Chase hinted that there was a trip to Risa in the doctor's future. The two talked about a possible date that was supposed to happen during shore leave, and it got postponed because of the plants overtaking the ship. When Chase came by later to be treated for respiratory problems, CD used telepathy to diagnose the problem and then they re-scheduled. The following day, CD met with the chief and [[Skyfire, Chythar/Date1|one thing]] led [[Skyfire, Chythar/Date2|to another]], leaving Chythar with mixed messages the following morning. They haven't spoken since.
:Chase and Chythar met during the chief's physical, during which time Chythar shared the fact he was a telepath and Chase hinted that there was a trip to Risa in the doctor's future. The two talked about a possible date that was supposed to happen during shore leave, and it got postponed because of the plants overtaking the ship. When Chase came by later to be treated for respiratory problems, CD used telepathy to diagnose the problem and then they re-scheduled. The following day, CD met with the chief and [[Skyfire, Chythar/Date1|one thing]] led [[Skyfire, Chythar/Date2|to another]], leaving Chythar with mixed messages the following morning. They haven't spoken since.}}
|RELATIONSHIP=Former Signifigant Other
|RELATIONSHIP=Former Significant Other
|BLURB=:Chythar began their relationship aboard the ''Helasse'' by explaining there were no hard feelings about Blair being made first officer. Over time, they formed a close friendship and Alex made CD the morale officer. Now, back in their own universe, they have exchanged a few dinners, and a couple of kisses. CD has never felt this way about anyone before, so the fact he now has a relationship is still very new to him. He expects to make a few blunders here and there before he's used to it. They've been out in public a couple of times since this formed, had a few serious chats, and grown closer together as a couple.<small>{{Quote box
:Chythar began their relationship aboard the ''Helasse'' by explaining there were no hard feelings about Blair being made first officer. Over time, they formed a close friendship and Alex made CD the morale officer. Now, back in their own universe, they have exchanged a few dinners, and a couple of kisses. CD has never felt this way about anyone before, so the fact he now has a relationship is still very new to him. He expects to make a few blunders here and there before he's used to it. They've been out in public a couple of times since this formed, had a few serious chats, and grown closer together as a couple.<small>{{Quote box
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|quote ='''Skyfire:''' Just hold that thought for a moment, mate.  <br />''<nowiki>::</nowiki> He stopped in his tracks, then turned to face Alex. It was all or nothing, and he took a breath before making his move and gave the mission specialist a full kiss. In that moment, it was like the rest of the world faded away. It was like magic, a sudden rush of happiness he hadn’t felt before. Any of the previous names which came to mind could not compare to this moment. <nowiki>::</nowiki>''<br />  
|quote ='''Skyfire:''' Just hold that thought for a moment, mate.  <br />''<nowiki>::</nowiki> He stopped in his tracks, then turned to face Alex. It was all or nothing, and he took a breath before making his move and gave the mission specialist a full kiss. In that moment, it was like the rest of the world faded away. It was like magic, a sudden rush of happiness he hadn’t felt before. Any of the previous names which came to mind could not compare to this moment. <nowiki>::</nowiki>''<br />  
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::However, so far their time aboard the ''Za'' has not been all sunshine and roses. Several facets about Chythar's connection to [[Lael Rosek|Lael]] have come to light, thus complicating his relationship with Alex. CD attempted to get an explanation in, and instead wound up putting additional strain on his partner. Now, the tension exists between them and only time will tell whether the rift can be healed.
::However, so far their time aboard the ''Za'' has not been all sunshine and roses. Several facets about Chythar's connection to [[Lael Rosek|Lael]] have come to light, thus complicating his relationship with Alex. CD attempted to get an explanation in, and instead wound up putting additional strain on his partner. Now, the tension exists between them and only time will tell whether the rift can be healed.
:Their days aboard the ''Za'' were spent apart, and only on their way to the ''Veritas'' following the decommissioning of their previous posting did they begin speaking to one another once again. Alex felt extremely guilty for allowing his feelings to get the better of him, and causing the distance that grew between them. Alex offered an olive branch in the form of asking Chythar to move into quarters with him once they arrived at their new home.
:Their days aboard the ''Za'' were spent apart, and only on their way to the ''Veritas'' following the decommissioning of their previous posting did they begin speaking to one another once again. Alex felt extremely guilty for allowing his feelings to get the better of him, and causing the distance that grew between them. Alex offered an olive branch in the form of asking Chythar to move into quarters with him once they arrived at their new home.
::Within a month after they get transferred to the ''Veritas'', Alex is called away by Starfleet on a mission of a classified nature. Upon his return, they are reunited for a very brief time before Alex once again leaves for a new posting, this time to the {{USS|Constitution}} as her first officer. Their correspondence over such a distance has been brief, and after a while their relationship has faded to friends but not constantly in contact.}}
::Within a month after they get transferred to the ''Veritas'', Alex is called away by Starfleet on a mission of a classified nature. Upon his return, they are reunited for a very brief time before Alex once again leaves for a new posting, this time to the {{USS|Constitution}} as her first officer. Their correspondence over such a distance has been brief, and after a while their relationship has faded to friends but not constantly in contact.
:In the days that followed, Chythar took off Alex's dog tags and keeps them wrapped around a picture he keeps on his desk of him and Alex as a fond reminder of the man he loved.}}
|RELATIONSHIP=Best Friend & Current Signifigant Other
|BLURB=During their tour of the [[Dominion War|alternate universe]], the ship was faling to pieces around them and Lael noticed Chythar seemed to be more distant than normal. He looked like he needed a friend, so they began talking and their friendship was born. He takes jujitsu lessons from her once in a while and has become one of her closest friends since. Every now and again, he comes face to face with the mat in practice because he drops his guard. Sometimes, he is asked to just listen, which puts him in the unlikely role of a counselor. It helps once in a while. He's also teaching her what he knows about shielding her mind.
::During some recent spinal surgery and his apparent refusal to give up on her, they became empathically and telepathically connected. The nature of this unusual connection allowed them to read each other's mind to a certain extent, to share the same nightmares, to read each other's emotions, and to sense when their mental shields weren't at their greatest.
:::They had served together through the ''Gorkon'', briefly aboard the ''Za'', and managed to stay together through it's decommissioning before their transfers to the ''Veritas'' and ''Montreal''. During that time, they were practically inseparable as far as friendships went. Several jujitsu lessons, several combat exercises, awkward family moments, and shouting matches over stupidity as friends tend to do, their relationship strengthened.
{{Quote box
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|quote = <small>'''Skyfire:''' I am quite sure. You and Commander Rosek are the the best command duo I’ve had the pleasure of serving with, but I would like to formally request time to collect myself and heal.</small>|source =Dr. Skyfire to [[Lael Rosek]] and [[Mei'konda Delano]]<br />[ Physician, Heal Thyself Part II] - SD 239603.02
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:Over the course of their mission to Meridian, Chythar realized that his flashbacks and PTSD are keeping him from doing his job. With a heavy heart, he had to tell his best friend that he was taking an indefinite leave from Starfleet to regain his sanity. They kept in touch frequently over the course of his sabbattical, and she has seen fit to list him as [[Madeline Rosek|Maddy's]] adopted father. Such a decision has made him realize that he truly does love her more than life itself. He is realizing that there is nobody else in his life more important than Maddy and Lael.

{{heading|Professional Colleagues|teal}}
{{heading|Professional Colleagues|teal}}
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:Their subsequent conversations have been purely business -- the captain had expressed some concerns about a journalist named {{n|Andrew|Davenport}} and had asked for a series of tests. Every single one that Chythar knew, illegal or otherwise, was to be run. And he presented his findings to both her and security chief Lt. {{n|Evan|Delano}}.  
:Their subsequent conversations have been purely business -- the captain had expressed some concerns about a journalist named {{n|Andrew|Davenport}} and had asked for a series of tests. Every single one that Chythar knew, illegal or otherwise, was to be run. And he presented his findings to both her and security chief Lt. {{n|Evan|Delano}}.  
::Another mission later, and he has lunch with Cassie at the Jalanda Palace on [[Deep Space X]]. This conversation involved temporal physics, and specifically the alleged deaths of three crew members. The possibility was raised that Chythar could, in theory, have become more telepathic than he already was, though that seemed to CD very unlikely. Chythar theorizes that a transporter accident caused there to be duplicates of {{n|Tristam|Core}}, {{n|Ki|Shandres}}, and {{n|Saveron}} stranded on the planet and thus died, which created the remains that he found during his little time slip.
::Another mission later, and he has lunch with Cassie at the Jalanda Palace on [[Deep Space X]]. This conversation involved temporal physics, and specifically the alleged deaths of three crew members. The possibility was raised that Chythar could, in theory, have become more telepathic than he already was, though that seemed to CD very unlikely. Chythar theorizes that a transporter accident caused there to be duplicates of {{n|Tristam|Core}}, {{n|Ki|Shandres}}, and {{n|Saveron}} stranded on the planet and thus died, which created the remains that he found during his little time slip.
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|quote = <small>'''EGAN MANNO:'''</small> You are extremely good at your job, that’s true. I have no quibbles with your results, but I am concerned about you as a professional. To be blunt, Doctor, you are sometimes arrogant and dismissive, and while those qualities don’t always affect your work, I am potentially concerned about them given that you would be in command of a staff of medical professionals and a sickbay of patients.:: Cassie paused briefly, tipped Skyfire a penetrating look, and continued. :: Therefore, you’ll inherit Doctor del Vedova’s position: Acting Chief of Medicine. :: beat :: I hope that the position will become permanent, but I would like to see improvement before that occurs.|source = Captain's Ready Room, USS Garuda to Dr. Skyfire [[Skyfire_Promotions1|JP: Capt. C. Egan Manno & Lt. Skyfire: Promotions (Part 1)]] - SD 239109.29|quoted = 2|align=left|width = 45%}}
|quote = <small>'''EGAN MANNO:'''</small> You are extremely good at your job, that’s true. I have no quibbles with your results, but I am concerned about you as a professional. To be blunt, Doctor, you are sometimes arrogant and dismissive, and while those qualities don’t always affect your work, I am potentially concerned about them given that you would be in command of a staff of medical professionals and a sickbay of patients.:: Cassie paused briefly, tipped Skyfire a penetrating look, and continued. :: Therefore, you’ll inherit Doctor del Vedova’s position: Acting Chief of Medicine. :: beat :: I hope that the position will become permanent, but I would like to see improvement before that occurs.|source = Captain's Ready Room, USS Garuda to Dr. Skyfire [[Skyfire_Promotions1|JP: Capt. C. Egan Manno & Lt. Skyfire: Promotions (Part 1)]] - SD 239109.29|quoted = 2|align=left|width = 45%}}
During his second shore leave following the capture of the rogue ship, {{USS|Mercury}}, he had to deal with a medical crisis involving their chief of navigation. Once more, he was called into the captain's office -- this time to receive a promotion to lieutenant and a promotion to acting chief of medical. It seems every time he goes into her office there is a degree of 'what did I do this time' affiliated with it.  In order to make his position permanent, he was challenged to make some personal improvements before he was going to be made CMO on a permanent level.
During his second shore leave following the capture of the rogue ship, {{USS|Mercury}}, he had to deal with a medical crisis involving their chief of navigation. Once more, he was called into the captain's office -- this time to receive a promotion to lieutenant and a promotion to acting chief of medical. It seems every time he goes into her office there is a degree of 'what did I do this time' affiliated with it.  In order to make his position permanent, he was challenged to make some personal improvements before he was going to be made CMO on a permanent level.
:When the chain of command for the Garuda was given to Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}}, Chythar wished her luck in her role as mission commander for the region. She has been immensely pleased with his service since he blessed her crew, and recommended his promotion to lieutenant commander.
:When the chain of command for the Garuda was given to Captain {{n|Aron|Kells}}, Chythar wished her luck in her role as mission commander for the region. She has been immensely pleased with his service since he blessed her crew, and recommended his promotion to lieutenant commander.}}
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<br>'''Saveron:''' Fascinating. ''<nowiki>::</nowiki> And from what Skyfire had told him, the cause of his abilities. <nowiki>::</nowiki>'' I am willing to share your experience if you wish. ''<nowiki>::</nowiki> It could explain much. <nowiki>::</nowiki>'' </small>
<br>'''Saveron:''' Fascinating. ''<nowiki>::</nowiki> And from what Skyfire had told him, the cause of his abilities. <nowiki>::</nowiki>'' I am willing to share your experience if you wish. ''<nowiki>::</nowiki> It could explain much. <nowiki>::</nowiki>'' </small>
|source = Lt. Skyfire's Quarters, Dr. {{n|Saveron}} and Dr. Skyfire <br>[[SIM:Skyfire, Chythar/AllInTheMind1|All In The Mind Part 1]] - SD 239112.06|quoted = 1|width = 75%}}
|source = Lt. Skyfire's Quarters, Dr. {{n|Saveron}} and Dr. Skyfire <br>[[SIM:Skyfire, Chythar/AllInTheMind1|All In The Mind Part 1]] - SD 239112.06|quoted = 1|width = 75%}}
::Saveron's knowledge of telepathy proved to be quite useful for the two of them to confer with Raissa on genetic sequencing and improving CD's own weak shields but also allowed for the two of them to confer on other cases as well, such as [[Delano, Evan|Delano]] and [[Ross, Harrison|Ross]] after the incident involving an interrogation and a forced mind meld. CD hasn't gotten used to the fact that Saveron asks for permission before consulting on a case, but as always, the Terran is grateful for the insight.
::Saveron's knowledge of telepathy proved to be quite useful for the two of them to confer with Raissa on genetic sequencing and improving CD's own weak shields but also allowed for the two of them to confer on other cases as well, such as [[Delano, Evan|Delano]] and [[Ross, Harrison|Ross]] after the incident involving an interrogation and a forced mind meld. CD hasn't gotten used to the fact that Saveron asks for permission before consulting on a case, but as always, the Terran is grateful for the insight.}}
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|source = Holodeck, {{USS|Gorkon}}. Dr. Orrey and Dr. Skyfire <br>[ The Importance of Sand Drawings (Part 2)] - SD 239301.05|quoted = 1|width = 45%}}
|source = Holodeck, {{USS|Gorkon}}. Dr. Orrey and Dr. Skyfire <br>[ The Importance of Sand Drawings (Part 2)] - SD 239301.05|quoted = 1|width = 45%}}
:Their second session was productive in the sense that Jansen discovered that Chythar was a doctor before joining Starfleet. Later, it was revealed through [ drawings in the sand] of what was important to CD. As they neared [ the end of their second session], Jansen also discovers Chythar's hobby and love for crafting. Over the course of their time in the alternate universe, however, the two have hardly spoken.  
:Their second session was productive in the sense that Jansen discovered that Chythar was a doctor before joining Starfleet. Later, it was revealed through [ drawings in the sand] of what was important to CD. As they neared [ the end of their second session], Jansen also discovers Chythar's hobby and love for crafting. Over the course of their time in the alternate universe, however, the two have hardly spoken.}}
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:It was here that he received his first kiss, which felt good but not right given his recent breakup with {{n|Debra|Cross}}. After discussing this blatant advance with Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}, it was explained to Chythar that due to the Argellian DNA she was not shy about her heritage and they worked through it. Gabi’s intent to teach him how to have fun and improve his conversational skills was well meaning, though CD is a little confused by her methods.  
:It was here that he received his first kiss, which felt good but not right given his recent breakup with {{n|Debra|Cross}}. After discussing this blatant advance with Counselor {{n|Raissa|Moonsong}}, it was explained to Chythar that due to the Argellian DNA she was not shy about her heritage and they worked through it. Gabi’s intent to teach him how to have fun and improve his conversational skills was well meaning, though CD is a little confused by her methods.  
::After the quarantine on DSX, she had been listening to the various gossiping happening on the station concerning Chythar’s actions and confronted him about it. Out of pure anger, she [ clocked him across the jaw then kissed him because she acted on pure impulse]. Skyfire isn’t going to enter this incident into her record as a reprimand -- it was a misunderstanding. During that shore leave, Gabi decided it'd be a good idea to get [[DeVeau, Alora|Alora]] drunk. Such actions were enough to get her written up on report, and Chythar was forced to confine her to quarters. For an Argellian, that is a true punishment.
::After the quarantine on DSX, she had been listening to the various gossiping happening on the station concerning Chythar’s actions and confronted him about it. Out of pure anger, she [ clocked him across the jaw then kissed him because she acted on pure impulse]. Skyfire isn’t going to enter this incident into her record as a reprimand -- it was a misunderstanding. During that shore leave, Gabi decided it'd be a good idea to get [[DeVeau, Alora|Alora]] drunk. Such actions were enough to get her written up on report, and Chythar was forced to confine her to quarters. For an Argellian, that is a true punishment. After their first mission aboard [[Astrofori One]], Gabi claimed to have learned her lesson and the punishment was lifted.}}
:After their first mission aboard [[Astrofori One]], Gabi claimed to have learned her lesson and the punishment was lifted.

{{heading|Chosen Family|teal}}
{{heading|Chosen Family|teal}}
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::After not even a month serving on the {{USS|Invicta}}, Chythar was sent in a shuttle to Starbase 118 by the Q, who had apparently known about a transfer. No explanation, just that he was being transferred to the {{USS|Columbia}}, which was to dock at the starbase. So, he contacted Sal and gave him the recipe for the Stew Surprise on the condition that {{n|Vitor|Silveira}} wasn't let anywhere near it.
::After not even a month serving on the {{USS|Invicta}}, Chythar was sent in a shuttle to Starbase 118 by the Q, who had apparently known about a transfer. No explanation, just that he was being transferred to the {{USS|Columbia}}, which was to dock at the starbase. So, he contacted Sal and gave him the recipe for the Stew Surprise on the condition that {{n|Vitor|Silveira}} wasn't let anywhere near it.
:Chythar called Sal after he returned, informing him of the changes that had taken place. Namely, his return, subsequent adoption, and feelings for Blair. They saw each other briefly during a layover where Chythar just happened to be passing through on his way to the {{USS|Columbia}} to accept a medical posting. He grabbed a beer with Sal, explained a few more changes that were happening, and then departed again. Chythar's been bad about keeping in touch, but tries.}}
:Chythar called Sal after he returned, informing him of the changes that had taken place. Namely, his return, subsequent adoption, and feelings for Blair. They saw each other briefly during a layover where Chythar just happened to be passing through on his way to the {{USS|Columbia}} to accept a medical posting. He grabbed a beer with Sal, explained a few more changes that were happening, and then departed again. Chythar's been bad about keeping in touch, but tries.}}
{{heading|It's Complicated|teal}}
'''''NOTE:''''' ''Those listed here are relationships that have or had extenuating circumstances that never quite got resolved.''
|RELATIONSHIP=Former counselor / sister of choice  
|RELATIONSHIP=Former counselor & sister of choice  
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:Sometime after the winter festivities of 2392, he receives a subspace call from her which inquires further about the "photon torpedo" he dropped about his return to the Menthar Corridor. The conversation ranged from the death of Virah-Latyi to his own well-being, and that of their canine friend Devlin.  
:Sometime after the winter festivities of 2392, he receives a subspace call from her which inquires further about the "photon torpedo" he dropped about his return to the Menthar Corridor. The conversation ranged from the death of Virah-Latyi to his own well-being, and that of their canine friend Devlin.  

:When the ''Gorkon'' went missing, Ris never gave up hope that CD was still alive. When he returned, the two spoke via subspace and she revealed that her family was expecting him to pay a visit. Chythar next saw her again upon his reassignment to the ''Veritas'' after the ''Za'''s decommissioning. During his social visit after the mission to Antor II, he managed to keep the conversation off of work and made an appointment for his actual intake evaluation. Their relationship had definitely changed from what it was, and the closeness they once had has now vanished.}}
:When the ''Gorkon'' went missing, Ris never gave up hope that CD was still alive. When he returned, the two spoke via subspace and she revealed that her family was expecting him to pay a visit. Chythar next saw her again upon his reassignment to the ''Veritas'' after the ''Za'''s decommissioning. During his social visit after the mission to Antor II, he managed to keep the conversation off of work and made an appointment for his actual intake evaluation. It took months for him to get to the point when he could even make an apology and mean it.
Just when he was certain they'd probably never be family again, as of 239705.03 becomes an uncle to Raissa's little girl, Natalia.}}

[[Category:Chythar Skyfire]]
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire]]
