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#REDIRECT [[Aidoann Danara]]
Aidoann Danara is currently serving as Chief Security Officer aboard the [[USS_Athena]]. Previous assignments include [[USS Doyle-A]], [[USS Constitution]], [[USS Apollo-A]] and [[USS Apollo]].
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Family</h2>
* '''Mother''': Sindari Asorit Valdran (Deceased)
* '''Father''': D'Amarok Valdran (Deceased)
* '''Spouse''': Iael Etas Danara (Betazoid)
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Personal History</h2>
Aidoann was born on Romulus then moved to a colony world within the Romulan Star Empire. Both her parents, D’Amarok and Sindari thought that would allow her to better make her own mark in the empire. There has been some speculation that Aidoann’s grandmother or great grandmother may have been Reman. Even though it was never confirmed. Her father served the Romulan Empire as officer.  Sindari had to retire from active duty in the RSE military due to medical reasons, shortly before the Valdran's learned they were expecting their first and only child.
Like all Romulans, Aidoann had to serve in the military. She attended RSE Imperial War College, majoring in combat flight and tactical. Academically she did well but her career didn’t go as expected. Aidoann never really got any notice, she trained to do something tactical was stuck in a very low profile role. Additionally superiors made it next to impossible for Aidoann to do anything of significance despite being a trained as a tactical officer and fighter pilot. Things took a drastic turn for her when she ended up learing some key information about a plot to overthrow those that wanted to see better Romulan relations with the Federation. Part of what Aidoann found out shocked her to the core. Her father, D’Amarok is involved. When she attempted to report it she quickly finds out her immediate superior officers (or at least a major one, her CO) is part of that rogue group.
She was wrongfully imprisoned, with a bounty on her head. Aidoann was locked up but before her sentence could be carried out she was essentially saved by an under cover Starfleet Intel agent, Iael Danara. He believes her story, in fact what she tells him provides some key pieces he's been missing in trying to bring this faction down because they also pose a major threat to the Federation. Things on Romulus are not going well in general due to Hobus’ status. As a result of the Hobus supernova Aidoann and the Intel Officer manage to evacuate Romulus just in time. One unexpected result is that the two have fallen for each other romantically. Eventually they are married.
Its deemed that Aidoann's allegiance to her own was shaky due to everything that happened and being betrayed by her own father. Ultimately Aidoann is allowed to join Starfleet due to a variety of reasons. Starfleet sees that she helped them out and then the other events with Romulus also factor in. Information Aidoann has about the rogue faction is just one factor in that decision.
Aidoann attended Starfleet Academy with a dual major in Intelligence and Tactical. Her cadet cruise took place on the USS Centris-A.  From there she accepted her first active assignment aboard the [[USS Apollo]] as an Intelligence Officer.  Her initial mission aboard that ship turned out to be a life changing experience for Aidoann.  All hands had to abandon ship when it was destroyed. Exact details surrounding Apollo's demise are classified. The only confirmation is that it happened during a battle with the Borg. Apollo's crew were temporarily reassigned to the USS Aegis for a mission under the command of Sundassa Faranster before being assigned to the Apollo-A. It was during aftermath of that mission that Aidoann was reunited with her husband, Iael Danara.
The next step in her career came as an unexpected surprise, Aidoann was transferred to the USS Constitution-B on short notice after being aboard the Apollo-A for only a short time.  Her first mission aboard the ship challenged the crew.  After Sorta they were sent on a high priority mission to the Piktar system. Upon returning from that mission Aidoann found herself promoted to full Lieutenant and Chief Intelligence Officer. At the same time she was transferred to the [[USS_Doyle-A]] under the command of Captain Shelter Faranster along with several members of the Constitution crew.
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Professional History</h2>
* '''236202.03:''' Born to D'Amarok and Sindari Valdran
* '''236208.12:''' Moved to a colony world within the Romulan Star Empire
* '''2366:''' Started Primary school at age 4.
* '''237901.01:''' RSE Imperial War College (Fighter Pilot and Tactical)
* '''2383-2387:''' Served as a low level officer in the Romulan MIlitary.
* '''238610.26-2387:''' CLASSIFIED
* '''2387:''' Escaped Romulus prior to its destruction due to the Hobus supernova.
* '''2387:''' Enrolled in [[Starfleet Academy]]. Dual Major: Intelligence and Tactical
* '''239102.01:''' Graduated [[Starfleet Academy]]
* '''239102.09:''' Graduated from training on the [[USS Centris-A]].
* '''239102.11:''' Promoted to Ensign. Dispatched immediately for assignment to [[USS Apollo]] as Intelligence Officer.
* '''239104.10:''' CLASSIFIED [[USS Apollo]] destroyed in defense of the Boreia System from the Borg.
* '''239104.29:''' Promoted to Lieutenant JG. Awarded Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal. Reassigned as Intelligence Officer with Apollo's crew to [[USS Apollo-A]].
* '''239109.06:''' Transferred to the [[USS Constitution]] as Intelligence Officer
* '''239204.0x:''' Promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Intelligence Officer. Transferred to the [[USS Doyle-A]]
* '''239xxx.0x:'''  Took a leave of absence from the [[USS Doyle-A]] for training
* '''239xxx.0x:'''  Reassigned to the [[USS Doyle-A]] as Security Officer
* '''239xxx.0x:'''  Promoted to Chief Security Officer. Transferred to the [[USS_Athena]]
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Personal Notes</h2>
''On duty:'' Aidoann prefers the pants style uniform and wears it whenever possible. Due to the more tactical nature of her job, function is her main priority. On duty Aidoann wears her hair up to keep it out of the way and within regulations, usually its braided. When the situation warrants Aidoann will dress in native attire. On rare occasions she combines the knee-long skirt with midcalf boots.
''Off duty:'' When she isn't on duty Aidoann likes to be comfortable. Pants or longer shorts tend to be her preference since they are easier to move in.
When off duty she wears her hair in various ways, sometimes its partly pulled up with part down
===Interests and Hobbies===
Aidoann enjoys a wide variety of activities off duty.  Physical fitness is something she takes seriously.  From an early age she has studied various forms of Martial Arts. That has become a routine part of life for her. Off duty she enjoys a variety of sports including Running, Swimming, SCUBA Diving, and Ice Skating to name a few.  Other interests include music, reading and spending time with Iael when she can.
Aidoann has always been very driven. Since leaving Romulus her goal has been to make a new life for herself. All she wants it to make a difference and protect those who can’t easily protect themselves. She doesn’t want her accomplishments to be tied to her father’s ideals or the darker side of her home world that was too self absorbed to save itself. Trust is something that Aidoann has a difficult time with due to events from her past but once she proves herself she’s extremely loyal. On duty Aidoann is dedicated to being the best officer she can be, while off duty she knows the value of relaxing. She considers a miracle.
===Likes and Dislikes===
Aidoann has a deep seeded hatred for the Borg. Having encountered them more than once during her military career. 
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Personal Relationships</h2>
'''D'Amarok Valdran''': Aidoann's Father- D'Amarok Valdran is believed deceased. Officially listed as MIA after destruction of Romulus as a result of the Hobus supernova.
'''Sindari Valdran''': Aidoann's Mother - Sindari Valdran is deceased.
'''Iael Danara''': Iael Danara is married to Aidoann Danara.
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Career Overview</h2>
{| border='2' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#000000; width:110px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Insignia'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Rank'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Dates'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:220px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Posting'''</font>
! style="background:#000000; width:190px;" |<font color=#ffffbb>'''Assignment'''</font>
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Cadet1st.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet 1st Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239102.09 
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Student<br><small> Major: [[Starfleet Intelligence|Intelligence]] Major: [[Tactical]] Minor: [[Security]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO Ensign Black.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Ensign
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239102.11 - 239104.29
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Apollo]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant-JG_Black.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239104.29 - 239109.06
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Apollo-A]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant-JG_Black.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239109.06 - Present
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Constitution]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant_Black.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239204.0x - 239xxx.0x
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Doyle-A]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Intelligence Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant_Black.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239xxx.0x - 239xxx.0x
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Training
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant_Yellow.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239xxx.0x - 239xxx.0x
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Doyle-A]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Security Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:STO_Lieutenant_Yellow.jpg]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239xxx.0x - 239xxx.0x
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS_Athena]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Security Officer
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Award History</h2>
'''2014 Awards'''
<li>239104.29 - 2014, Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal</li>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#000000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Past Assignments</h2>
==USS Constitution-B, NCC-9012-B==
On short notice Lt JG Danara found herself reassigned to the [[USS Constitution]] under the command of Commander Shelther Faranster.
=== Constitution-B Missions===
* Coming Soon
== USS Apollo-A, NCC-71669-A==
After the destruction of the Apollo the crew stayed together but headed out on a temporary assignment aboard the USS Aegis under the command of First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sundassa Faranster. Upon returning from that assignment they had some shoreleave before moving to the USS Apollo-A, Odyssey Class, under command of Rear Admiral Andrus Jaxx.
==USS Apollo, NCC-71669==
Straight out of the Academy, Ensign Aidoann Danara accepted an deep space assignment the [[USS Apollo]] under the command of Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx. She was assigned as the ship's Intelligence Officer. That first assignment proved to be one she won't easily forget. During this time Aidoann was separated by duty from her husband.
[[USS Apollo]] was destroyed by the Borg. Further details CLASSIFIED. Upon returning home Aidoann was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and received the Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal.
===Apollo Missions===
* [[Apollo Omega One|"Omega One"]]
{{Crewnav|USS Doyle-A}}
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