OEB Simmer Guide/The Setting
OEB Simmer Guide |
The Setting The Octavia E Butler (OEB) is currently assigned to the Gamma Quadrant and operates in regions not too far from that terminus of the Bajoran Wormhole. The OEB's primary theatre of operations is the Kissoben Reach which stretches from Deep Space 14, through the United Dominion of Planets influence and includes Port Coray and Port Loray. After the war, the Dominion retreated back within itself and has ceased to be a major power in the region. Recently the emergence of a United Dominion of Planets (UDP) has again shifted the balance of power adding new species to its alliance, such as the Zet. After the experiences of the USS Thor, Starfleet has been cautiously balancing its influence and power in the region. With the further adventures of the USS Oumuamua Starfleet has deployed Gamma Flotilla Expeditionary Task Force of many ships to quadrant, of which the USS Octavia E Butler is one of the most recent additions. Mission Space Read More About...
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