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[[Image:Malavai Kesaan.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Malavai Kesaan c.2238]]'''Malavai Kesaan <br>(B. 217205.17 - D. 226708.23; Age: 95) <br>Host Duration: 219109.01 - 226710.21 (76 Years)'''<br>
[[Image:Malavai Kesaan.jpg|125px|left|thumb|Malavai Kesaan c.2238]]'''Malavai Kesaan <br>(B. 217205.17 - D. 226708.23; Age: 95) <br>Host Duration: 219109.01 - 226710.21 (76 Years)'''<br>
Malavai was the first host of the Kesaan symbiont and was a scribe and teacher at the Iriven Monastery in the foothill of the Lerkana Mountains on Trill. His primary task was to collect and translate the various texts, audio-files and holographic recordings that were obtained by the order from their original language into the Trill native tongue. A calm and contemplative man he was highly proficient in multiple languages from his years of study and worked as a teacher in the nearby village when time allowed. Malavai observed a vast amount of information during his time with the order and, while much of that detailed knowledge has been lost, the symbiont retains substantial linguistic knowledge.
Malavai was the first host of the Kesaan symbiont and was a scribe and teacher at the Iriven Monastery in the foothill of the Lerkana Mountains on Trill. His primary task was to collect and translate the various texts, audio-files and holographic recordings that were obtained by the order from their original language into the Trill native tongue. A calm and contemplative man he was highly proficient in multiple languages from his years of study and worked as a teacher in the nearby village when time allowed. Malavai observed a vast amount of information during his time with the order and, while much of that detailed knowledge has been lost, the symbiont retains substantial linguistic knowledge.

[[Image:Shrenn Kesaan.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Sh'renn Kesaan c.2270]]'''Sh’renn Kesaan <br>(B. 220102.02 - D. 232711.04; Age: 86) <br>Host Duration: 226710.21 – 232711.04 (60 Years)'''<br>
[[Image:Shrenn Kesaan.jpg|125px|left|thumb|Sh'renn Kesaan c.2270]]'''Sh’renn Kesaan <br>(B. 220102.02 - D. 232711.04; Age: 86) <br>Host Duration: 226710.21 – 232711.04 (60 Years)'''<br>
Sh’renn was already a successful advocate in the Justice Ministry on Trill when she became joined with Kesaan as the second host. As time progressed in her career, however, she became more  aware that things were not always within her power and that justice was not always being served – whether someone she felt was guilty beyond doubt was freed or she felt an innocent had been wrongly convicted. Feeling there was only one way she could change this situation he applied for, and passed, her examinations to become an Arbiter. In her new position she was pragmatic and did her best to serve justice above all, trying to set personal feelings aside to make the correct judgement – giving her a reputation as being ruthless in her judgements. Sh'renn was the first host to be married and had two children – a daughter called Valena and a son named Soren.  
Sh’renn was already a successful advocate in the Justice Ministry on Trill when she became joined with Kesaan as the second host. As time progressed in her career, however, she became more  aware that things were not always within her power and that justice was not always being served – whether someone she felt was guilty beyond doubt was freed or she felt an innocent had been wrongly convicted. Feeling there was only one way she could change this situation he applied for, and passed, her examinations to become an Arbiter. In her new position she was pragmatic and did her best to serve justice above all, trying to set personal feelings aside to make the correct judgement – giving her a reputation as being ruthless in her judgements. Sh'renn was the first host to be married and had two children – a daughter called Valena and a son named Soren.  

[[Image:Aric Kesaan.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Aric Kesaan c.2357]]'''Aric Kesaan <br>(B. 230705.09 - D. 237701.31; Age: 69) <br>Host Duration: 232712.11 - 237701.31 (50 Years)'''<br>
[[Image:Aric Kesaan.jpg|125px|left|thumb|Aric Kesaan c.2357]]'''Aric Kesaan <br>(B. 230705.09 - D. 237701.31; Age: 69) <br>Host Duration: 232712.11 - 237701.31 (50 Years)'''<br>
Aric become the third host of the Kesaan symbiont and was the first one to leave Trill on a long term basis. A lover of food from an early age and a naturally gifted cook he wanted to explore and sample cuisines from different cultures across the quadrant. He travelled to several worlds working in various kitchens and restaurants and eventually settled on Risa, where he felt his particular style of xeno-fusion cuisine would be highly received, and opened his own restaurant ‘Alpha-Q’. He gained a reputation as somewhat of a ‘tortured genius’ being both excellent at cooking but having a violently short temper with both his staff and, on more than one occasion, his customers. He did become more mellow and philosophical in his later years but never lost his passion when it came to food. Aric also married, on three separate occasions - remaining married to his third wife, Irisa, until his death. He often found it difficult to maintain relationships due to his unsocial working life.
Aric become the third host of the Kesaan symbiont and was the first one to leave Trill on a long term basis. A lover of food from an early age and a naturally gifted cook he wanted to explore and sample cuisines from different cultures across the quadrant. He travelled to several worlds working in various kitchens and restaurants and eventually settled on Risa, where he felt his particular style of xeno-fusion cuisine would be highly received, and opened his own restaurant ‘Alpha-Q’. He gained a reputation as somewhat of a ‘tortured genius’ being both excellent at cooking but having a violently short temper with both his staff and, on more than one occasion, his customers. He did become more mellow and philosophical in his later years but never lost his passion when it came to food. Aric also married, on three separate occasions - remaining married to his third wife, Irisa, until his death. He often found it difficult to maintain relationships due to his unsocial working life.

[[Image:Jaesa Kesaan.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Jaesa Kesaan c.2382]]'''Jaesa Kesaan <br>(B. 235412.05 - D. 238202.14; Age: 27) <br>Host Duration: 237702.01 - 238202.14 (5 Years)'''<br>
[[Image:Jaesa Kesaan.jpg|125px|left|thumb|Jaesa Kesaan c.2382]]'''Jaesa Kesaan <br>(B. 235412.05 - D. 238202.14; Age: 27) <br>Host Duration: 237702.01 - 238202.14 (5 Years)'''<br>
Jaesa, the fourth host, was a young pilot operating as a contract worker primarily flying atmospheric cargo shuttles on Trill. Due to the abundance and accessibility of transporter technology and other modes of transport, in addition to competition from other contractors, Jaesa began to seek different and more stable employment. She eventually found work with Federation Security (FedSec) as a patrol pilot operating from Shator and covering the Sea of Alibath. In early 2382, she was assigned to a multi-regional evacuation force as a rescue pilot, when an anomalous atmospheric ion storm began to form off the northern coast of the main continent of Trill. It was during this rescue operation that she was fatally injured when her shuttle crashed as a result of an ionic discharge and the Kesaan symbiont was transplanted into to nearest suitable host to save its life.   
Jaesa, the fourth host, was a young pilot operating as a contract worker primarily flying atmospheric cargo shuttles on Trill. Due to the abundance and accessibility of transporter technology and other modes of transport, in addition to competition from other contractors, Jaesa began to seek different and more stable employment. She eventually found work with Federation Security (FedSec) as a patrol pilot operating from Shator and covering the Sea of Alibath. In early 2382, she was assigned to a multi-regional evacuation force as a rescue pilot, when an anomalous atmospheric ion storm began to form off the northern coast of the main continent of Trill. It was during this rescue operation that she was fatally injured when her shuttle crashed as a result of an ionic discharge and the Kesaan symbiont was transplanted into to nearest suitable host to save its life.   

