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'''Lyndsey Fisher''' was a reporter. She was awarded the honorary rank of Ensign aboard the {{USS|Apollo|A}} and was responsible for reporting life and daily activities aboard the vessel.
|NAME = Lyndsey Fisher
|SHIP = USS Apollo-A
|RANK = Ensign
[[Category:Nathaniel Wilmer]]
|POST = Reporter
|COLOR = Red
|SPECIES = Human
|GENDER = Female
|IMAGE = Fisher2.jpg
:'''"To report the right and true is the civil duty of all who serve the public and their quest for knowledge."''' - Anonymous
Lyndsey Fisher is a civilian with the honorary rank of Ensign responsible for reporting life and daily activities aboard the {{USS|Apollo|A}}. She is a PNPC and is played by Lieutenant JG Nathaniel Wilmer.
image:Fisher3.jpg|Lyndsey reporting from the Klingon homeworld.
* '''Height''': 1.77m (5'10")
* '''Weight''': 64kg
* '''Hair''': Blonde
* '''Eyes''': Blue
* '''Skin Tone''': Caucasian
* '''Build''': Normal
* '''Scars/Features''': None
* '''Poses''': Walks seductively, tends to invade personal space
* '''Voice''': Light and feminine
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Born''': June 10th, 2369
* '''Habits''': Takes too much time beautifying herself
* '''Likes''' : Being identified as famous, the color pink, working for the Federation News Service
* '''Dislikes''' : People interfering with her job
* '''Hobbies''' : Flirting, travel, horseback riding
* '''Mental Problems/Phobias''' : Egocentric
* '''Physical limitations''' : None
* '''Orientation''' : Heterosexual
* '''Religion''' : Unknown
* '''Quarters''' : Full of trophies and awards from journalism and equestrian events
==Interesting Facts==
* '''Owns a horse named Firebrand.'''
* '''Is generally attracted to men, but has no preference as to their appearance. Has dated men in her junior and senior age, of all body types.'''
* '''She hates tattoos and refuses to get one.'''
* '''Has no idea how warp drive actually works.'''
* '''2369''': Born
* '''2387''': Graduates from college and earns position at the Federation News Service
* '''2389''': Earns dual position at the Starfleet Bureau of Information, earning an informal rank of Ensign.
* '''239201.08''': Earns first major assignment reporting life aboard USS Apollo-A
Born in Michigan, on Earth. She enjoys horseback riding, sports, swimming and writing.
{{Section|Awards & Service Ribbons|Red}}
This officer has not yet achieved any recognition of note.
{{Section|Writing Examples|Red}}
[| OOC Achievement October/November Winner: Heritage of the Lost]
