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This is your new user page. Feel free to edit it however you wish to display more about your OOC (out of character) self, such as your name/alias and a list of all of your characters.

Basic Stats

  • Name: Lyle Beilby
  • Location: Australia
  • Joined StarBase 118:
  • Favorite Trek series/movie:
    • Series:Most probably TNG followed closely by DS9
    • Movie:I really love the TNG movies but Insurrection most of all, its a shame most people overlook it. On the other hand I also love some of the TOS era films like Voyage Home and Undiscovered Country.
  • Most Hated Trek series/movie:
    • Series:Hands down, Enterprise. The show had soo much potential but I just can't condone that sort of time travel plot.
    • Movie:At one point I thought the JJ Abrams reboot killed Trek for me but the truth was that the original reboot didn't that said Into Darkness is utterly unforgivable and the worst Trek film to date. Beyond, has given me new hope for the series but that is only because JJ Abrams is no longer a part of it.

Player Characters

PNPCs and NPCs


  • USS Constitution B
  • USS Ronin
  • USS Mercury
  • USS Atlantis
  • Starbase 118 Ops
  • USS Discovery C (I think it was)

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