Vance Carter

USS Darwin-A

Vance Carter security.jpg

Vance Carter
"I make peace when the politicians' words fall flat."


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Security and Tactical Officer
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Human

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Ensign Vance Carter


  • Full Name: Vance Carter
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: 236311.05
  • Place of Birth: Oregon, United States, Earth
  • Age:" 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: none


  • Height: 1.83 meters
  • Weight: 95.25 Kilograms
  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
  • Length of Hair: Short, military regulation; light stubble on his face
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Caucasian
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Diagonal scar on left cheek near the eye, small scar on left side of his lip on the same angle.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: Celtic wolf's paw tattoo on his right shoulder
  • Build: Muscular
  • Handedness: Right-handed


  • Temperament: Vance is a practical and level headed young man. Raised in a strict military environment, Vance Carter is a man with a strong code of conduct and the morality expected of a man of Starflleet. However, like so many have done in the past, Vance is not beyond breaking the ideals he swore to uphold for the preservation of his comrades. Jaded is he to most tense situations and cases of grisly injury, Vance operates rather well under pressure for being so new to his position, but every man has a breaking point. He has found his and does his best to not let himself get to that point ever again.

At heart, Vance will do whatever he can to avoid violence and blood, but always comes to every situation expecting it to go sour in some way or another. It was as some of his friends in the M.A.C.O. said - "hope for the best, but always plan for the worst." So Vance has done, or always tried to do, and he has always tried to approach volatile situations without biased, but a man can only do so much. There are times, much to Vance's chagrin, that his temper can get the better of him. When that happens, it can complicate situations and even make them messy - either for himself or the opposing party. He used to be far worse, but he wears a constant reminder to stay emotionally detached on the left side of his face.

  • Mannerisms and Habits: Vance arguably maintains his somewhat pleasant demeanor due to a very strict balance of diet, exercise, and leisure duties to decompress. Every morning, like clockwork, Vance wakes two hours before the beginning of his ship for a one hour workout and hearty breakfast to keep his body at apex physical condition. On the job, Vance remains wholly focused, engrossing himself in his position and the duties therein. Other activities, usually after his shift or before [should his shift begin later], include combat simulations and visits to tropical beaches both terrestrial and alien in the holo-deck, sparring with fellow crewman, or decompressing at the observation deck with a cold beer or a glass of fine scotch. When all else fails, he'll oftentimes just sit by with his father's old acoustic guitar in his room or his own little corner of the observation deck.

As many of his peers have likely noted, Vance can get restless when forced to be at rest for too long. His mind is always whirring, making it difficult for his body to remain idle for too long. If anyone has taken a long lecture-based class with him or sat beside him on a long shuttle ride, his right leg will become twitchy, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. His quarters in both the Academy and on board the vessel of his post is kept rather tidy with a militant way of organization and upkeep. Not much in the way of customization

  • "'Likes'":

Classical Rock and Symphony, Dark beer, Fine scotch, Fine cigars, Fine women, Personal Fitness, Boxing, Tropical beaches, Cats, Dogs (and most things small and fluffy), Military firearms (modern, historic, and antique)

  • '"Dislikes'":

Modern music, Needless aggression/aggressors, Incompetence, Losing control of a situation, Long periods of rest,


Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Rendal Rennyn
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas

  • Marital Status: Single, open to possibilities
  • Parents

Mother: Carine Carter (civilian; doctor)
Father: Victor Carter (civilian asset - M.A.C.O.; retired)

  • Siblings

Brother: Corey Carter (civilian; student)
Sister: Samantha Carter (civilian; teacher)


Vance’s father, Victor Carter, served in the M.A.C.O. as a civilian consultant and advisor. Before being acquired by M.A.C.O., Victor was a professor at the Starfleet Academy. His wife was a doctor in the same part of the city, commonly treating injuries Cadets sustained during their more rigorous training sessions. When Victor was hired by M.A.C.O. to train their recruits in military tactical theory, he obliged, persuaded by the considerably larger paycheck.

Victor brought his wife and son, Vance, aboard a M.A.C.O. training and service vessel, knowing just how much his son wanted to see a starship. The M.A.C.O. was never in any real peril, save for the occasional disturbance in the expanse of space or the visits to less-than-reputable stations. Other than the occasional rapid response call, it was all combat drills for the non-civilian crew. The young Vance attended all of his father’s lectures, usually sitting in the corner of the class so as to remain unobtrusive to his father or his students. On several occasions, Vance would also watch M.A.C.O. trainees and veterans alike go through training courses and weapon drills. Influenced with such subject matter at his impressionable age, Vance [not unlike most boys around his age] took a great interest in weapons of all shapes, sizes, and utility. However, unlike many other kids, Vance also took great interest in the tactics and practices surrounding such technology. While aboard the M.A.C.O. vessel, Vance's mother gave birth to his sister, Samantha. Obviously, as a boy who had grown up around military-minded individuals, Vance felt obligated to protect his sister, even though there was no-one hostile aboard the vessel. His brother Corey followed a few years afterwards, the burden of three children pushing Victor closer towards retirement.

In his late teens, Vance was able to go on shore leave with the M.A.C.O. crew at Deep Space 17. Having formed close ties with the soldiers, Vance was openly accepted into the off-duty squad for a day of partying. Finding a dive in Deep Space 17 with affordable drinks and food relatively close to standard health regulations, the band of boisterous young males took to spending their money on drinks and games. Games like pool and poker quickly grew heated with the less-than-desirable company of shadier individuals. While Vance and his friends imbibed more and more, their mouths began to run and tempers began to flare. One opposing gambler, a scar-faced Klingon, confronted Vance, goading him into a brawl. Hopped up on testosterone and bolstered by alcohol, Vance began fighting with an opponent that outclassed him in nearly every way. Vance has no clear memory of what happened, but medical repots say that a bottle was smashed across his head, resulting in the deep and gnarled scar on his face that would stick with him for the rest of his life. He also had a collection of broken bones, including a shattered hand from striking the head ridge of the towering Klingon. If it was not for his M.A.C.O. friends, Vance would probably have been killed and dumped in a waste recycling unit.

In light of the events on Deep Space 17, Vance’s father retired and returned to Earth and his home state of Oregon, taking the rest of his family with him. To Vance, Home no longer felt like Oregon, it lacked the humming of a Warp core or the smell of ozone. As soon as he could, Vance applied for entrance in to the Starfleet Academy, but was initially turned away, as he lacked certain fundamental skills. Immediately, he enrolled in classes outside of Starfleet and after a year of grueling hours of classed seven days a week, Vance had the credits and skills to make it in to the Academy. In the Academy, Carter specialized in Tactics, sticking with what he knew and majoring in such a field allowed him to be a multi-faceted asset to Starfleet. He graduated from the Academy with an above-average GPA and a couple recommendations from his teachers, but he was by no means the star pupil. What kept his GPA down was his scientific and political fields.

Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Rendal Rennyn
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas