List of most wanted persons: Difference between revisions

Sky Blake moved page .List of most wanted persons to List of most wanted persons without leaving a redirect: Full stop at front.
m (Sky Blake moved page .List of most wanted persons to List of most wanted persons without leaving a redirect: Full stop at front.)
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*[[Gopa]] - space pirate
*{{n|Gopa}} - space pirate
*[[Officer Dreckel]] - former SF officer; Maquis
*{{n|Officer Dreckel}} - former SF officer; Maquis
*[[Crewman Yan]] - former SF officer; Maquis
*{{nrank|Crewman|Yan}} - former SF officer; Maquis
*[[T'Pal]] - Romulan Ambassador
*{{N|T'Pal}} - Romulan Ambassador
*[[Enarbrem Sul'Rikard]] - Romulan criminal
*{{n|Enarbrem|Sul'Rikard}} - Romulan criminal
*[[Jerrin, David|David Jerrin]] - kidnapper
*{{n|David|Jerrin}} - kidnapper
*the [[Paaran]] - former Maquis; Terrorist
*the {{n|Paaran}} - former Maquis; Terrorist
*[[Russhook SSlithou]] - Gorn warrior
*{{n|Russhook|SSlithou}} - Gorn warrior
*[[Henderson, Marcus|Marcus Henderson]] - former SF enlisted
*{{n|Marcus|Henderson}} - former SF enlisted
*[[Heller, Emily|Dr. Emily Heller]] - Federation scientist
*{{nrank|Dr.|Emily|Heller}} - Federation scientist
*[[Maximoff, Erik|Erik Maximoff]] - former SF officer; Orion Pirate
*{{n|Erik|Maximoff}} - former SF officer; Orion Pirate
*[[Gregory, Martin|Prof Martin Gregory]] - former SF officer; illegal temporal research
*{{nrank|Prof|Martin|Gregory}} - former SF officer; illegal temporal research
*[[Dreth, Baren]] - Cardassian defector and revolutionary, wanted for acts of terrorism.
*{{n|Baren|Dreth}} - Cardassian defector and revolutionary, wanted for acts of terrorism.
*[[Krax]] - Defunct Klingon General, last seen in trinity Sector - Wanted for Acts of Terrorism. Is sought after by the Klingon Government for Treason
*{{n|Krax}} - Defunct Klingon General, reappeared briefly during a Gemini mission and took out a few Klingon ships so he could hand them an account as war reparations for the Thracians
*Major [[Aaron Stark]] - Former Starfleet Marine Corps; Mercinary. Wanted for abetting acts of terrorism, attempted murder of several Starfleet Officers
*{{nrank|Major|Aaron|Stark}} - Former Starfleet Marine Corps (AWOL); Mercenary. Wanted for abetting acts of terrorism, attempted murder of Starfleet Officers
*[[Koval]] - Rogue Klingon Officer; Wanted for charges of terrorism. Wanted by Klingon Empire for charges of Treason.
*Captain {{n|Guiseppe|daSalda}} - Former Starfleet Marine Corps (AWOL); Mercenary. Wanted for abetting acts of terrorism, attempted murder of Starfleet Officers
*{{n|Koval}} - Rogue Klingon Officer; Wanted for charges of terrorism. Wanted by Klingon Empire for charges of Treason.
*{{n|Ruchard}} - Operative of the Maquis Reborn; Wanted for charges of terrorism, grand larceny, bank robbery, murder, grievous harm to a Starfleet Installation.
*{{n|Leelou}} - Crime Boss for [[Orion Syndicate]]. Wanted by the Federation for extortion, murder, political intrigue, destruction of private property, & escape from a Federation prison. Frequently encountered by the {{USS|Gorkon}}.
*[[Ana'Duek]] - [[Orion Syndicate]] Kingpin. Wanted for Enterprising in illegal Weapons trade, extortion, Murder, Slave trade, prostitution, piracy and more.
*{{n|Fairioni|k'Ariadust}} - Wanted for espionage, treason, breaking and entering, jaywalking. Imprisoned, died in Prison
[[Category:Criminals| ]]
[[Category:Criminals| ]]
