User:Doz Finch/Sandbox 3/Personal Logs

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Personal Logs - USS Gorkon

Stardate 240006.07

“Personal Log, Stardate 240006.07. I’ve underestimated everything, haven’t I. My god, I really have underestimated everything. You see, when I arrived at the Gorkon, I came with the understanding that it couldn’t really be any different than anything I’d seen before. Well, it goes without saying, doesn’t it. Once you’ve seen one plasma conduit or impulse manifold, you’ve seen them all, haven’t you. But no, what I didn’t expect to happen was that, not only would I finally get to have a sleep that lasts longer than the piteous thirty minutes I usually get, on a good day mind you, but it would be in this very weird sort of “shared nightmare”, where, well, for lack of a better description, I was one horrible old cow. But that’s the thing about Starfleet—you honestly never know what’s around the corner. And you would think that after forty something years of service, I’d have learned that by now.”

“In about twenty minutes' time, I’ll be meeting up with the executive officer, Lieutenant Commander Samira Neathler, to go for a good old power walk in a little place called Adarak, on the planet Bajor. We’ve just started our post-apocalyptic shore leave, if you will, and I’m told there’s a little market nearby. I’m going to try and convince the commander to take a little detour, while we’re out there. She’s a woman who likes her exercise, so it might take a bit of persuasion, but who in their right mind would turn down the chance to visit a hustling, bustling market—no one sensible, anyway! End log.”''