Piracy on the High Stars

Revision as of 17:50, 18 March 2016 by Sal Taybrim (talk | contribs) (added crewmember, player rules)

Piracy on the High Stars is a lighthearted holonovel set in the year 2293

The players serve as the crew of the Constitution refit class USS Armstrong with orders to patrol the Klingon neutral zone.

The holonovel opens up with the USS Armstrong having been sabotaged by nefarious traitors who have set a course directly into Klingon space - a violation of the recently signed Khitomer Accords. As the program starts up a number of players are selected at random to be the traitors. The identities of the traitors are a secret to the rest of the crew, and the traitors have different game goals than the regular crew players.

The simulation has several game aspects, including riddles, puzzles and challenges. This, combined with the over-the-top action and lighthearted tone make it a well rated piece of entertainment; but purists have chided it for a lack of historical accuracy.

Game Rules: The players are split into 3 categories: CO; loyal crew and traitors. The CO is chosen before the program starts. The rest of the players are crew. Traitors are selected at random when the program begins.

The program starts with player information flashing up on each player's console. This message tells each player the goals of the game, and informs the traitors of who they are and what their alternative goals are. The traitors are aware of who else on the ship is a traitor; the crew remain unaware.

The holodeck safeties are engaged for this program.

The Starbase 118 Ops crew decided to play this simulation as part of their shore leave, with the following crew roster: