Reporter Issue 8
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Admiral Wolf has the pleasure of announcing his new First Officer, Commander Galen Jennings. Congratulations, Commander.
Negogiations have been successful, and the Romulans and the Federation have signed a new Peace Accord. The Dominion Members involved were blamed for the skirmishes, and both sides have renewed their vows not to seek further hostilities. All Romulan hostile acts, are to be treated as potential Dominian acts, as well as any other suspicious hostile activity. Where possible, confirmation of species is to be obtained.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Galen Jennings, Commander, Star Base 118
- John Chevalier, USS Ranger
Their First Officer, Logan Paine, was assimilated by the Borg during their attack on Earth. He has been brought back aboard the Alliance, and attempts are now being made to recover him.
After much diversion, we have finally been permitted to begin our survey of the Portal wormhole, believed created by the Seeders (also known as the Preservers). Two of my members, Pelletier and Dan, opened the Portal using coordinates we had been fed while two others, Arvanon and Jennings, partially decoded a manual of sorts for the passageway. We are now entering the Portal, but we do not yet know at which egress point we will emerge.
During a routine investigation of a comm outing on Star Base 45, we intercepted what looked like a dog fight between four unknown orange vessels and a Ferengi vessel. The Ferengi vessel was downed, with her survivors on an inhosbitable moon. We have engaged the unknown vessels, while our shuttle, the Darwin Star, attempted to collect the Ferengi survivors. It has been caught in the Barzan wormhole, however.
RANGER has been dispatched to SIBIUS IV, beyond the edge of Federation space (near the Gamma Quadrant border) to complete a critical First Contact mission begun by the science vessel USS KIERA, which was lost with all hands, cause unknown. RANGER was sent because the first contact race, the Tilethians, are not capable of challenging a Federation vessel. As SIBIUS is located at the edge of a dense stellar cluster known as the BELTINE ABYSSAL, it is possible that a new power heretofore unknwon and originating from the Abyssal is responsible for KIERA's loss. RANGER departed Federation space at warp 9 on stardate 237401.17 and is expected to arrive at SIBIUS in two weeks.
This month I am interviewing Commander Jeff Pelletier, Betazed/Terran, male, and first officer of the USS Centris. He holds the distinction of having acheived the highest score in his Commander's written examination.
Why did you choose a career in Starfleet?
You know, I have always wondered that myself. When I sit and think about it, I cannot come up with one concise answer. I think it mainly revolves around the mystery. There are so many unknowns out there, so many species we haven't encountered, so many places we haven't gone. I didn't want to hear about a first contact on the newswire. I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to be there, to experience it first hand. I have also always dreamed of being part of a Star Ship crew. To be part of the team, part of the cream-of-the-crop that protects our homes but also strives to discover new things in life. I have never really thought about doing anything else. As a child, I read about the experiences of Captain Kirk and about how he continually forged forward to protect what we had, and give us what we have now. I wanted to preserve that but help build on it too. As a scientist-at-heart, there is also no better way to expand my knowledge of the universe. Though I ended up training in Tactical and Security, my courses in chemistry, physics, biotechnology and others have given me something to build on. It is one thing to read about these theories. It is another to apply them in space and real-life situations during a mission. I know that I am being an integral part of the solution to very important problems.
Has Starfleet fulfilled those lofty expectations? How?
That is hard to say. Everytime I think I have accomplished something, my expectations are raised. Every time I think the most interesting thing has every happened, it is topped by another discovery. When I first started with Starfleet, yes I had these expectations. However, they have changed so many times...they keep getting greater and greater as time moves on, I doubt they will ever be completely fulfilled. They can only be topped.
What has been your greatest challenge so far, then, your most recent?
So far, my greatest challenge was when I assumed the position of First Officer while on my training vessel. Only a Lieutenant, I found it difficult to give orders to those of my own rank. However, I had to overcome that while at the same time still learn the ropes of a Federation Starship. However, it was also one of the greatest experiences of my career. But, thanks to the confidence placed in me by Commander Ruach I was able to face the challenge head on and overcome the problems I did come across. As for my most recent challenge, that is most definately my recent seat in the Captain's chair. The fact that I was in charge of the hundreds of lives on-board, along with the lives of those Federation citizens affected, that is a lot to take on. At the same time, our mission was not routine, by any means. I had to balance my mission orders, my own morals along with the expressions put forward by my crew. How do I balance these, among other ideas and reactions that arise in a situation? I will never know, 100%, whether my actions were correct or not. I still think about it. This challenge will never be over.
What do you do when you are not in uniform?
When am I *not* in uniform :) When I do decide to peel away the pips, I enjoy downhill skiing. My favourite program is the slopes of Renux. My parent had a house there when I was little where I took up the sport. I remember my mother when I was a kid...she could never understand the thrill I got from hurdling myself down a 10,000 foot hill.
I also like travelling. Thanks to my parents, I have visited over 200 planets in my lifetime. My father worked in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and he continually was moving us around as a child. Emmersing myself in the local customs, enjoying local food, taking in the allows me to escape the blackness of space every so often.
Lately though I have had to rely on the holodeck for both these escades. After my duty shift though when I am lounging around I enjoy a good old-fashioned book. I have read everything from mysteries to technical manuals.
What are your goals for your career?
::Grinning, on the verge of laughing:: No disrespect meant to my Commanding Officer, but my ultimate goal is Captaincy with my own vessel. I know every says that, but I also know that not everyone has the drive, initiative, or raw wanting power for the position. I know I will get it, it will simply take time. Once I am there though, I am sure my goals will change. As soon as I achieve something, a new venture always appears and I start for it. After Captaincy, who knows....
Any advice to other Officers before we close this interview?
Advice....nothing that hasn't been said a hundred times before. Only that, to succeed in Starfleet, it takes more than dedication. It takes your heart and soul and everything else that you can offer. You must be willing to give your all. In return, you will get more than you ever thought possible.
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