Starfleet Rangers: Difference between revisions

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'''Starfleet Rangers''' are a special forces unit of [[Starfleet Security]]. The Rangers emphasise planetary survival skills and the ability to work alone for long periods of time to explore, patrol, and protect the borders of Federation space. Starfleet officers from any department can serve in the Rangers under the aegis of the Security Branch. Some remain with the Rangers for many years, even devoting their entire career, while others serve only a single tour of duty before accepting a new assignment elsewhere.
'''Starfleet Rangers''' have the status of a special branch of [[Starfleet Security]]. The Rangers emphasise planetary survival skills and the ability to work alone for long periods of time to explore, patrol, and protect the borders of Federation space. Starfleet officers from any department can serve in the Rangers under the aegis of the Security Branch. Some remain with the Rangers for many years, even devoting their entire career, while others serve only a single tour of duty before accepting a new assignment elsewhere.

Depending on the nature of the area, Rangers may be placed within a platoon of four or more officers, or as single officer deployments (regional support officers).
Each Ranger Division is commanded by an officer with a minimum rank of Commander, from headquarters which are often located on quiet, out of the way planets. It has a number of operational platoons, as well as additional administrative, intelligence, logistics and medical support. Each platoon consists of approximately 20 officers and enlisted, and can be divided into individual squads of 4-10 depending on the requirements of a mission.  
Each Ranger Division is commanded by an officer with a minimum rank of Commander, from headquarters which are often located on quiet, out of the way planets. It has a number of operational platoons, as well as additional administrative, intelligence, logistics and medical support. Each platoon consists of approximately 20 officers and enlisted, and can be divided into individual squads of 4-10 depending on the requirements of a mission.  

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{{Heading|Training and Skills|Gold}}
{{Heading|Training and Skills|Gold}}
Training for the Rangers is rigorous, requiring several months of post-academy training before an individual can be deployed to a platoon. Each platoon encompasses a core set of skills which include:
Training for the Rangers is rigorous, requiring several months of post-academy training before an individual can be deployed to a platoon. Each platoon encompasses a core set of skills which include:
*Platoon Commanding Officer
*Platoon Commanding Officer
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A large number of Rangers are cross-trained in two (or more) specialities, and most positions have a back-up within a platoon. This redundancy of skills allows a unit to complete a mission, even if members are injured or killed in action.
A large number of Rangers are cross-trained in two (or more) specialities, and most positions have a back-up within a platoon. This redundancy of skills allows a unit to complete a mission, even if members are injured or killed in action.

===Regional Support===
Rangers deployed alone explore, patrol, and protect Federation borders where Starfleet presence is minimal. From planetary placements to working within entire regions of space, their duties may include assisting civilian protection agencies against piracy, acting as security in small Federation outposts, or locating wanted persons in their assigned region of operation. They are not known to operate by themselves in well-established Federation territory.
Often without an immediate commanding officer, these rangers must report to the region's law enforcement in lieu of an operating Starfleet body. Because of this, they must uphold Starfleet regulation to its highest standard at all times. When placed aboard,or within the vicinity of a Starfleet vessel, officers must always report to that vessel's command staff.
Training for these officers includes courses expected for officers posted to platoons, but regional support officers must be evaluated by Starfleet counselor and a public diplomatic officer before they are considered. Local knowledge of or experience within the area may also influence placement.

[[Category:Security Duty Post]]
[[Category:Security Duty Post]]
