Pandronian: Difference between revisions

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  image = [[Image:Pandronian2.png|250px]]|  
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::''"We are one, that is enough."''
::''"We are one, that is enough."''
:::a Pandronian proverb.
:::a Pandronian proverb.
:The Pandronians are one of the most unusual species in the galaxy as they are in reality a plant colony which requires seven individual organisms to combine together to create a single humanoid individual.   
:The Pandronians are one of the most unusual species in the galaxy as they are in reality a hive colony which requires seven individual organisms to combine together to create a single humanoid individual.   

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* '''Rotational Period''': 22.8 hours
* '''Rotational Period''': 22.8 hours
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
* '''Classification''': [[Planetary Classification|M]]
** '''Surface Water''': 54%  
* '''Surface Water''': 54%  
** '''Atmosphere''': 1.07% is a standard pressure with 71% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 3% trace chemicals  
* '''Atmosphere''': 1.07% is a standard pressure with 71% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 3% trace chemicals  
** '''Climate''': Mainly a temperate planet with swamps and mountain ranges.
* '''Climate''': Mainly a temperate planet  
** '''Population''': Just over 1 billion Pandronians but there are almost 8 billion individual colony creatures of which 7 billion are needed to create the 1 billion Pandronians on the planet.
* '''Terrain''': It has numerous swamps, rain forests and mountain ranges.  
* '''Population''': Just over 1 billion Pandronians but there are almost 8 billion individual colony creatures of which 7 billion are needed to create the 1 billion Pandronians on the planet.


They are a truly unique species with what appears to be the ability to independently separate sections of their bodies. In reality they are a colony lifeform with seven different individuals combined together to create what appears to be a single humanoid.
Pandronian creation myths describe how seven intelligent plants were forced to work together to defeat an evil spirit who sought to burn their forest.  The Seven joined themselves into one body to fight off this menace and discovered that they were strongest when bonded together.
There are few records and much speculation among various scientific experts as to how the Pandronians evolved into such an unusual state that when blended together into a single colony of seven unique beings they would create a single individual. Regardless of what factors influenced this bizarre form of evolution the Pandronians were able to progress and learn new technology and skills that allowed them to flourish and master their world. 
While their very gradual, almost glacial slow progression from a primitive, pre-industrial species to that of one that had learned to master space flight is considered to be unusual, it was not marred by wars, border disputes or any other form of aggressive, anti-social behavior. The hive mindset that allows them to '''join''' fosters a very strong sense of community. Their location far from any shipping lanes and any strategic locations ensured their relatively unmarred history of unintentional isolationism. Even after they mastered space flight their world remains off the beaten path and receives few visitors. 
A freighter belonging to the Pandorians approached and received permission to dock at a Federation controlled commercial space station in 2231. This was the first time contact was established between them.
The Pandronians enjoyed a friendly relationship with the Federation, and a mission was approved for an exchange program when the Pandronians expressed a wish to observe the workings of Starfleet in the 2260s. Commander Ari bn Bem was allowed to join the crew of the USS Enterprise as an observer.
During the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]] they remained strictly neutral and withdrew all of their space craft to their home world and avoided any outside contact until the war had finally drawn to a close. 
Since the end of the war they have re-established contact with the Federation and engaged in limited trade but do not seem to be very motivated to extend their sphere of influence or travel very far from their home world. Their society is one of simple activity and service to each other.
The Pandronian government is based on the formation of their colonies.  They have a single unified government consisting of layers of councils.  Each city has a council, which is under a district council, which is then under a division council.  Above all six divisions is a council called the '''Tam Paupa''', which is headed by the '''Premier'''.
This system of layers upon layers of councils makes for a very slow government.  Large decisions tend to take many years to make.  To the slow, steady Pandronians, though, this is quite ordinary.
The Tam Paupa consists of seven individuals, meant to represent the seven members of their pantheon. All but the Premier are elected officials, one from each of the six divisions on Pandros. The Premier is the oldest Pandrionian alive who has never replaced a body section.  This is required because it makes his or her hive mind the oldest, and therefore the wisest, of them all.  Because of this, Premiers tend to be ancient beings with at least one if not many, missing limbs.
The Pandronians are a unique species with different subspecies that make up a colony. Together, the full colony looks like any other humanoid species and has a distinct personality. However, it can separate into seven different self-sustaining organisms which can each work independently of the others. The seven sections are the two arms, two legs, chest, abdomen, and the head. Each part of the colony has an important role and a simple brain, but together they form a hive mind and work together in a symbiotic relationship.
When combined together they appear to be a typical humanoid with variable heights ranging between 5’8” and 6’ typically. They have green skin with tufts of red hair, large eyes, and a slightly down-turned mouth.

When combined together they appear to be a typical humanoid with variable heights ranging between 5’8” and 6’ typically. They have green skin with tufts of red hair, large eyes, and a slightly down-turned mouth. They call their arms and legs, "graspers and walkers."
They are a truly unique species with what appears to be the ability to independently separate sections of their bodies. In reality they are a colony lifeform with seven different individuals combined together to create what appears to be a single humanoid. Each section has its own biological functions and purpose.

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The joining process is a relatively simple matter. The membrane folds at each '''joint''' open to allow the tentacle-like connectors to reach out and intertwine with each other. Each tentacle contains a large sap vein and thousands of nerves, which connect to those in the next organism.  The membranes then close around the connected joint to seal it closed.  These seven distinct parts of the whole can be disassembled and reassembled with other parts over and over again to create a new colony collective each time. This effectively ends the existence of the previous unique Pandronian.
The joining process is a relatively simple matter. The membrane folds at each '''joint''' open to allow the tentacle-like connectors to reach out and intertwine with each other. Each tentacle contains a large sap vein and thousands of nerves, which connect to those in the next organism.  The membranes then close around the connected joint to seal it closed.  These seven distinct parts of the whole can be disassembled and reassembled with other parts over and over again to create a new colony collective each time. This effectively ends the existence of the previous unique Pandronian.

As colony creatures, Pandronians existed as cooperative beings made up of discrete organisms. Consequently, the concept of an individual holds a unique meaning for Pandronians, who referred to the colony as "this one" instead of the more expected "I" used by most humanoid species. The separate organisms that constituted a unique Pandronian may have also, over the course of time, "disassembled" and reassembled with other creatures creating a new colony and effectively creating a new unique Pandronian at the cost of the former.
As colony creatures, Pandronians existed as cooperative beings made up of discrete organisms. Consequently, the concept of an individual holds a unique meaning for Pandronians, who referred to the colony as "this one" instead of the more expected "I" used by most humanoid species. The separate organisms that constituted a unique Pandronian may have also, over the course of time, "disassembled" and reassembled with other creatures creating a new colony and effectively creating a new unique Pandronian at the cost of the former.

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However, when they join together into a single individual, the nervous systems all connect to the large brain housed in the thinker, and they become a  unique individual, one with a personality, intelligence and knowledge that is an unusual combination of the entire collective.  They do not have telepathic abilities, rather the hive mind is formed through neural connections between each organism.
However, when they join together into a single individual, the nervous systems all connect to the large brain housed in the thinker, and they become a  unique individual, one with a personality, intelligence and knowledge that is an unusual combination of the entire collective.  They do not have telepathic abilities, rather the hive mind is formed through neural connections between each organism.

==History and Culture==
Pandronian creation myths describe how seven intelligent plants were forced to work together to defeat an evil spirit who sought to burn their forest.  The Seven joined themselves into one body to fight off this menace and discovered that they were strongest when bonded together.
There are few records and much speculation among various scientific experts as to how the Pandronians evolved into such an unusual state that when blended together into a single colony of seven unique beings they would create a single individual. Regardless of what factors influenced this bizarre form of evolution the Pandronians were able to progress and learn new technology and skills that allowed them to flourish and master their world. 
While their very gradual, almost glacial slow progression from a primitive, pre-industrial species to that of one that had learned to master space flight is considered to be unusual, it was not marred by wars, border disputes or any other form of aggressive, anti-social behavior. The hive mindset that allows them to '''join''' fosters a very strong sense of community. Their location far from any shipping lanes and any strategic locations ensured their relatively unmarred history of unintentional isolationism. Even after they mastered space flight their world remains off the beaten path and receives few visitors. 
A freighter belonging to the Pandorians approached and received permission to dock at a Federation controlled commercial space station in 2231. This was the first time contact was established between them.
The Pandronians enjoyed a friendly relationship with the Federation, and a mission was approved for an exchange program when the Pandronians expressed a wish to observe the workings of Starfleet in the 2260s. Commander Ari bn Bem was allowed to join the crew of the USS Enterprise as an observer.
During the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]] they remained strictly neutral and withdrew all of their space craft to their home world and avoided any outside contact until the war had finally drawn to a close. 
Since the end of the war they have re-established contact with the Federation and engaged in limited trade but do not seem to be very motivated to extend their sphere of influence or travel very far from their home world. Their society is one of simple activity and service to each other.
The Pandronian government is based on the formation of their colonies.  They have a single unified government consisting of layers of councils.  Each city has a council, which is under a district council, which is then under a division council.  Above all six divisions is a council called the '''Tam Paupa''', which is headed by the '''Premier'''.
This system of layers upon layers of councils makes for a very slow government.  Large decisions tend to take many years to make.  To the slow, steady Pandronians, though, this is quite ordinary.
The Tam Paupa consists of seven individuals, meant to represent the seven members of their pantheon. All but the Premier are elected officials, one from each of the six divisions on Pandros. The Premier is the oldest Pandrionian alive who has never replaced a body section.  This is required because it makes his or her hive mind the oldest, and therefore the wisest, of them all.  Because of this, Premiers tend to be ancient beings with at least one if not many, missing limbs.

The Pandrionians have a single religion that is embedded deep into their society.  It is form of Ancestral Worship where they venerate the ancient great Pandrions, or heroes, especially the Seven.  Their name for their society comes from this, as they call themselves the "Pandrionians" or the "people of the Pandrions."
The Pandrionians have a single religion that is embedded deep into their society.  It is form of Ancestral Worship where they venerate the ancient great Pandrions, or heroes, especially the Seven.  Their name for their society comes from this, as they call themselves the "Pandrionians" or the "people of the Pandrions."

The religion is led by Pandrion Gurus.  These are monks who have dedicated their lives to spreading the truth about their ancestors.   
The religion is led by Pandrion Gurus.  These are monks who have dedicated their lives to spreading the truth about their ancestors.   

Much of the Pandrion mythos revolves around the Seven original plants that they believe the different organisms in their hive colony descend from.  These first Seven are venerated for their wisdom and cooperation. The creation myth describes how the Seven intelligent plants were forced to work together to defeat an evil spirit named Yangin who sought to burn their forest. The Seven joined themselves into one body to fight off this menace and discovered that they were strongest when bonded together.  
Much of the Pandrion mythos revolves around the Seven original plants that they believe the different organisms in their hive colony descend from.  These first Seven are venerated for their wisdom and cooperation. The creation myth describes how the Seven intelligent plants were forced to work together to defeat an evil spirit named Yangin who sought to burn their forest. The Seven joined themselves into one body to fight off this menace and discovered that they were strongest when bonded together.  

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They have a very small military with less than 50 ships. Most of those are merely patrol class frigates designed to escort freighters and patrol their transport lanes. The few true war ships that they have seldom ever leave their system.
They have a very small military with less than 50 ships. Most of those are merely patrol class frigates designed to escort freighters and patrol their transport lanes. The few true war ships that they have seldom ever leave their system. The military guild is one of the smallest and least important.

==Federation Intelligence Files==
==Federation Intelligence Files==
