Quinn Reynolds/Personal history: Difference between revisions

Adding a few dates.
(Updating a little.)
(Adding a few dates.)
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* '''239101.27''': Aboard the Garuda when it departs on a mission to establish first contact with the [[Kubarey]].
* '''239101.27''': Aboard the Garuda when it departs on a mission to establish first contact with the [[Kubarey]].
* '''239103.31''': Awarded the [[Service Ribbons#General Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon]] and the [[Service Ribbons#General Ribbons|First Contact Ribbon]], aboard the Garuda when it embarks on a diplomatic and scientific mission to the [[Zeta Equule system]].
* '''239103.31''': Awarded the [[Service Ribbons#General Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon]] and the [[Service Ribbons#General Ribbons|First Contact Ribbon]], aboard the Garuda when it embarks on a diplomatic and scientific mission to the [[Zeta Equule system]].
* '''239105.27''': Aboard the Garuda when it departs to Pleethion to assist the [[Eth]] in evacuation and humanitarian relief efforts.
* '''239108.02''': Awarded the [[http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Service_Ribbons#General_Ribbons|Prisoner of War Ribbon]].
* '''239108.07''': Aboard the Garuda when it departs to apprehend the rogue [[USS Mercury]].

[[Category:Quinn Reynolds]]
[[Category:Quinn Reynolds]]