Lieutenant (JG) T'Lona, MD is a 26 year old Vulcan currently serving as a medical officer on board the USS Veritas under the command of Captain Roshanara Rahman.

USS Veritas
Position Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Species Vulcan
Gender Female
DOB 237501.04
Age 26
Birthplace Shi'al, Vulcan
Service Ribbons

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1-year Member
3-year Member
B-Plot Award
Sheathed Sword
Nebula Bar
Khan Award

25th Anniversary
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Awards Committee
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Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
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Commandant's Citation
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Chat Trivia Participant
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Writing Challenge Runner Up
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Top Sim Judge
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Featured Bio of StarBase 118
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Personnel FileMedical RecordsAcademy Transcript
About the Writer

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Growing up as the child of one of Vulcan's leading neurologists, T'Lona became fascinated with medical diagrams and charts at a young age. By Age 12, as that interest evolved into a more academic curiosity, and T'Lona and her parents soon concluded that she would pursue a medical career to follow in her mother's footsteps. T'Lona later developed a strong relationship with her half brother, Evan Delano, that directed her inherent curiosity towards all Vulcanoids and Vulcanoid-hybrids. Specifically, she began studying the physiological and psychological complications associated with Vulcanoid attributes.

After completing her basic education at age 15, T'Lona attended Kir University in the Kir province. While working on her pre-medical requirements, T'Lona was shamed to discover an aversion to blood that threatened to end her prospects to become a doctor. Through mental discipline, traditional Vulcan meditation, and the influence of her friends, T'Lona was able to overcame her weakness and complete her program. Shortly thereafter, she was formally admitted to Starfleet Academy.

After completing her time at the Academy, T'Lona spent a year in residence aboard the USS Essex, stationed in the Menthor Corridor. She was transferred to the USS Veritas in mid-2397 to assume duties as a medical officer.

Physical Characteristics

T'Lona is a tall, thin, fair-skinned Vulcanoid with dark, curly hair and a somewhat round face.

Height: 6' 0" (1.91 m)
Weight: 140 lbs (86.2 kg)
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: green
Handedness: Right


Quarters: USS Veritas, Officer's Quarters
Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Follower of Surak, Subscribes strongly to the IDIC philosophy
Hobbies and Pastimes: Swimming, Art (collecting), Felines, Strange lifeforms
Likes: Diversity of experience, meeting and understanding new people and cultures, expanding horizons
Dislikes: Apathy, Static environments
Temperament: Externally cool, calm, and in control; internally, ordered and logical, but more neurotic than most would suspect.
Mental problems (complexes and phobias): T'Lona once suffered from an aversion/near-phobia to blood, only discovered after she began medical training. Although she has overcome this weakness to the satisfaction of Starfleet, T'Lona fears it may return.



  • Kedall: A Vulcan civilian starship engineer specializing in the use of hyper-efficient warp field dynamics to optimize older warp core designs. He currently resides on Vulcan, where he teaches at the Shi'al Engineering Institute, a specialized secondary school in the Shi'al Region.
  • Espera: A renowned Vulcan neurologist in the Shi'al Region of Vulcan. She and T'Lona are very close.
  • Commander Evan Delano. Stepbrother by her father. Evan is a Vulcan/Terran hybrid who has struggled at times to deal well with his Vulcan half. He and T'Lona have a somewhat distant relationship, but the two shared a strong connection when they were children.
  • Salen: Age 23. Youngest daughter of Kedall and Espera. A premedical student on Vulcan.
  • Ralok: Age 18. Youngest child (son) of Kedall and Espera. Currently enrolled at the Shi'al Engineering Institute on Vulcan.


  • Doctor Savala: Chief medical officer of the USS Essex, and the person who oversaw T'Lona's residency. As a fellow Vulcan, T'Lora enjoyed a strong professional relationship with Savala, and the two remain in contact.

Personal History


T'Lona's rarely left Vulcan as a child, but savored the experiences she did have to travel off world. Although she also admired many aspects of her homeworld, particularly diving in the reefs off the Kir coastline, see concluded early in her life that she would eventually leave it. Showing high aptitude in deductive reasoning, and a strong interest in the medical field, T'Lona's instructors encouraged her to explore the possibility of a medical career. T'Lona completed her basic education earlier than most of her peers and, without hesitation, began the application process to Starfleet Academy. She failed in her first attempt. T'Lona reevaluated her options and took what she had concluded was the logical path to begin the early stages of her medical training on Vulcan. Four years later, T'Lona was finally accepted into the Starfleet Academy medical program.
After four intense years of study, T'Lona earned her medical degree and a commission as a Starfleet Officer.


  • Date Graduated from Academy: 239607.03
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant (JG)
  • Current Assignment: Medical Officer
  • Duty Post: USS Veritas

Service Record

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 239206.05 - 239607.03 Starfleet Academy Medical Student
  Ensign 239607.04 - 239707.22 USS Essex Medical Officer (Residency)
  Lieutenant, JG 239707.23 - Present USS Veritas Medical Officer
NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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