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| {{Template:UnderConstruction|Nicu Icavoc}}
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| {{LCARS-bar-nolink|USS Darwin-A Guidebook|300|COLOR=#339933}} | | {{LCARS-bar-nolink|USS Darwin-A Guidebook|300|COLOR=#339933}} |
| {{Template:Darwin_Side_Old}} | | {{Template:Darwin_Side_Old}} |
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| {{Heading|How to sim: Simming Basics and Tips|#339933}} | | {{Heading|How to sim: Simming Basics and Tips|#339933}} |
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| When you came through the academy, you were given a good comprehensive course on the mechanics of simming and you honestly don't need more than that to put a sim in the right format. As you sim with us you'll continuously learn how to improve the content that sites between the symbols. The [[USS Darwin-A|Darwin]] SIM format corresponds closely with that used in the academy and detailed in [http://www.starbase118.net/cadets/training-area/where-do-i-go-from-here/ Tutorial #1]. | | When you came through the academy, you were given a good comprehensive course on the mechanics of simming and you honestly don't need more than that to put a sim in the right format. As you sim with us you'll continuously learn how to improve the content that sites between the symbols. The [[USS Darwin-A|Darwin]] SIM format corresponds closely with that used in the academy and detailed in [http://www.starbase118.net/cadets/training-area/ the Tutorial Library], Tutorials 1-6. |
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| There is one notable difference and that is that '''the Darwin crew do not 'ALLCAP' the last name of their character when putting together tags. ''' | | There is one notable difference and that is that '''the Darwin crew do not 'ALLCAP' the last name of their character when putting together tags. ''' |
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| JOREY: Response (Would not be the correct form) | | JOREY: response (Would not be the correct form) |
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| Jorey: Response (Is the desired form) | | Jorey: response (Is the desired form) |
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| {| style="background:#F5FFFA;" class="toccolours" align=center width="50%"
| | <div style="background:#cef2e0; border: 1px solid black; margin: 1em auto; padding: 0 10px; width:90%; align: left; text-align: left;"> |
| |style="margin:0; background:#cef2e0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;"|Reminder of Basic Formatting Symbols
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| |-
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| |- align="center"
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| | :: (Double Colon) - Encloses written description and content of a sim.
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| |- align="center"
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| | =/\= - Denotes commbadge in use.
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| |- align="center"
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| | ~ (tilde) - Telepathic communication.
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| |- align="center"
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| | (( )) (double parathesis) - Location Header
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| |- align="center"
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| | oO Oo (little o, big o) - Internal Thoughts
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| |}
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| | '''Here is an example post using all the conventions of [http://www.starbase118.net/cadets/training-area/ the Tutorial Library]''' |
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| <div style="background:#cef2e0; border: 1px solid black; margin: 1em auto; padding: 0 10px; width:90%; align: left; text-align: left;">
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| '''To:''' sb118-darwin@googlegroups.com <br> | | '''To:''' sb118-darwin@googlegroups.com <br> |
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| '''Message Body:'''<br> | | '''Message Body:'''<br> |
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| (( Ensign Maxwell's Quarters, USS Darwin )) | | ((Ensign Maxwell's Quarters, Deck 6, USS Darwin)) |
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| <nowiki>:: Ensign Maxwell brought the lights up slowly and lethargically swung his legs out of bed before hoisting the rest of himself up into a sitting position. He hunched over, shielding his eyes from the too bright light before letting his hand travel down and over his rough chin ::</nowiki> | | <nowiki>::Ensign Maxwell brought the lights up slowly and lethargically swung his legs out of bed before hoisting the rest of himself up into a sitting position. He hunched over, shielding his eyes from the too bright light before letting his hand travel down and over his rough chin.::</nowiki> |
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| Ricky: Urgh! Maybe I shouldn't have had that last drink or two or three.
| | <nowiki>Maxwell: Urgh! ::joints popping as he stretched:: Maybe I shouldn't have had that last drink or two or three. Computer, what time is it?</nowiki> |
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| <nowiki>:: After dragging himself out of bed, he got dressed and left his quarters, heading to the bridge. :: </nowiki> | | Computer: It is 1000 hours. |
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| | Maxwell: oO I'll be late! I better call ahead. Oo =/\= Commander, I'm on my way. =/\= |
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| | <nowiki>::After dragging himself out of bed, he got dressed and left his quarters, heading to the bridge.:: </nowiki> |
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| Maxwell: oO That ale sure was the real deal last night. Who knew it would have such a kick! Oo | | Maxwell: oO That ale sure was the real deal last night. Who knew it would have such a kick! Oo |
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| <nowiki>:: On the way, he saw another crew member. He smiled wearily, waving his hand. ::</nowiki> | | <nowiki>::On the way, he saw another crew member. He smiled wearily, waving his hand.::</nowiki> |
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| Maxwell: Crewman Anders, right? You're Commander Thomas's assistant aren't you? | | Maxwell: Crewman Anders, right? You're Commander Thomas's assistant aren't you? |
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| T'tala: Response
| | Anders: response |
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| Maxwell: Great. Hey, I'm new to the department... what can you tell me about the boss? | | Maxwell: Great. Hey, I'm new to the department... what can you tell me about the boss? |
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| T'tala: Response
| | Anders: response |
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| | <nowiki>::On the off chance the crewman was telepathic like him, Ensign Maxwell reached out to him telepathically.::</nowiki> |
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki><br>
| | Maxwell: ~ That's the official description. Now tell me, what's he REALLY like? ~ |
| Ensign Maxwell - Engineering Officer, USS Darwin NCC-99312-A<br>
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki>
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| </div>
| | Anders: response |
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| {| style="background:#F5FFFA; " class="toccolours" align=center width="90%"
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| |style="margin:0; background:#cef2e0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;" colspan="3"|Helpful Tips
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| |- align="left" valign="top"
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| |style="background:#b6e8cf;" width="40%"| '''Talking to the computer:''' <br>
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| ''When talking to the computer there's no need to use =/\= if you're in the same room:-''
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| '''Chen:''' Computer, what was the last known location of the Darwin? | | '''''Ensign Maxwell - Engineering Officer, USS Darwin NCC-99312-A'''''<br> |
| | '''''Featured Bio Team'''''<br> |
| | '''''D238701EM0'''''<br> |
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| '''Computer:''' The USS Darwin-A was last detected in orbit of this system's fourth moon.
| | </div> |
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| ''However, where a character is on the surface of a planet and communicating with the ship's computer over a comm-line, =/\= becomes necessary, purely due to the use of the comm'':-
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| '''Chen:''' =/\= Computer, lock onto my location and beam me back aboard the ship. =/\=
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| |style="background:#b6dee8;" width="30%" | '''Descriptive Text:''' <br>
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| ''All non-dialogue descriptive text should be marked with two colons (::) at the beginning and end of each paragraph'':-
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| <nowiki>::</nowiki>He climbed up to the top of the ladder with his eyes closed. On opening them, he immediately regretted it.::
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| |style="background:#bce8b6;" width="30%"| '''OOC Notes:''' <br>
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| ''OOC communication should be surrounded by double brackets. If you have an OOC question or sizable OOC comment, consider using the ship's OOC mailing list rather than posting it as part of an IC SIM'':-
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| ((OOC: This takes place before the JP, "Profit and Pancakes"))
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| |- align="left" valign="top"
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| |style="background:#bce8b6;" width="40%"|'''Stage Directions and Leaving Tags:'''<br>
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| ''In some cases, you may wish to combine speech and 'stage directions' or 'in-line actions'. In this case, simply use the symbols to indicate descriptive text to surround the actions your character is taking or anything that is not dialogue'':-
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| '''Perring''': ::Sarcastically:: Oh, well that's just great isn't it. ::Waving the acrid smoke out of his face and coughing:: I suppose I'll have to get a repair team to fix that. <br>
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| -----
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| ''To leave a tag for another character, simply write their name as if you were going to fill in a line of dialogue for them, but instead write the word 'Response' '':-
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| '''Leigh''': I think it's broken, Doctor...
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| '''T'Ril''': Response
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| |style="background:#b6d2e8;" width="30%" |'''Telepathy and Thoughts''': <br>
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| ''Where a character has a thought mid-sentence, the thought tags can be included in-line rather than starting a new script entry, as follows'':-
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| '''Rascon''': Yeah, this has to rank up there with the best receptions I've ever been to. oO It still royally sucks, but hey, at least I'm not lying as its the only one I've attended. Oo Hold that thought, I think I'm gonna get some more watered down blood wine...
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| |style="background:#b6e8cf;" width="30%"|'''Thoughts: To remove or not remove, that is the question... <br>
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| ''When replying to sims where someone has used telepathy (but not directly with your character) or expressed a thought, even in the middle of a sentence, remember to remove it from your sim - most characters are not telepathic and wouldn't hear it.
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| Even if your character is telepathic, ask yourself whether they would have been eavesdropping at that moment and picked up the thought? Even if you ''can'' hear a thought, it doesn't mean you should - pick your moments and make them count. ''
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| |- align="left" valign="top"
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| |style="background:#b6e8cf;" width="40%" |'''Subject Lines''': <br>
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| ''Email subject lines should follow the format below'':-
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| '''Rank and Name, "Custom Post Title" '''
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| e.g.:-
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| '''Commander Greir Reinard, "In At the Deep End." '''
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| ''We do not include the names of characters tagged in the subject line. Everyone should be reading all of the posts and there are various methods of marking emails you need to return to to collect tags from depending on your email provider including: flagging/starring/marking as unread/putting a tag on them etc. If you are writing a JP, use this format'':-
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| '''JP: Rank and Name 1, Rank and Name 2, "Custom Title" '''
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| ''PNPCs, MSNPCs and NPCs should be indicated as such by using those abbreviations before their names.''
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| ''As a general formatting point, make sure no "Re:" text strings appear in your title. Also, there is no need to manually type in [sb118-darwin] - the group list will do that for you! ''
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| |style="background:#b6dee8;" width="30%" |'''Rank Abbreviations''': <br>
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| ''Ranks in subject titles may be abbreviated or written in full. Abbreviated ranks are as follows'':-
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| * Ens (Ensign)
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| * Lt. JG / LtJG (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
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| * Lt (Lieutenant)
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| * LtCmdr (Lieutenant Commander)
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| * Cmdr (Commander)
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| * Cpt (Captain)
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| |style="background:#bce8b6;" width="30%" |'''Signatures''':
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| Signatures should be placed at the end of your SIM and follow the format below:-
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki>
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| Rank Surname - Duty Post, USS Darwin NCC-99312-A<br>
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| (Second character if applicable)<br>
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| (Name of OOC activities involved with if applicable)<br>
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| (contact details: email | gchat | yahoo etc
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki>
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| e.g.:-
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki>
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| Commander Renos - Commanding Officer, USS Darwin NCC-99312-A<br>
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| Also simming:- Ensign Janel Tarna, MO, USS Victory NCC-362447<br>
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| FWPA Co-Facilitator | Chat Facilitator | Publicity Team Member<br>
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| Contact: (email)
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| <nowiki>=========================================================== </nowiki>
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| |}
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