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{{Embassy of Duronis II}}
:'''''See also:''' [[Bronwyn Crew History]]''
The officers below have served at the [[Embassy of Duronis II|Federation Embassy on Duronis II]], and are recorded at their highest fields and ranks on board.
The officers below have served at the [[Embassy of Duronis II|Federation Embassy on Duronis II]], and are recorded at their highest fields and ranks on board.

All sections are arranged by date of service, with the most recent additions to the crew at the top of each list. Links to profiles have been added where possible.  
All sections are arranged by date of service, with the most recent additions to the crew at the top of each list. Links to profiles have been added where possible.  

{{header|Maroon|[[USS Thor]]/[[Embassy|Embassy on Duronis II]]}}
{{CrewHistory-Subpages|SHIP=Duronis II Embassy|MARINE=Yes}}
{{Post|Silver|Select a Division Subpage}}
{{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Thor/Embassy on Duronis II}}
{{CrewHistory End}}
{{ID subpages note}}
{{Post|Red|Commanding Officer<!--Chief of Mission-->}}
{{New Officer|Rear Admiral|Toni Turner|Red|238801.20 - Present|Tonilg.png|10|0|STYLE=Slanted|NOTES=<small>Promoted to Fleet Captain: 238902.13.<br>{{USS|Thunder}} lost in [[Klingon_Invasion_of_2389|Klingon Invasion]].<br>Replaced by {{USS|Thunder|A}} on 238912.24.<br>Promoted to Rear Admiral: 239201.08.</small>}}
{{Post|Red|First Officer<!--Deputy Chief of Mission-->}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Oddas Aria|Red|239404.13 - Present|STYLE=Slanted}}
{{Post|Red|Administrative Officers}}
{{Post|Red|Ambassador to Til'ahn}}
{{Post|Red|Strategic Operations Officer}}
{{Post|Red|Special Operations Officer}}
{{New Officer|Commander|Brayden Jorey|Red|239404.13 - Present|STYLE=Slanted}}
{{Post|Red|Chief Helmsman}}
{{Post|Red|Chief Helm, Communications and Operations Officer}}
{{Post|Red|Helm, Communications and Operations Officers}}
{{Post|Red|Deck Officer}}
{{Post|Red|Mission Specialist}}
{{Post|Black|Chief Intelligence Officer/Chief Intelligence Director}}
{{Post|Black|Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer/Starfleet Intelligence Deputy Director}}
{{Post|Black|Intelligence Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief Operations Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Operations Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Deck Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
{{Label|Security & Tactical}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief Tactical Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Tactical Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Security}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Pavlova, Irina|Gold|2392xx.xx - 239209.29|STYLE=Slanted|NOTES=Transferred back to Marines}}
{{Post|Gold|Assistant Chief of Security}}
{{Post|Gold|Security Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Armory Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|K9/SAR Officer}}
{{Post|Teal|Chief Medical Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Boris Hendon|Teal|239106.01 - 239302.22|STYLE=Slanted|NOTES=Transferred from Engineering.<br>Transferred to CMO, USS Bronwynn}}
{{Post|Teal|Assistant Chief Medical Officer & Chief of Forensics}}
{{Post|Teal|Medical Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Chief Science Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Assistant Chief Science Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Science Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Chief History & Archaeology Specialist}}
{{Post|Green|Chief Marine Officer/Marine Commanding Officer}}
{{New Officer|Major|Hannibal Parker|Green|239210.26 - Present|STYLE=Slanted}}
{{Post|Green|Marine Officer}}
{{Post|Green|Platoon Leader}}
{{Post|Red|JAG Officer}}

Characters known to be general use NPCs are listed [[Thunder Non-Playing Character Listing|here]], while personal NPCs can be found [[Thunder Personal NPCs|here]].
Characters known to be general use NPCs are listed [[Thunder Non-Playing Character Listing|here]], while personal NPCs can be found [[Thunder Personal NPCs|here]].

[[Category: Embassy of Duronis II]]
[[Category: Embassy of Duronis II|C]]
