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(Veritas SAR AAR Shahrazad system - encounter with the Borg and Omega directive) |
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'''After Action Report''' | |||
''Ship'': USS VERITAS | |||
''Department'' : SAR | |||
''Officer'': Commander Kelrod | |||
''Stardate'': 239508.31 | |||
'''Report:''' | |||
After the events that led to the investigation of the Borg presence in the Shoals, the Veritas was pulled through a distortion back in time six hundred years. As it was find out that we’re in the vicinity of an inhabitated planet and the Borg debris fell on it, a team was dispatched to search the Borg remains for any surviving drone and take measures to avoid a time contamination following temporal directives. For that purpose, I was asked by acting captain Delano to lead the team along with Lieutenant Commander Moonsong, Lieutenant Jg. Dugoras, Lieutenant Thoran and our female Ohanze guest that goes by the name of Oracle. | |||
As we approached the planet, we used he intelligence jamming equipment, plus the improvements the Shadow was outfitted with to approach the planet undetected. Upon our arrival we landed and approached the Borg signatures by foot to minimize the risc of detection and while doing our approach we detected some signals of creatures approaching our positions but we couldn’t identify what it was. When we confirmed the position of the debris and the presence of a dead native creature and an inactive drone, we split in two teams to investigate and to find whatever technology was present that help us to return to our time. | |||
To that purpose, Thoran, Dugoras and myself moved down to the debris, leaving Moonsong, and Oracle on the uphill to serve as observers from higher ground. There was no sign of active drones and we started our search when Dugoras was faced by a modified drone we haven’t seen before. As the counselor fired on the drone, it has no effect and then it came to hand to hand combat before Thoran or myself could reach to them. The Borg stabbed him in the shoulder and Thoran arrived to help him, receiving also a wound. As the drone was distracted, I used the chance to hop over him, and finishing it with a burst from my phaser rifle directly to the occipital region. | |||
Seeing the magnitude of the wounds, I called for Moonsong and Oracle to attend Dugoras and called the shuttle to retrieve us. Using the little time we had, Thoran and I searched for the piece of technology required and finally found it. Unfortunately a few creatures, similar to the one we found dead at first, but bigger (about thirty feet) crawled from beneath the ice, braking it in their attack. Weighing the potential time contamination if our mission failed and we’re left behind with our and the Borg technology for the inhabitants to find, I ordered the evacuation of the team, having to fire on one of the creatures a high energy burst to make it retreat enough for us to be transported. | |||
After that we left the planet and informed the Veritas, who instructed us to the final guidance of two torpedoes to destroy the Borg remains an a greater threat to the sector and the timeline itself. Once that was done, we got back to the Veritas, pursued by native ships while our propulsion systems have suffered minor damage. Once on our ship our wounded were attended, despite the insistence of Lieutenant Thoran to check the proper study and use of the recovered Borg technology to return to our own time. | |||
Given the nature of our mission and classification level, some details have been kept from this report and given directly to Commander Delano for its inclusion in his final report. | |||
'''Recommendations/Conclussions:''' | |||
This mission was a very extraordinary one, given the nature that brought us to it, however, it’s been clear that it involved so many non SAR personnel (Dugoras, Moonsong, Oracle and Thoran), so in the light of that, I make the following recommendations: | |||
- When a recovery operation is being made, this Commander asks for at least three quarters of the team to be equipped with long weapons besides assigned sidearms. | |||
- Any civilian that goes with the SAR team will have a dedicated escort. | |||
- Those with no Security or SAR training will not enter a potentially dangerous zone until the team has secured it, except in exceptional situations. | |||
- It will be useful to have some kind of personal shielding developed and deployed, that could give the teams an edge in case of combat and give us another tool to reinforce Starfleet non-agressive nature. | |||
I’d like to note that the help of Lt. Thoran and his actions were essential to the success of our return and that he faced danger with bravery. |