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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code IOSI
Federation Status
Planet of Origin XB3
Encountered N/A
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level D-
List of Named Ioosis

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The Ioosi (pronounced I-oo-s-E) are humanoid with grayish-silver skin. They have a seat of gills on their necks and webbing between their fingers and toes. A distinctive feature is their brightly colored hair which is purple, green, pink, orange or bright yellow. They have distinct gills on the side of their neck which enables them to breathe underwater, but they are just as capable of breathing air on land. The have settlements on both the land and under the water. Although land is considered a "Sacred Place", it is not known exactly what that means.

They have very little technology, they navigate by astronavigation and use sailing ships on the water. They do use simple radio waves for communication. Most of their more "advanced" technology deals with the large domes they have built underwater which house massive cities. There are only a handful of domes on the planet. Their current tech level is D- (Pre-Industrialization).

The Federation has no information on the governmental structure or factions on the planet, other than a note from the science team that they are a matriarchal culture and that could mean any number of things.

The Ioosi is a non-Warp culture thought to have had no contact with spacefaring species. The Prime Directive currently applies in all encounters with this species.