Andorian/Society: Difference between revisions

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The upper floor of council chamber contains an eight-sided room known as the Heroes’ antechamber. The Andorian Chancellor and the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]] Ambassador are both elected by members of the ''keth'' and serve on the Andorian government.
The upper floor of council chamber contains an eight-sided room known as the Heroes’ antechamber. The Andorian Chancellor and the [[MA:United Federation of Planets|Federation]] Ambassador are both elected by members of the ''keth'' and serve on the Andorian government.

All [[Andorian|Andorians]] are members of clans, or ''keth'', which specialise in different professional skills. These ''keth'' all have different views, which need to be represented in some way in the global government. As such, the Kethni council, made up of a number of members from different ''keth'' is the global government of Andoria, and it comprises around 300 members. Legislation, as well as the election of a Chancellor, is decided democratically. The Council is directly responsible for the Andorian Defence Force, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of [[MA:Starfleet Command|Starfleet Command]].

[[Image:AndorianBoots.jpg|thumb|150px|''An example of [[Andorian]] military-issue boots.'']]
[[Image:AndorianBoots.jpg|thumb|150px|''An example of [[Andorian]] military-issue boots.'']]
The most important overland trade route on the planet is through the Tharan Mountains. This trade route was the source of a great deal of dispute during the Time of Lament. Its importance has dwindled since the introduction of atmosphere-capable [[MA:Shuttlecraft|shuttlecraft]] and [[MA:Transporter|transporter]] technology.
The most important overland trade route on the planet is through the Tharan Mountains. This trade route was the source of a great deal of dispute during the Time of Lament. Its importance has dwindled since the introduction of atmosphere-capable [[MA:Shuttlecraft|shuttlecraft]] and [[MA:Transporter|transporter]] technology.
