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This page records mission summaries for the past adventures of the USS Avandar. Data relating to previous missions is posted here, as well as a synopsis of what happened. For information on the USS Avandar's current mission, go to the [[Avandar Current Mission|Current Mission]] page.
This page records mission summaries for the past adventures of the USS Avandar. Data relating to previous missions is posted here, as well as a synopsis of what happened. For information on the USS Avandar's current mission, go to the [[Avandar Current Mission|Current Mission]] page.
==Mission 7: Hell's Gate==
Another day, another unusual sensor reading - this time relayed to the Avandar by one of the long-range probes that have been launched to roam the Sector. At first glance the readings appeared to be some sort of energy fluctuation, but as the Avandar closed in on the area to investigate it became clear there was more to it than that.
The source of the readings was traced to beneath the surface of a large chunk of rock, a chunk that appeared to once have been a significant part of a moon. Also present, landed on the surface, was a small craft broadcasting a radio signal that proved very hard to get any sort of translation on - and no life signs. Something about the composition of the rock, perhaps with artificial help, made scans largely ineffective, but it ''was'' possible to discover that the energy readings showed significant similarities to the signature given off by Iconian technology.
With no intention of leaving something like that laying about, an Away Team was deployed by shuttle to the planetoid's surface, but almost immediately ran into trouble. Communications began to fail very quickly, and a storm began moving in on them - a storm that appeared seemingly from nowhere, and bore all the signs of being artificially generated.
As the Away Team moved to find shelter, the Avandar searched for some way to both disrupt the storm and regain contact with the team. Unfortunately, the best solution for both of those seemed to be to break up the storm directly - and hope that the crew on the planetoid were not caught in the backlash...
Regrettably, this appeared to prove a vain hope. Whilst the disruption of the storm was expected to cause some chaos, an energy release that left a crater where a mountain used to be, and even managed to propel debris far and hard enough to hit the Avandar's shields, was not foreseen. Subsequent scans of the area revealed no trace at all of the Away Team, and it was not hard to draw a rather dire conclusion about what had happened.
For the Away Team, there had been no concern about the blast since they had made a discovery all of their own: an intact, and operational, Iconian gateway. Travelling through it may not have been intentional, but it did keep them safe from harm when the storm - and the area they had been in - practically disintegrated. The downside was that they found themselves somewhere completely unknown - which, when they learned where they were, was perhaps not the best news they could have received.
Whilst the Away Team took what steps they could to stay out of trouble, having just found themselves on the Breen homeworld, the Avandar set about looking for any sort of clue as to what had happened on the planetoid. With much, if not all, of the sensor disruption now gone, they were able to get a much better look at the surface... but it was only when LtCmdr T'Lea disobeyed orders and beamed herself down to investigate that the best evidence began to come to light.
With the aid of a remote-piloted Workbee, she managed to locate the gateway - or rather the remains of it, since it had been badly damaged in the blast. At Captain Vetri's instruction, she salvaged the most promising of the components so that the crew stood some chance of being able to isolate where their colleagues had been sent.
Though it took a certain amount of creative work, it proved possible to do just that - and also reopen a portal large enough for a small craft to pass through. The away team, having managed to escape the Breen forces trying to capture them, still found themselves in somewhat dire straits... until a shuttle from the Avandar, carrying a jury-rigged cloaking device for cover, managed to locate and retrieve them. After a narrow escape from their pursuers, the stray team and their rescuers made it back through the portal without being positively identified as Starfleet by the Breen.
Once everyone was safely back aboard the Avandar, Captain Vetri took steps to make sure the gateway was not going to be found or reactivated again, and the crew took some time for a well-earned breather.

==Mission 6: The Nomad Pursuit ==
==Mission 6: The Nomad Pursuit ==

==Mission 5: Rift Dancing ==
Back out beyond the [[Romulan|Romulan Empire]] once again, under the temporary command of the First Officer since [[Vetri, Della|Captain Vetri]] had been summoned to a conference on [[Deep Space 6]], the USS Avandar soon found itself receiving an automated distress call from an unidentified ship. When they investigated, the crew found the source of the signal to be inside an asteroid field, a field who’s chemical composition made attempts to scan less than effective.
With caution, the Avandar began getting closer, and was eventually able to detect a pair of ships – one little more than wreckage, whilst the other was very much active. Before much could be done to react to this discovery, the Avandar began suffering massive power drain, quickly identified as coming from something among the asteroids. To add to the trouble, the active one of the ships they’d found moved to attack.
Within minutes, the Avandar’s crew had some major problems of their own on their hands – not least of which was the fact that the power drain had effectively stripped the ship of it’s shields and allowed boarders to infiltrate and begin grabbing anything they could. The intruders were repelled, but not without the loss of a fair amount of hardware, and their ship broke away. In the wake of this raid, the crew left with deciding what to do about the attack, and also how best to deal with their first contact with a species that they had only ever really encountered in old second-hand Romulan reports.
With creative use of the asteroid field they were otherwise stuck in, the crew managed to drive off the alien raiders, even managing to land significant, though not crippling, hits on the attacking vessel despite the Avandar’s tactical systems being compromised by electronic attack. Fortunately, the fact they were fighting back, plus the arrival of two new ships in the area, drove the raiders to retreat.
The newcomers introduced themselves as an independent military force, a form of freelance law enforcement. Their commander, a Xomite by the name of Challno, agreed to join efforts with the Avandar crew in the pursuit of the Alr’n raiders, who he had apparently been chasing for some time after being ‘requested’ to hunt them down by a number of worlds who accused the Alr’n of piracy and other similar activities.
Meeting with [[Dickens, Marcus|Lieutenant Commander Dickens]] and a number of other officers, Challno put forward a trio of possible locations the raiders could be trying to use to fence their stolen goods. Deciding to go along with the idea, despite some doubts about just how truthful Challno was being, the Avandar crew agreed to investigate one of the possibilities, the trading world of Shalin.
Once main systems were fixed, the Avandar got underway with only a few minor issues still plaguing the ship, such as virus-infected replicators spewing large amounts of gagh into any number of places throughout the vessel, much to the annoyance of the crew, and managed to track at least some of their stolen equipment. The next step was reclaiming it, and the Away Team sent to try and achieve this quietly almost managed to do just that – but almost was not quite good enough. It took some fast talking and a timely beam out to avoid them being arrested for, of all things, theft.
In the meantime, Captain Vetri’s undesired conference trip to Deep Space 6 ended with the arrival of a number of new transfers to the ship’s crew, giving her a great deal more company on the trip back home - a trip that was to prove far more eventful than the last one.
Safe and secure back on the ship, with part of the haul recovered, the crew set course for their next objective to finish the job. This time, things went more smoothly, with smaller teams spreading out to search and recover, and the thieves themselves successfully tracked down. With the crew back together again - after a rather hair-raising confrontation with the Romulans still living in their old D7 near the Rabbit Hole for the Captain and her companions - the Avandar coordinated with the local authorities to close the net on the raiders once and for all, leading to the successful retrieval of the stolen equipment... though the thieves themselves managed to escape.
==Mission 5: Strange Acquaintances ==

With repairs all but complete and the crew having had a chance for some R&R, the USS Avandar made final preparations to leave Poseidon and resume it’s mission of exploration – only have the ship’s sensors detect a rapidly forming nebula a relatively short distance away from the Poseidon system, with no clue at all as to why it might be appearing. Since the ship was not totally ready for action at that point, a probe was launched to get a closer look at this phenomenon and to see if any hints as to it’s nature could be gleaned.
With repairs all but complete and the crew having had a chance for some R&R, the USS Avandar made final preparations to leave Poseidon and resume it’s mission of exploration – only have the ship’s sensors detect a rapidly forming nebula a relatively short distance away from the Poseidon system, with no clue at all as to why it might be appearing. Since the ship was not totally ready for action at that point, a probe was launched to get a closer look at this phenomenon and to see if any hints as to it’s nature could be gleaned.
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