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'''Brommel Fortune''': Brommel is Corliss' older brother and Ravenna's boyfriend. They maintain a strong long-distance relationship that would be considered open, though Ravenna herself doesn't partake in any outside physical relations. He is a Ranger with Starfleet that takes him to nondisclosed parts of space and he often doesn't have the ability to visit. Notably, Brommel left a picture of the two of them at Corliss' Ball dancing as a bookmark in Ravenna's poetry journal marking a poem about being madly in love with the person you are with.  
'''Brommel Fortune''': Brommel is Corliss' older brother and Ravenna's boyfriend. They maintain a strong long-distance relationship that would be considered open, though Ravenna herself doesn't partake in any outside physical relations. He is a Ranger with Starfleet that takes him to nondisclosed parts of space and he often doesn't have the ability to visit. Notably, Brommel left a picture of the two of them at Corliss' Ball dancing as a bookmark in Ravenna's poetry journal marking a poem about being madly in love with the person you are with.  

<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Personal History|150|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>

Ravenna was born and raised in New York City, New York, Earth. Her father was a Doctor at a local hospital and he also worked with Starfleet. He was a civilian casualty during a failed mission. Mission details were withheld from Ravenna due to her age at the time and the file has since been sealed. Her mother was an Anthropologist who enjoys learning about new cultures. Her mother was her inspiration for becoming an Archaeologist, despite their rough relationship.
Ravenna was born and raised in New York City, New York, Earth. She is the only child of Daniel Carter and Elizabeth Quinlan. Daniel, for the first few years of Ravenna life, worked at the local hospital in the Emergency and Trauma Center; however when Ravenna was five, he was forced to take a position as a Civilian Doctor with Starfleet for reasons unknown to her. Elizabeth is a semi-well-known Archaeologist with a specialty in metallurgy; she often was out of the home by design as she did not like her home life. This lead Ravenna and Daniel to have a very strong bond that made is death, coupled with the physical abuse and neglect from her mother, particularly hard.  
[[File:Daniel Carter Older.jpg|150px|thumb|Ravenna's father (older)]]
She honored her father by completing medical school at Embry and getting her psychology degree. She completed her Anthropology and psychology degrees at the same time and began working on her doctorate immediately after. She is known for her high IQ. She credits this to her love of learning and reading that was instilled in her by her father.  

She is self-conscious that she will be seen as a know it all. She has an ear for languages and has learned several over her lifetime. When she was young, she had a gymnastics coach who criticized her in Russian continuously. She learned the language to understand what was being said. Ravenna did exceptionally well in herself defense courses at the academy and joined a sparring group. She majored in Archaeology and minored in medicine. Her favorite course was ANTH 201: Advanced Anthropology and Archaeology.
At age six, Ravenna was sent to Dr. Corin Fortune, a Counsellor with Starfleet dealing with children of officers, to help her deal with her father's passing. Though her mother took her to the appointment, it was evident that Ravenna felt very detached from her mother. She continued to see Dr. Fortune until she turned eighteen and no longer fit the criteria to be a patient of hers. Ravenna believes that her time with Dr. Fortune is the only reason she has made it as far in life as she has.

Ravenna maintains a strong relationship with her father's siblings, Jonathan and Samantha. Her mother attempted to prevent contact, but after she left, Ravenna's nanny thought it best that she have the familial support in her life. Jonathan and Samantha both reside in Queens near the cemetery that Daniel was laid to rest in. Ravenna takes the opportunity to visit often. Much of her childhood was clouded by pain and mental health struggles that alienated her from the majority of her peers. Her early upbringing by her father had helped her get far academically but failed her socially; she was often bullied for being a know it all. To help her cope and to give her a companion outside of the limited adults in her life, her nanny, Claudia, got Ravenna a little grey and white Pitbull Puppy named Daisy. Ravenna named her after her favorite flowers.
Ravenna had always desired to be a Medical Doctor like her father, so upon graduating high school a few years early, she attended Emory University in Georgia; having been accepted as Pre-med and the into the Medical program. She did her fellowship at the same hospital her father had worked in during her youth. Once she completed the Fellowship, she was offered a fulltime position as in the Emergency and Trauma Center, right where her father had worked. Growing tensions between her and her mother, who had never attended any of her graduations, lead her to pursue her degrees in Anthropology and Archaeology; going straight into a doctoral program. She graduated with her doctorate but was sad to see that they shared interests with her mother had had the opposite effect.
She joined Starfleet in the hopes of finding answers about her father and expanding her knowledge of the Universe. While in the academy, she made friends with Ghant Xerix and Corliss Fortune, both a year ahead of her. Ghant led to many a misadventure, but none so emotionally charged as their attempted kidnapping on Risa. Ghant had been poisoned and Ravenna was on the chopping block. She managed to convince the would-be kidnappers that Ghant would die without medical intervention. After ensuring he would make it, Ravenna was forced to fight the attackers of single-handedly. After besting one of the assailants, Ravenna found herself incapacitated, however, Ghant had come to and took the other guy out before he could fatally stab Ravenna.
Her friendship with Corliss Fortune, daughter of her former counselor, was more relaxed and was rooted in activities like studying and shopping; where the only risk was a headache and sleep deprivation. As a graduation gift for Corliss, her parents threw her a ball. Corliss and Ravenna went dress shopping and the plan was that Corliss would teach Ravenna how to dance. However in the night of, in a joint setup from Corin, Dixin, and Corliss; Ravenna found herself dancing with Brommel Fortune, her crush. That night, they admitted their mutual feelings for each other rather awkwardly and began their relationship. That night also saw the start of her newest nickname, Gracie Bird. He gave her a paper flower that she still has with her in her keepsake box.
During her final year of the academy, Brommel would visit on his rare shore leaves, as he is a Starfleet Ranger. One such time, the pair found themselves stuck inside due to rainstorms. the two spent the night curled up on a couch reading together and at some point, he placed a picture of them from the ball in her poetry collection journal as a bookmark on his favorite poem. During her training simulation on the holodeck, Ravenna served as the Science Officer on the USS Centris-A. She was tasked with confirming the victims of an attack were fit for transport to medical when one of the Lieutenants aboard grabbed her.
So far into her tenure on the USS Constitution-B, Ravenna has made fast friends with her fellow Science Officer. They are currently in the midst of her first mission as a part of the crew.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service History|200|COLOR=Teal}}</h3>
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