Jonathan Cumar: Difference between revisions

-education, moved that to professional history
(added romantic relationship with Vanlith to timeline, added appropriate NPC categories, added my personal category.)
(-education, moved that to professional history)
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*239702.24: Begins romantic<ref>[ JP: Lt Jonathan Cumar & LtJG Charlena Vanlith: To New Adventures Part I]</ref> relationship<ref>[ JP: Lt Jonathan Cumar & LtJG Charlena Vanlith: To New Adventures Part II]</ref> with [[Charlena Vanlith]]
*239702.24: Begins romantic<ref>[ JP: Lt Jonathan Cumar & LtJG Charlena Vanlith: To New Adventures Part I]</ref> relationship<ref>[ JP: Lt Jonathan Cumar & LtJG Charlena Vanlith: To New Adventures Part II]</ref> with [[Charlena Vanlith]]
{{heading|Education & Service Record|darkgoldenrod}}
While Jon may've been hopeless when it came to diplomacy, he seemed to excel when it came to piloting and maps. He managed to obtain a double-major, becoming proficient in operations, communications, helm, and navigation. His academic record yielded high marks in any combat-oriented class, a talent his former pal [[Bishop, Leland|Leland]] did not have a knack for.
See Full Article {{s|Jonathan Cumar|Professional History}} for missions logs, academy diplomas, duty logs & awards history.
:Soon after Cadfael transferred to the {{USS|Darwin|A}}, Jono transferred to [[Starbase 118 Ops]] to pursue a minor in security.
{{Academy Diploma|Name on Diploma=Jonathan Cumar|Graduation Date=239110.22|Post2390=Yes|Major=Communication/Operations|Commandant=Andrus Jaxx|Training CO=Liam Frost}}
{{Academy Diploma|Name on Diploma=Jonathan Cumar|Graduation Date=239110.22|Post2390=Yes|Major=Helm/Navigation|Commandant=Andrus Jaxx|Training CO=Liam Frost}}
{{heading|Service Record|darkgoldenrod}}
See Full Article {{s|Jonathan Cumar|Professional History}} for missions logs, duty logs & awards history.
{{:Jonathan Cumar/ServiceTable}}
{{:Jonathan Cumar/ServiceTable}}

