
Ensign Rosalee, a Human/Klingon hybrid, is currently the counsellor and a medical officer at the Embassy Duronis II.

USS Invicta
Position Counselor
Rank Ensign
Species Human/Klingon
Gender Female
DOB 236410.13
Age 36
Birthplace London, Earth
Writer ID A239301R10



  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 125
  • Hair Color: Reddish Brown with Blonde streaks
  • Eye Color: Hazel


’’Lil Monster’’
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Dad is unknown
    • Mother: Gwendolyn Harris (Mom)
  • Siblings: None known


Rosalee was a happy child growing up in London. She never really took notice that she was the only half Klingon in her classes and everyone seemed to get along with her. Her mother and grandmother ran an apothecary and often traveled to help settlements with little to no medical facilities. Rosalee traveled with her mother or grandmother any chance she got. She loved visiting new places and helping people. Her mother hoped that she would continue the family business.

When Rosalee turned 13, she learned of the curcumstances that led to her birth. She was hurt at first but then learned to accept the violence and look past it. She began to learn more about the Klingon way of life and embraced it. Her mother tried to help her as best she could but found that she was lacking and arranged a visit to the Klingon homeworld for Rosalee's 18th birthday.

Soon after she joined starfleet. As a graduation present, she was given Lil Monster (a mini pig) who she takes everywhere she can.

  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Genesis Award 239306.29
Genesis Award
The Most Improved Simmer Award. For officers who show conspicuous effort in improving their simming skills.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2393
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have
graduated from Starfleet Academy.
War of Shadows Ribbon 239306.07
USS Invicta
Awarded to an individual who participated in
the War of Shadows in 2393.

NPC Listing   ·   Embassy/USS Thor Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Toni Turner
Executive Officer
Geoffrey Teller
Chief of Security
Krindo Pandorn
Security Officer
Dar Elandra
Marine Ops.
Hannibal Parker
Rode Mitchell
Wes Greaves
Second Officer/HCO
Ben Garcia
Chief Medical Officer
Addison MacKenzie
Medical Officer
Quen Deena
Medical Officer
Chief Counsellor
Alexander Brodie
Chief Science Officer
Lorian Lovar
Science Officer
Tara Wilkins
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