Chythar Skyfire/Transcript: Difference between revisions

modified the sidebar to fix the giant spacing issue in the middle of the page. It was bugging me. also added Garuda Crew Nav.
(changed sidebar to skyfirenav1)
(modified the sidebar to fix the giant spacing issue in the middle of the page. It was bugging me. also added Garuda Crew Nav.)
Line 1: Line 1:
|Color = Teal
|Rank = Lieutenant
|Style = DS9
|FirstName = Chythar
|LastName = Skyfire
|Image = Ltskyfire.png
|Post = Chief Medical Officer
|Ship = USS Garuda
|UserName = Chythar Daniel Skyfire
|Extra =
*[[Skyfire, Chythar/Science Degree|Academy Transcript]]
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Professional History}}
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Psychological Profile}}
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Medical History}}
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Relationships}}
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Quarters}}
*{{s|Skyfire, Chythar|Sim Archive}}

Line 194: Line 215:
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade=A
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade=A
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire|Transcript]]
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire|Transcript]]
