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Amongst his other dislikes, are the Marines.  He feels they have a place and a purpose, and it is not on a starship.  He has no problem deferring to their expertise on the ground, but on a starship he feels they should be seen and not heard.  He lumps them all into the same group, as stubborn neanderthals that rely on their weapons instead of their minds.  There have only been a couple Marines that he has allowed himself to see as individuals.
Amongst his other dislikes, are the Marines.  He feels they have a place and a purpose, and it is not on a starship.  He has no problem deferring to their expertise on the ground, but on a starship he feels they should be seen and not heard.  He lumps them all into the same group, as stubborn neanderthals that rely on their weapons instead of their minds.  There have only been a couple Marines that he has allowed himself to see as individuals.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:maroon; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Relationships</h2>
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:TylonJaxx.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Tylon Jaxx, Federation Council (Betazed)
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Father
! colspan="2" align="left"| Jaxx was always closer to his father than he was his mother.  He felt that his father understood him and his ambitions more than his mother.  While he had faith that his mother loved him and only wanted what was best for him, he followed in his father's footsteps.  Tylon Jaxx served in the High Office of Defense in the years after the Dominion War, and ushered in upgrades that would protect the planet if anyone tried to invade again.  When he was finished serving his terms in office, he ran to represent Betazed on the Federation Council, where he as served since.  Jaxx often talks to his father, using him to check in on his mother as they hardly talk.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:BjentaJaxx.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Bjenta Jaxx, Lady of the 8th House of Betazed
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Mother
! colspan="2" align="left"| Bjenta is a typical woman of the 8th House of Betazed.  She spends her days at social gatherings and includes herself in the hierarchy of Betazoid culture.  As a member of a House of Betzed, she serves in a political capacity on the planet, focusing on mundane legislation.  She had tried her whole life to get her boys interested in the house affairs, as she hoped one day one of them would assume control. Her constant pushing and questioning has led to a strained relationship with her eldest son, Andrus.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:LetonJaxx.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Colonel Leton Jaxx, Betazed Defense Force
! style="background:#D6F5FF;"| Brother
! colspan="2" align="left"| The youngest child of the Jaxx family, Leton remained on Betazed to be close to his mother, but joined the Defense Force under his father while he was in the High Office of Defense.  He had his brother Andrus have a good relationship and talk when they get the chance.  Over recent years he has begun to learn the duties of leading the 8th House from his mother.  Knowing his brother would never rise to lead the house, he felt obligated to do so.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:Kali6.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#E0FFD6;"| [[Nicholotti, Kali|Kali Nicholotti]]
! style="background:#E0FFD6;"| Former XO and Best Friend
! colspan="2" align="left"| Jaxx met Kali when she was a green 2nd Lieutenant assigned to the USS Resolution.  Even though he hated Marines, he saw something different in her.  On an away mission to a hostile environment, she saved his life.  The cost was an artificial heart.  Since then, he had always looked out for her, treating her as if she was his little sister.  She went on to serve as his XO on the USS Victory and StarBase 118.  At times, he feels as if the godmother to his twins is the closest family he has.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:TalonLee.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| [[Lee, Talon|Talon Lee]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| Former Romantic Interest
! colspan="2" align="left"| After being assigned to the USS Challenger, Jaxx began dating Talon.  It was not long before they were engaged, but would soon drift apart.  They were very different people and it soon began to show.  He found her to be irrational and jumped to conclusions.  It was not too long before they separated badly.  Talon went on to marry [[Unum, Miles|Miles Unum]], who Jaxx had suspected had eyes for her while they were dating.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:Adriana Morgan.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| [[Morgan, Adriana|Adri Morgan]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| Former Romantic Interest & Friend
! colspan="2" align="left"| Soon after the split with Talon, Jaxx began dating fellow Betazoid, Adri.  At the time, he felt he could relate and understand Betazoids much better than other species.  They had an intense relationship, as most Betazoids did.  While he was deeply in love with the woman, something held him back and they soon stopped seeing each other.  Over the years they had remained friends and she eventually transferred to his command on the Apollo.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:TressaProfile2.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| [[Tressa]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| Former Romantic Interest
! colspan="2" align="left"| Jaxx took some time off from dating, but when he was ready to jump back in, he started seeing Tressa.  The young Gideon was assigned as a Science Officer on the Victory.  It was not long until their relationship blossomed.  Eventually, Tressa became pregnant with twins.  After they were born, things started fading once more between the two of them.  Tressa wanted to transfer to a starbase where she could work on research.  Thinking it was the best place for the kids, he allowed her to take them with her.  On what was supposed to be a routine survey mission, the small craft they were on was destroyed.  No sign of Tressa or the children has been found since.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:Sidneypierce2.jpg|100px]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| [[Pierce, Sidney Jocelyn]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| Former Romantic Interest
! colspan="2" align="left"| It took some time for Jaxx to want to date again, and started a brief romantic fling with Sidney.  This developed slowly and did not last very long.  They put their relationship behind them as she was recalled to Earth.  They never got a chance to really get that close, as Jaxx was still closed off from the loss of Tressa and the children.  But their short time together showed him that he was still able to feel something.  They remain friends.
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! style="width:100px;" rowspan="2"| [[File:Sundassa.jpeg|100px]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| [[Sundassa|Sundassa Faranster]]
! style="background:#FFE0F5;"| Current Romantic Interest
! colspan="2" align="left"| While on shore leave on the planet Izar, Jaxx invited himself to go cliff diving with some of the junior officers.  Soon, it was just Jaxx and Sun.  They had a great afternoon together, which prompted him to ask her out for the evening.  Before they could go on their first date, Jaxx and the command staff were taken hostage in the hotel restaurant, leaving Sun on the outside to handle the negotiations.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#800000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Educational History</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#800000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Educational History</h2>
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* [[Apollo Vantage Point|"Vantage Point (Summer Blockbuster)"]]
* [[Apollo Vantage Point|"Vantage Point (Summer Blockbuster)"]]
* [[Apollo Above and Beyond|"Above and Beyond"]]
* [[Apollo Above and Beyond|"Above and Beyond"]]
* [[Apollo Price of Freedom|"The Price of Freedom"]]

