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Eerie was born on Brikarn Prime, he was adopted by Security Detachment of Eerie Province. He was given that name for the Provence.  Since he did not have a family, he did not get a surname. Like all brikar children he attended orientation school from the age of 2-7. He the spent his youth with the Security detachment, spending the majority of his time with Supervisor Tredd and his family.  He took Intergalactic relationships in University. At the University he learned the Federation and Klingon languages. Like all Brikar, he took the standard defense classes in middle school and college.  During his 2nd year he heard a lecture by a Starfleet officer. Since he was unable to join the Brikar Defense Froce (BDF), (due to his lack of a formal family) and unable to take a mate he decided to apply for Starfleet. During his last 2 years at University he was able to train with the Reserve officer corp at the University. But received no formal credit for it.  
Eerie was born on Brikarn Prime, he was adopted by Security Detachment of Eerie Province. He was given that name for the Provence.  Since he did not have a family, he did not get a surname. Like all brikar children he attended orientation school from the age of 2 through 7 years of age. He the spent his youth with the Security detachment, spending the majority of his time with Supervisor Tredd and his family.  He took Intergalactic relationships in University. At the University he learned the Federation and Klingon languages. Like all Brikar, he took the standard defense classes in middle school and college.  During his 2nd year he heard a lecture by a Starfleet officer. Since he was unable to join the Brikar Defense Froce (BDF), (due to his lack of a formal family) and unable to take a mate he decided to apply for Starfleet. During his last 2 years at University he was able to train with the Reserve officer corp at the University. But received no formal credit for it.  

He passed the entrance exam, and went to Star Fleet Academy on Earth in California. Which was a major culture shock to the young and somewhat small [[Brikar]]. He was assigned a Vulcan roommate and except for one brief social party he attended he stayed in his room when not doing cadet activities. This lead to some ribbing by the rest of his classmates. He did however graduated a bit above the middle of his class. He received no demerits while at the Academy. His counselor at the Academy had him assigned to a Nova class ship with a roommate, one specifically with an out going personality. In order for him to reach his personal goal of someday getting his own command. Despite his up bring on [[Brikar]], he felt that Eerie would need to vastly improve his social skills to reach his goal of command. He majored in Tactics and Minored in Security at the Academy. He is a rated pilot, but his skills are only average.
He passed the entrance exam, and went to Star Fleet Academy on Earth in California. Which was a major culture shock to the young and somewhat smallish [[Brikar]]. He was assigned a Vulcan roommate and except for one brief social party he attended he stayed in his room when not doing cadet activities. This lead to some ribbing by the rest of his classmates. He did however graduated a bit above the middle of his class. He received no demerits while at the Academy. His counselor at the Academy had him assigned to a Nova class ship with a roommate, one specifically with an out going personality. In order for him to reach his personal goal of someday getting his own command. Despite his up bring on [[Brikar]], he felt that Eerie would need to vastly improve his social skills to reach his goal of command. He majored in Tactics and Minored in Security at the Academy. He is a rated pilot, but his skills are only average.

He was assigned to quarters with Ensign [[Blackwood, Evanna]](now deceased) after some initial if minor problems they have become good friends. Eerie is not the most social person, much preferring duty over social activities, but does have a very dry/deadpan sense of humor if you can get to know him.
He was assigned to quarters with Ensign [[Blackwood, Evanna]](now deceased) after some initial if minor problems they have become good friends. Eerie is not the most social person, much preferring duty over social activities, but does have a very dry/deadpan sense of humor if you can get to know him.
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He had started to have some personnel relationships, and one in particular. He had a romantic relationship with a  [[Bolian]] woman named Ensign [[Peiy]]. The relationship ended with his transfer to the [[USS Vigilant]].  Eerie was  basically learning about dating as he goes along. He had never been romantically involved before that  and  found  it very interesting, yet  very confusing at the same time.
He had started to have some personnel relationships, and one in particular. He had a romantic relationship with a  [[Bolian]] woman named Ensign [[Peiy]]. The relationship ended with his transfer to the [[USS Vigilant]].  Eerie was  basically learning about dating as he goes along. He had never been romantically involved before that  and  found  it very interesting, yet  very confusing at the same time.
Most relationships are set up by the families of Brikar, however, with no formal parents, he was free to have relationships out side of the species.

Eeire has only a couple of close friends, and is very at ease with them, showing some emotions. He does counts a few other friends among the crew but is still very formal with them.  He had risen to the rank of LT. Commander. He is now in charge of the Security and Tactical Departments. He now splits his time in the office and on the bridge for the most part. But he still likes to do the occasion security sweep. Eerie calls it thinking on his feet.  
Eerie has only a couple of close friends, and is very at ease with them, showing some emotions. He does counts a few other friends among the crew but is still very formal with them.  He had risen to the rank of LT. Commander. He is now in charge of the Security and Tactical Departments. He now splits his time in the office and on the bridge for the most part. But he still likes to do the occasion security sweep. Eerie calls it thinking on his feet.  
He is most at ease with LT.Commander Matthews of the USS [[Mercury]]. Whom he will contact usually on shore leave. He had a growing friendship with Captain of the Marines [[Kagran]].

Eerie has conformed to the dress code of the Federation, and after 6 years of wearing clothing, he has gotten use to it. Most Brikarn don't have the  need for protective clothing on Brikarn Prime.  
Eerie has conformed to the dress code of the Federation, and after 6 years of wearing clothing, he has gotten use to it. Most Brikarn don't have the  need for protective clothing on Brikarn Prime.  
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He still prefers to stand on duty, and one of the reasons he choose Tactical and Security at the Academy. He will sit down, but prefers not to.  
He still prefers to stand on duty, and one of the reasons he choose Tactical and Security at the Academy. He will sit down, but prefers not to.  

Eerie has a few connections on Brikarn Prime, but he uses them sparingly. He has not returned since going into Federation service, but would like to return for a visit. He still has routine contact with his mentor and father figure, Supervisor Tredd of the Security Detachment. [[Tredd]] was a member of the intelligence department at one time. He normally checks up on Eerie from time to time using his contacts in the BDF.
Eerie has a few connections on Brikarn Prime, but he uses them sparingly. He has not returned since going into Federation service, but would like to return for a visit.

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He has formally ended his relationship with Ensign [[Peiy]]. He is looking forward to his new posting as Chief of Security and Tactical on the [[USS Vigilant]].
He has formally ended his relationship with Ensign [[Peiy]]. He is looking forward to his new posting as Chief of Security and Tactical on the [[USS Vigilant]].

Eerie has had some ups and downs on the Vigilant. He was infected with a virus on the second mission and had to spend a lot of time in the sickbay. During the first two weeks on Earth the doctors had him confined sickbays with tests on him.  He has had a dislike of sickbays since that experience.  
Eerie has had some ups and downs on the Vigilant. He was infected with a virus on the second mission and had to spend a lot of time in the sickbay. During the first two weeks on Earth, during the academy, the doctors had him confined sickbays with tests on him.  He has had a dislike of sickbays since that experience.  

Eerie felt slighted at not being picked as first officer during a mission.  This stems back to being passed over for second officer on the Avandar.  He still enjoys running his department, but still would like to get some time in the big chair on the bridge of the Vigilant.  He had not had the chance as of yet, and is wondering if he will ever get the chance. He has started to form some new relationships on the Vigilant.
Eerie felt slighted at not being picked as first officer during a mission.  This stems back to being passed over for second officer on the Avandar.  He still enjoys running his department, but still would like to get some time in the big chair on the bridge of the Vigilant.  He had not had the chance as of yet, and is wondering if he will ever get the chance. He has started to form some new relationships on the Vigilant.

Recently he received the news of the death of the his mentor [[Tredd]]. During a dieing declaration, he was formally accepted into his family giving him status on Brikar Prime. This opens many doors to Eerie.   
Recently he received the news of the death of the his mentor [[Tredd]]. During a dying declaration, he was formally accepted into his family giving him status on Brikar Prime. This opens many doors to Eerie, however he is committed to his service with the Federation.   
Eerie is still concerned on his career in Starfleet and his ultimate goal as Captain of starship. However he has started a new relationship with a Dorfman. She is a member of the Vigilant's marine squad. Recently, Eerie and Nia Calderan's relationship has started to grow more strong. Eerie had made room in is quarters for some of her items when she stays over with Eerie. The have been seen actually holding hands once while leaving a mandated meeting. After the Ravensville experience Nia has moved into his quarter on a permanent basis.
After the mission to Zakdorn IV, Eerie gave her a jewelry that signified a more permanent relationship. Eerie continues to work toward his goal of promotion, but after a great rise to Lt. Commander, he continues to see others pass him by on the command track. He plans on redoubling his efforts to reach the pinnacle he desires.
With the retirement of the USS Vigilant Eerie was transferred to the USS Victory. He was offered the role as First officer, which was a very pleasant surprise to him. Nia resigned her commission for a while, and lived with Eerie. However duty called and she was transferred off the ship. They continue to correspond on a very regular basis.

Eerie is still concerned on his career in Starfleet and his ultimate goal as Captain of starship. However he has started a new relationship with a Dorfman. She is a member of the Vigilant's marine squad. Recently, Eerie and Nia Calderan's relationship has started to grow more strong. Eerie had made room in is quarters for some of her items when she stays over with Eerie. The have been seen actually holding hands once while leaving a mandated meeting.