USS Freedom-A: Difference between revisions

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<center>'''"Pro bono publico."''' ''(For the public's good.)''</center>
{{Motto - LoD|Pro bono publico.|For the public's good.|ICON=Blank-icon.gif|link=}}
Commissioned sometime around 2340, the '''USS ''Freedom''-A''' has served Starfleet and the Federation for a little over forty years.  She, along with other ''Tachyon'' class starships, were designed to replace the aging ''Constellation'' class.  She served with distinction during several of the Federation's conflicts before being reassigned to Starbase 118 shortly before the Dominion War.  The Freedom received a few tactical upgrades before reassignment, but she had been designed for exploration, not heavy combat.  Thus, during the war, the crew performed a number of upgrades on their own to keep the Freedom in the fight.

The ''Tachyon''-class Freedom was first launched under the command of Commodore Jeff Pelletier. He commanded it through her first year in space, before being recalled to Starfleet, at which point the first officer Marko (Mark Anderson) took command through her mission and subsequesent return to base. Captain Merritt then too took command temporarily for several missions. During Merritt's last mission in command, the serial killer Kalendra infultrated the ship and killed a half-dozen personnel, including two officers. Merritt was charged with violations of several Starfleet codes during that mission, but committed suicide by stealing a shuttle and crashing it into StarBase 118 before she could be brought to court marshal.  
[[Image:Untitled.png|left|450px|USS ''Freedom''-A]]
The Freedom had a number of commanding officers during her time with Starbase 118's fleet.  Her first was [[Pelletier, Jeff|Jeff Pelletier]]. He commanded her through a number of operations during the early and mid periods of the Dominion War.  He was recalled to Starfleet HQ, after which the Freedom had a few temporary commanding officers.
Starfleet appointed a new commanding officer for the Freedom soon after: Commander, (and soon after Captain) Sandolphan Aquiss. He commanded the Freedom for her next few missions, including a mission where she attacked a damaged Borg Cube. During that mission, Aquiss and deck officer Lieutenant Commander Robert Falcon were assimilated by the Borg Collective, but were rescued by the ship's counsilor, Adler Wong. The Freedom was later involved in a mock battle against the Sovereign-class U.S.S. Ithaca in a test of a new shielding technology, the Wall of Light. It protected a ship by moving it slightly into another dimension, making a bubble of brightly colored energy where the ship had been. The downside was it turned the ship essentially into a turtle, unable to move or fire weapons, but protected from anything. During the test, Aquiss became possessed by a number of psionic beings, forcing him to beam most of the personnel off of the Freedom. He was able to force the beings to leave him and evacuate the last remaining people from the Freedom, but was forced to abandon the Freedom into another dimension by locking the shield on. That would have been the end for a ship of lesser stature and history than the Freedom. Later, Aquiss himself was lost to the same dimension, and both he and the Freedom were recovered by the crew of the Ithaca. The Freedom was placed in storage at StarBase 118, where she was recovered by former crewmember Captain Torack Demma, and taken to Deep Space 72 for repairs and refitting. After a short stint under the command of Commander Falcon, she was returned to StarBase 118 for a full overhaul of her computer and engine systems to fix numerous old-age problems.  
Her next permanent CO was [[Aquiss, Sandolphan|Sandolphan Aquiss]]. He commanded her through the end of the war and through conflicts beyond, including an attack on a [[ma:Borg Cube|Borg Cube]].
The Freedom was temporarily lost to another dimension while testing a new shield technology called the "Wall of Light". Due to an attack by a number of psionic beings, the crew were forces to abandon the ship and lock the shields on. Aquiss himself was later lost to that dimension as well.  But this was not the end of either ship or captain.  Both were later recovered by another ship in Starbase 118's fleet.
By this time, the Freedom had taken several poundings and her future was uncertain.  Until issues could be resolved, she was stored at Starbase 118 until recovered by former crewman Captain [[Demma, Torack|Torack Demma]], who took her to ''Deep Space 72'' for repairs and refitting. After a short stint under another former crewman, Commander [[Falcon, Robert|Robert Falcon]], the Freedom was returned to Starbase 118 for an additional series of refits.  Her history was starting to come back to haunt her, as all the upgrades made back during the Dominion War were finally breaking down.  When she emerges from this refit, she will be both more stable and more capable then her original specifications, and likely able to serve the Federation for another forty years.

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