User:Zephyr/sandbox 6: Difference between revisions

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<h3>Podcast 1 (February)</h3>
For additional content, click on the Youtube link in the sidebar to the right! Here you will find all the full episodes of the Starbase 118 Podcast.

Coming Soon

<h3>Podcast 1 - 239402.28</h3>
*Academy Graduates from November 2393 to January 2394
*FNS news report on the Dryary Confederation
*Sim Readings:
**Top Sim Nominee joint post "Friends in High Places" by Captain [[Sal Taybrim|Taybrim]] and Dempok
**Top Sims Nominee "Showdown" by Captain Tyr Waltas
*Interview with Lieutenant JG [[Kubon Mera]] of the {{USS|Athena}}
*Announcement of the Starfleet Medical Journals
*History Team Bulletin
*"Holly’s Carpet" song to the tune of "Deck the Halls"
*Promotions from October 2393 to January 2394

====Show Notes====
[ 2394-E1]

====Listen & Download====
<h3>Podcast 2 - 239404.27</h3>
*Academy graduates from February to March of 2394
*Ship In Focus: The {{USS|Constitution|B}}
*2 FNS summaries covering their most recent exploits
*2  interviews with the Constitution's very own [[Choi Ji-hu]] and [[T'Reshik]].
*Sim Readings:
**Top Sim Nominee Cross Ship JP: LtCmdrs [[Nicu Icavoc|Icavoc]] & [[Chythar Skyfire|Skyfire]] - Understanding of the species
**Top Sim Nominee [[Evan Delano]] - Investigation
*The special Archive Announcement
*Promotion segment covering all promotions from February to March 2394.

[ 2394-E2]

<h3>Podcast 1 (February)</h3>
<h3>Podcast 3 - 239408.14</h3>
*Academy graduates from April to June 2394
*FNS article about the History of 118
*Ship In Focus: Interview with Captain [[Selene Faranfey|Faranfey]] of the {{USS|Athena}}
*The Importance of OOC Development and IC Character Development by Sabrina Holly
*A reading of the Top Sim of 2016, "Defying a Direct Order" by Lt. Cmdrs. [[T'Lea]] & [[Rune Jolara]].

[ 2394-E3]

<h3>Podcast 4 - 239410.31</h3>
*Announcements and a Welcome to the Fleet covering graduates from July to August
*Sim Readings:
** "Can’t Sleep?" by [[Chythar Skyfire]] and [[Lael Rosek]]
**"Lucky Luna" by [[Luna Walker]]
**"The Arduous Path" by [[Evan Delano]] and [[Roshanara Rahman]]
*Ship In Focus: {{USS|Veritas}} -- Interview with Captain [[Roshanara Rahman|Rahman]] by Lael Rosek.
*We also have an Insider’s Look at the Search and Rescue (SAR) Team by [[Kelrod]]

====Show Notes====
[ 239410-E4]
<!--{| border='1' cellspacing='0' width="80%"
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Time
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Segment
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Contributor(s)
| align="right" |'''[ 00:00]'''
| colspan="2" |'''Begin'''
| align="right" |'''[ 00:32]'''
| '''Intro'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx and Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine welcome you to the latest SB118 podcast.''
| align="right" |'''[ 01:44]'''
| '''Starbase 118: Confidential'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Velana]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''In this, the second edition of SB118: Confidential, Lt. Commander Velana gets the inside story on violence and romance at Starbase 118 Ops, pregnancy and a potential suicide mission aboard the'' Mercury'', newborns, new couples and rekindled relationships on the'' Avandar'', and a reawakening on the'' Apollo''.  Want names?  You'll have to listen to get the full story.  Got gossip you want to share?  Drop Lt. Commander Velana a line in the SB 118: Confidential forum [ here].
| align="right" |'''[ 05:44]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine briefly discuss "checking in" on former crewmates across the fleet.''
| align="right" |'''[ 07:08]'''
| '''OOC Interview: Lt. Colonel David Whale'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]<br>Lt. Colonel [[Whale, David|David Whale]], [[USS Drake|USS ''Drake'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Lt. Commander Wulfantine sits down with the writer of Lt. Colonel David Whale, executive officer of the USS ''Drake'', and discusses memorable missions, the Commander's Exam, the latest adventures of the ship on which he is second in command, the ''Drake'', and the Image Collective.  They also touch on effective and entertaining character development, Whale's own IC backstory and future, and the place of the Marines in Starfleet.
| align="right" |'''[ 31:30]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine invite fleet members to join the conversations going on in the [ SB118 forums].''
| align="right" |'''[ 33:20]'''
| '''Promotions: September & October 2389'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''14 officers received promotions in September and October 2389.  '''From the'' [[USS Apollo|''USS'' Apollo]]'':''' [[Pierce, Sidney|Sidney Pierce]] to Lieutenant, [[Williams, Alan|Alan Williams]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[Matthews, Richard|Richard Matthews]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[T'Mar]] to Lieutenant, j.g., and [[Frost, Liam|Liam Frost]] to Commander.  '''From the'' [[USS Drake|''USS'' Drake]]'':''' [[Rogers, William|William Rogers]] to Captain, [[Whale, David|David Whale]] to Lt. Colonel, [[Weston, Oliver|Oliver Weston]] to Lieutenant, and [[Stennes, Didrik|Didrik Stennes]] to Lieutenant.  '''From the'' [[USS Tiger-A|''USS'' Tiger]]'':''' [[Clark, Joseph|Joseph Clark]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[Blair, Alex|Alex Blair]] to Lieutenant, j.g., and [[Mannin, Chloe|Chloe Mannin]] to Lieutenant, j.g.  '''From the [[Embassy of Duronis II|Embassy]]:'''  [[Valentino, Michael Angelo|Angelo Valentino]] to Marine Captain.  '''From the'' [[USS Discovery-C|''USS'' Discovery]]'':''' [[Collim, Kieran|Kieran Collim]] to Lieutenant, j.g.
| align="right" |'''[ 34:24]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | &nbsp;
| align="right" |'''[ 35:29]'''
| '''''Star Trek: Enterprise'' Review'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Velana]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Lt. Commander Velana speaks out in favor of the most recent'' Trek'' series,'' Enterprise'', gives a fair and thorough season-by-season review and encourages Trekkers to rediscover the series in reruns.''
| align="right" |'''[ 43:03]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine share their own opinions about'' Enterprise'', including which character from the series most deserved to be "airlocked."''
| align="right" |'''[ 47:17]'''
| '''Klingon Invasion Update'''
| '''Captain [[Nicholotti, Kali|Kali Nicholotti]], [[Starbase 118 Ops]]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Captain Nicholotti issues the latest update on the Klingon Invasion, and the news from ships across the fleet that were mobilized to help restore peace in the region.''
| align="right" |'''[ 56:13]'''
| '''Outro'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | &nbsp;
| align="right" |'''[ 57:18]'''
| colspan="2" | '''End'''

====Listen & Download====
<h3>Podcast 5 239411.24</h3>
*Welcome to the Fleet covering graduates from September to October
*Top Sim of 2017: "Captain to Captain" by Captains [[Sal Taybrim]] & [[Jalana Rajel]] as read by [[Lael Rosek]] & [[Kelrod]]
*Ship in Focus: {{USS|Atlantis}} -- Interview with Brell By Lael Rosek
*''The Shoals Never Bothered Me Anyway'' to the tune of ''Frozen'': ''Let it Go'', Sung by [[Alora DeVeau]], lyrics by [[Chythar Skyfire]]
*In and Out of Character Holiday Plans
*Federation Holidays
*118 Discord and Social Media Updates
*Announcements Written by Lael Rosek

<h3>Podcast 2 (April)</h3>
[ 2394-E5]

<h3>Podcast 1 - 239302.19</h3>
*Academy graduates & Welcome to the Fleet from January
*Federation News Service segments
*Interview by [[Alora DeVeau]]  of Melissa Snodgrass, TNG Episode screen writer and novelist

[ 2393-E1]

====Show Notes====
<h3>Podcast 2 239304.06</h3>
*Welcome to the Fleet covering graduates from February & March
*History Team feature: {{USS|Columbia}}
*FNS News Updates
*Writing Contest
*Graphic Contest
*Out of Character (OOC) News

====Listen & Download====
[ 2393-E2]

==Podcast 3 (July)==
<h3>Podcast 3 - 239306.21</h3>
*Welcome to the Fleet from May & June
*Interview with Captain [[Jalana Rajel]] about novel writing

[ 2393-E3]

<h3>Podcast 4 - 239311.02</h3>
*Welcome to the Fleet
*FNS News Updates
*Trek Tech 101: Warp Drive
*The Autobiography of James T. Kirk Book Review

====Show Notes====
[ 2393-E4]

====Listen & Download====
<h3>Podcast 1 - 239203.21</h3>
==Podcast 4 (September)==
*Recent Happenings within the fleet
**Ship launches
*** ''Starbase 118 Ops/{{USS|Albion}}''
**Death of Lt. Gwen Gardener, {{USS|Atlantis}}
====Show Notes====
*Memories of Spock / Tribute to Leonard Nimoy
====Listen & Download====
*Returning Members
*Upcoming Events
==Podcast 5 (November)==
*Leadership Roster segment
====Show Notes====
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==Podcast 1 ()==
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==Podcast 1 ()==
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==Podcast 2 ()==
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==Podcast 3 ()==
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==Podcast 4 ()==
[ 2392-E1]

<h3>Podcast 2 - 239205.20</h3>
[ 2392-E2] Interview of Rear Admiral [[Toni Turner]] by Lieutenant [[Sassi Kax]]

<h3>Podcast 3 - 239205.20</h3>
"Banned From Argo" was written in 1977 by Leslie Fish as part of a cassette tape entitled Solar Sailors. The song itself was based on Star Trek: The Original Series. The song was recognized with a Pegasus Award in 2003 for Best Classic Filk Song, and in 2013, Leslie sang it at Worldcon on a model of the NCC-1701 Bridge, while sitting in Captain Kirk's chair. To date, there are over 500 known verses of "Banned from Argo." Our version of "Banned from Argo" features the adventures of the USS Garuda in the Menthar Corridor!

====Show Notes====
Visit our website at

====Listen & Download====
*Amanda (Alora DeVeau)
*Sergio (Marcus Dickens)
*Zephyr (Chythar Skyfire)
*Mandy (Raissa Moonsong)

==Podcast 5 ()==
Piano: Rich (Roshanara Rahman)

Additional Lyrics: Sarah (Saveron)

[ 2392-E3] Banned From Menthar: A Starbase 118 Sing-a-long

====Show Notes====
<h3>Podcast 1 - 239102.17</h3>
*Starbase 118 Changes: 4 ships launched
*The Captains of Trek: Captain Jonathan Archer
*Scavenger Hunt - Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx
*USS Darwin Ship Review - Commander Marcus Dickens
*Treknobabble - Fleet Captain Diego Herrera
*Book Review - Lieutenant James

====Listen & Download====
[ 2391-E1]

<h3>Podcast 2 - 239103.28</h3>
*Star Trek Theme Park in Spain
*Star Trek Convention Discussions
*The Captains of Trek: Captain James T. Kirk
*Interview with Lieutenant JG [[Alora DeVeau]]
*Trek Food
*Supporting Character Poll Results
*Dream Crew

==Podcast 1 ()==
[ 2391-E2]

<h3>Podcast 3 - 239105.24</h3>
*Captains in Trek: Jean Luc Picard
*Book Review: ''Star Trek: Federation''
*Reflection on the difference in fan reaction to the 2009 reboot of ''Star Trek'' versus its 2013 sequel ''Into Darkness''.
*Trek Peeves: Dr. Crusher.

[ 2391-E3]

====Show Notes====
<h3>Podcast 4 - 239108.07</h3>
*Women in Trek: How They're Written & Women in Fandom
*Promotions in the Fleet
*Launch of the {{USS|Columbia}} & {{USS|Victory}}

====Listen & Download====
[ 2391-E4]

==Podcast 2 ()==
<h3>Podcast 5- 239111.16</h3>
*Roddenberry's Vision & Social Commentary
*Trek and the Media
*What's Bugging Us About Trek

[ 2391-E5]

<h3>Podcast 1 - 239001.29</h3>
**Interview of Ensign [[Alexander Richards]] by Lt Commander Leo Handley-Page
**Interview of Lieutenant Commander [[Eerie]] by Lieutenant Commander [[Marcus Dickens]]
*Starbase 118 Confidential

====Show Notes====
[ 2390-E1]

====Listen & Download====
<h3>Podcast 2 - 239003.28</h3>
*Writing Improvement Month Recap
*Interview with [[S'Kahh Rossh]]
*Treknobabble: Medical Edition

==Podcast 3 ()==
[ 2390-E2]

<h3>Podcast 3 - 239006.30</h3>
*Treknobabble: Phasers - Captain Diego Herrera
* Ship Close Up - {{USS|Apollo}} - LtCmdr Marcus Dickens
* Interview with [[Isaac Bale]] by LtCmdr Leo Handley-Page

[ 2390-E3]

====Show Notes====
<h3>Podcast 4 - 239008.01</h3>
* Treknobabble - Transporters:  Captain Diego Herrera
**Interview with Lieutenant JG [[James]]
**Interview with Lt. Commander [[Sundassa Faranster]]

====Listen & Download====
[ 2390-E4]

==Podcast 4 ()==
<h3>Podcast 5 - 239010.06</h3>
*Treknobabble: Warp Core ~ Diego Herrera
*Interview of Fleet Captain [[Andrus Jaxx|Jaxx]] by Leo Handley-Page
*{{USS|Avandar}} Review

<h3>Podcast 6 - 239012.11</h3>
*FSN Report - Commander Marcus Dickens
*Treknobabble: Structural Integrity Fields - Fleet Captain Diego Herrera
*Interview with Lieutenant [[Kael Thomas]] by Major Leo Handley-Page
*Ship Close Up {{USS|Discovery|C}} - Commander Marcus Dickens
*Scavenger Hunt - Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx
*Trek Peeves: Enterprise & First Contact

[ 2390-E5]

====Show Notes====
<h3>Podcast 1 - 238907.02</h3>
====Listen & Download====
*An In-Depth Look at the Training Team with Paul Diamond, interviewed by Toni Turner
*Trek News Globally
==Podcast 5 ()==
*Trek Upgraded: TOS Remastered
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==Podcast 1 ()==
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==Podcast 2 ()==
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==Podcast 3 ()==
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==Podcast 4 ()==
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==Podcast 5 ()==
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==Podcast 1 ()==
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==Podcast 2 ()==
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==Podcast 3 ()==
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==Podcast 4 ()==
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==Podcast 5 ()==
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====Listen & Download====
<!--==Episode 2389-1 (238907.30)==
* Captain Andrus Jaxx
* Book Review - Lt(JG) James, USS Discovery
* Hello Aliens - Lt(JG) Vid-Lotilija, USS Apollo
* Family Tree/Wiki History - Captain Mal Avatar (Lt(JG) Ra-Uleyra), USS Apollo
* SDC Interview - 2nd Lt Joseph Dubeau, StarBase 118 Ops & Commander Tal Tel-ar, USS Apollo
* Promotions - Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* IC Wedding Interview - Ensign Johanna MacLaren (Writer), StarBase 118 Ops - LtCmdr Eyas Wulfantine(Interviewer), USS Mercury -  LtCmdr Alucard Vess, Duronis II Embasy -  Flt Cpt Toni Turner(Angie Reynolds), Duronis II Embassy
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2389-1 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2389-1 Download!]
==Episode 2389-2 (238909.05)==
* Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Lieutenant Viktor Lanius, USS Apollo
* Book Review - Lieutenant JG James, USS Discovery
* SDC Review - 1st Lieutenant Joseph Dubeau, StarBase 118 Ops & Commander Tal Tel-ar, USS Apollo
* Intel Close Up - Lieutenant Viktor Lanius, USS Apollo
* Promotions - Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Character Interview - Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine, USS Mercury & Lt. Commander Velana, USS Mercury
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2389-2 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2389-2 Download!]
==Episode 2389-3 (238910.02)==
* Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Lieutenant Viktor Lanius, USS Apollo
* IC/OOC Interview - Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine, USS Mercury & Major Jacen Fanel, USS Mercury
* Community Activities - Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Tactical Reports - Lieutenant JG Colt Daniels, StarBase 118 Ops - Lt. Commander Eerie, USS Avandar - Lieutenant Ra-Uleyra, USS Apollo - Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine, USS Mercury
* OOC Interview/Publicity Team - Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine, USS Mercury & Lt. Commander Alexander Matthews, USS Mercury
* Promotions - Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Klingon Invasion Update - Captain Kali Nicholotti
* StarBase 118 Confidential - Lt. Commander Velana
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2389-3 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2389-3 Download!]
==Episode 2389-4 (238911.12)==
* Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]
* Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine, USS Mercury
====Show Notes====
{| border='1' cellspacing='0' width="80%"
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Time
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Segment
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Contributor(s)
| align="right" |'''[ 00:00]'''
| colspan="2" |'''Begin'''
| align="right" |'''[ 00:32]'''
| '''Intro'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx and Lt. Commander Eyas Wulfantine welcome you to the latest SB118 podcast.''
| align="right" |'''[ 01:44]'''
| '''Starbase 118: Confidential'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Velana]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''In this, the second edition of SB118: Confidential, Lt. Commander Velana gets the inside story on violence and romance at Starbase 118 Ops, pregnancy and a potential suicide mission aboard the'' Mercury'', newborns, new couples and rekindled relationships on the'' Avandar'', and a reawakening on the'' Apollo''.  Want names?  You'll have to listen to get the full story.  Got gossip you want to share?  Drop Lt. Commander Velana a line in the SB 118: Confidential forum [ here].
| align="right" |'''[ 05:44]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine briefly discuss "checking in" on former crewmates across the fleet.''
| align="right" |'''[ 07:08]'''
| '''OOC Interview: Lt. Colonel David Whale'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]<br>Lt. Colonel [[Whale, David|David Whale]], [[USS Drake|USS ''Drake'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Lt. Commander Wulfantine sits down with the writer of Lt. Colonel David Whale, executive officer of the USS ''Drake'', and discusses memorable missions, the Commander's Exam, the latest adventures of the ship on which he is second in command, the ''Drake'', and the Image Collective.  They also touch on effective and entertaining character development, Whale's own IC backstory and future, and the place of the Marines in Starfleet.
| align="right" |'''[ 31:30]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine invite fleet members to join the conversations going on in the [ SB118 forums].''
| align="right" |'''[ 33:20]'''
| '''Promotions: September & October 2389'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''14 officers received promotions in September and October 2389.  '''From the'' [[USS Apollo|''USS'' Apollo]]'':''' [[Pierce, Sidney|Sidney Pierce]] to Lieutenant, [[Williams, Alan|Alan Williams]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[Matthews, Richard|Richard Matthews]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[T'Mar]] to Lieutenant, j.g., and [[Frost, Liam|Liam Frost]] to Commander.  '''From the'' [[USS Drake|''USS'' Drake]]'':''' [[Rogers, William|William Rogers]] to Captain, [[Whale, David|David Whale]] to Lt. Colonel, [[Weston, Oliver|Oliver Weston]] to Lieutenant, and [[Stennes, Didrik|Didrik Stennes]] to Lieutenant.  '''From the'' [[USS Tiger-A|''USS'' Tiger]]'':''' [[Clark, Joseph|Joseph Clark]] to Lieutenant, j.g., [[Blair, Alex|Alex Blair]] to Lieutenant, j.g., and [[Mannin, Chloe|Chloe Mannin]] to Lieutenant, j.g.  '''From the [[Embassy of Duronis II|Embassy]]:'''  [[Valentino, Michael Angelo|Angelo Valentino]] to Marine Captain.  '''From the'' [[USS Discovery-C|''USS'' Discovery]]'':''' [[Collim, Kieran|Kieran Collim]] to Lieutenant, j.g.
| align="right" |'''[ 34:24]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | &nbsp;
| align="right" |'''[ 35:29]'''
| '''''Star Trek: Enterprise'' Review'''
| '''Lt. Commander [[Velana]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Lt. Commander Velana speaks out in favor of the most recent'' Trek'' series,'' Enterprise'', gives a fair and thorough season-by-season review and encourages Trekkers to rediscover the series in reruns.''
| align="right" |'''[ 43:03]'''
| '''Link'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Jaxx and Wulfantine share their own opinions about'' Enterprise'', including which character from the series most deserved to be "airlocked."''
| align="right" |'''[ 47:17]'''
| '''Klingon Invasion Update'''
| '''Captain [[Nicholotti, Kali|Kali Nicholotti]], [[Starbase 118 Ops]]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | ''Captain Nicholotti issues the latest update on the Klingon Invasion, and the news from ships across the fleet that were mobilized to help restore peace in the region.''
| align="right" |'''[ 56:13]'''
| '''Outro'''
| '''Fleet Captain [[Jaxx, Andrus|Andrus Jaxx]], [[USS Apollo|USS ''Apollo'']]<br>Lt. Commander [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine]], [[USS Mercury|USS ''Mercury'']]'''
| colspan="3" style="font-size:88%" | &nbsp;
| align="right" |'''[ 57:18]'''
| colspan="2" | '''End'''
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2389-4 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2389-4 Download!]
==Special Edition: USS Vigilant Launch!==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Mercury
====Special Guests====
* Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
====Listen & Download====
[ Special Edition: USS Vigilant Launch on YouTube!]
[ Special Edition: USS Vigilant Launch Download]
==Episode 2389-5 (238912.24)==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Lt. Commander Leo Handley-Page(aka Eyas Wulfantine), USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Mercury
* Tactical Report - Lieutenant Colt Daniels, StarBase 118 Ops
* Personal Log - Lt. Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
* Promotions - Hosts
* StarBase 118 Confidential - Lt. Commander Velana, USS Mercury
* IC Intel Report - Lt. Commander Viktor Lanius, USS Apollo
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2389-5 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2389-5 Download!]
==Episode 2390-1 (239001.29)==
* Lt. Commander Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Mercury
* Lieutenant JG T'Mar, USS Apollo
* Interview with Ensign Alexander Richards, USS Mercury - conducted by Lt. Commander Handley-Page
* StarBase 118 Confidential with Lt. Commander Velana
* Interview with Lt. Commander Eerie, USS Vigilant - conducted by Lt. Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-1 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-1 Download!]
==Special Edition: Writing Improvement Month, 2013==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
====Listen & Download====
[ Special Edition: Writing Improvement Month, 2013]
==Episode 2390-2 (239003.28)==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
* Interview with Lieutenant S'Kahh Rossh, Duronis II Embassy - conducted by Lt. Commander Handley-Page
* Treknobabble Medical Edition - Captain Diego Herrera
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-2 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-2 Download!]
==Episode 2390-3 (239006.30)==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Interview with Lt. Commander Issac Bale, USS Mercury - conducted by Lt. Commander Handley-Page
* Treknobabble Phaser Edition - Captain Diego Herrera
* Ship Close up, USS Apollo - Lt. Commander Marcus Dickens
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-3 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-3 Download!]
==Episode 2390-4 (239008.01)==
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Major Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
* Lieutenant T'Mar, USS Apollo
* Interview with Lieutenant JG James, USS Drake - conducted by Major Handley-Page
* Interview with Lt. Commander Sundassa Faranster, USS Apollo - conducted by Major Handley-Page
* Treknobabble Transporter Edition - Captain Diego Herrera
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-4 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-4 Download!]
==Episode 2390-5 (239010.06)==
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Major Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant
* Interview with Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo - conducted by Major Handley-Page
* USS Avandar Review - Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
* Treknobabble Warp Core Edition - Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-5 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-5 Download!]
==Episode 2390-6 (239012.11)==
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander T'Mar, USS Apollo
* FSN Report - Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
* Treknobabble - Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Interview with Lieutenant Kael Thomas - Major Leo Handley-Page, USS Vigilant
* Ship Close Up (Discovery-C) - Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
* Scavenger Hunt - Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-6 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-6 Download!]
==Episode 2390-7 Holiday Edition and Awards Preview==
This holiday podcast features 2 hosting teams!
Team 1:
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Lt. Commander T'Mar, USS Apollo
* Lieutenant Sinda Essen, StarBase 118 Ops
* Lieutenant Kael Thomas, USS Vigilant
* Ensign Sahriv, USS Mercury
Team 2:
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant
* Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Avandar
* Lieutenant JG Alora DeVeau, USS Mercury
* Lieutenant JG Kaitlyn Falcon, USS Vigilant
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2390-7 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2390-7 Download!]
==Episode 2391-1 (239102.17)==
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* USS Darwin Ship Review - Commander Marcus Dickens, USS Atlantis
* Treknobabble - Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Scavenger Hunt - Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo
* Book Review - Lieutenant James, USS Darwin
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2391-1 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2391-1 Download!]
==Episode 2391-2 (239103.28)==
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant
* Interview with Lieutenant JG Alora DeVeau; by Lt.Cmdr Leo Handley-Page, USS Garuda
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2391-2 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2391-2 Download!]
==Episode 2391-3 (239105.10)==
* Fleet Captain Diego Herrera, USS Vigilant-A
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant-A
* Book Review by Lt.Cmdr James, USS Darwin-A
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2391-3 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2391-3 Download!]
==Episode 2391-4 (239108.08)==
* Lt. Commander Velana, USS Vigilant-A
* Lt. Commander T'Mar, USS Gemini
* Discussion on Women In Trek.
* What's Bugging You About Trek?
* Fleet Chat Segment with Lt. Alora DeVeau.
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2391-4 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2391-4 Download!]
==Episode 2391-5 (239111.16)==
* Lt. Commander T'Mar, USS Gemini
* Lt. Chythar Skyfire, USS Garuda
* Lt. Tyler Kelly, USS Columbia
* Ens. Carmine Santucci, USS Victory
* Cpt. Liam Frost, USS Gemini
* Roddenberry's vision as Trek as social commentary.
* How is Trek portrayed in different media.
* What's Bugging You About Trek?
====Listen & Download====
[ Episode 2391-5 on YouTube!]
[ Episode 2391-5 Download!]
==Episode 2392-1 239203.23==
*Lt. Commander T'Mar, USS Gemini
*Lt. Chythar Skyfire USS Garuda
*Recent Fleet Happenings
**Ship Launches/Relaunches
**Losses / Deaths in the Fleet
*Memories of Spock / Spock Tribute
*Returning Members Welcome Back
*Team Recruitment
*Fleet Team / Contest / Chat Reminders
*Therapy Dogs In The Fleet: Hope and Devlin
*Fleet Gossip

[ 2389-E1]
[ Episode 239203.01 on YouTube!]

==Episode 2392-2 239205.20==
<h3>Podcast 2 - 238907.29</h3>
<!--host: Andrus Jaxx-->
*Book Review - Lt(JG) James
*Hello Aliens - Lt(JG) Vid-Lotilija
*Family Tree/Wiki History - Captain Mal Avatar (Lt(JG) Ra-Uleyra)
*In-Depth Look: Species Development Committeee with Commander [[Tal Tel-ar]], interviewed by 2nd Lt [[Joseph Dubeau]]
*Promotions - Captain Andrus Jaxx
*IC Wedding Interviews - Ensign Johanna MacLaren & LtCmdr Eyas Wulfantine interview LtCmdr Alucard Vess, Flt Cpt Toni Turner, who writes for Angie Reynolds)

[ 2389-E2]
*Lt. Sassi Kax
*Rear Admiral Toni Turner

<h3>Podcast 3 - 238909.05</h3>
*Interview of Rear Admiral Toni Turner
*Book Review by Lieutenant JG [[James]]
*In-Depth Look: Species Development Committee: 1st Lieutenant [[Joseph Dubeau]], StarBase 118 Ops & Commander [[Tal Tel-ar]], USS Apollo
*Intel Close Up - Lieutenant [[Viktor Lanius]], {{USS|Apollo}}
*Interview of Lt. Commander [[Velana]] by Lt. Commander [[Eyas Wulfantine]]

[ 2389-E3]
[ Episode 2392-2 on YouTube!]

<h3>Podcast 4 - 238910.02</h3>
* Interviews:
**Lt. Commander [[Eyas Wulfantine]] interviews Major [[Jacen Fanel]]
**In-Depth Look: Publicity Team: Lt. Commander [[Eyas Wulfantine]] interviews Lt. Commander [[Alexander Matthews]]
* Community Activities - Captain [[Andrus Jaxx]]
* Tactical Reports - Lieutenant JG [[Colt Daniels]], Lt. Commander [[Eerie]], Lieutenant [[Ra-Uleyra]], and Lt. Commander [[Eyas Wulfantine]]
* Promotions - Captain [[Andrus Jaxx]]
* Klingon Invasion Update - Captain [[Kalianna Nicholotti]]
* StarBase 118 Confidential - Lt. Commander [[Velana]]

==Episode 2392-3 239205.20==
[ 2389-E4]
Parody of ''Banned from Argo'' by Leslie Fish -- ''Banned from Menthar'' lyrics written by:
*Alora DeVeau
*Chythar Skyfire

Featuring Voice Talents of:
<h3>Podcast 5 - 238911.12</h3>
*Alora DeVeau
*StarBase 118 Confidential - Lt. Commander [[Velana]]
*Chythar Skyfire
*Interview of Lt. Colonel [[David Whale]] by Lt. Commander [[Eyas Wulfantine]]
*Raissa Moonsong
* Star Trek: Enterprise Segment: Lt. Commander Velana
*Marcus Dickens
* Blockbuster Update: Captain Kali Nicholotti

And Piano:
[ 2389-E5]
[ Episode 2392-3 on YouTube]

==Episode 2393-1 239202.11==
<h3>Podcast 6 - 238912.24</h3>
*StarBase 118 Confidential - Lt. Commander [[Velana]]
*'''Host:''' Colonel [[Nugra]]
* Personal Log - Lt. Commander [[Marcus Dickens]]
*'''Special:''' Interview with Melinda Snodgrass, TNG writer!
* Tactical Report - Lieutenant [[Colt Daniels]]
* Intel Report - Lt. Commander [[Viktor Lanius]]

Enjoy the first of many episodes to come!
[ 2389-E6]
*[ Episode 2393-1 on YouTube]
*[ Download!]-->

