Captain's log, stardate 240201.09.
The USS Octavia E Butler has been ordered to the Koreli system, a nonaligned, binary star system in the Kissoben Reach nearest to the United Dominion of Planets sphere of influence. Even so, this is not the first time the Koreli system has been of interest -- the system's indigenous sapient species, the Danni, live on Koreli IV and applied for status as a Federation protectorate about two years ago, a few months after the disappearance of the Caboto, although they withdrew that request about a year ago. Commodore V'Airu informed me that Starfleet had meant to follow up, but the matter wasn't pressing until recently: Starfleet received an invitation to Koreli IV, but not from the Danni. Instead, the invitation came from a Zet, Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend, warlord and monarch of the subjugated world. Normally, we would have nothing to do with him, apart from assisting in his deposition, but this King Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend had the gall to ask for our help.
I did not believe it when I received orders to ship out, but Commodore V'Airu assured me that we're not going there to help Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend. Instead, we are to help the Danni -- covertly, if possible -- as well as to learn why Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend would ask us for assistance. Moreover, Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend appeared to belong to a Zet cult or sect known as the "Deathless," and the commodore believes it may be possible that both the Danni and the "Deathless" Zet are being confined by other Zet. She didn't come out and say so, but I suspect the commodore may be interested in making inroads with any Zet faction that opposes their ongoing expansion, which these Deathless may.
I will lead a diplomatic team to the surface of Koreli IV myself, and I've selected Colonel Greaves, Commander Moydol, Lieutenant Saa, and our newly appointed diplomatic officer Lieutenant Nilsen to accompany me. There, I hope that we will be able to speak directly with Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend -- although I hope too to make contacts among the Danni. However, that may best be left to a second team that has been approved for a surface visit, to be led by Lieutenant Richards. This team will visit Maiton, a mining town of about 15,000 people -- at least prior to the Zet arrival. He'll supervise a team that includes Lieutenants Herrick, Maxwell, and Salo, the lattermost of whom is standing in as chief medical officer of mental health, just as Moydol took the last-minute posting as chief of physical health, after Lieutenant Toz was recalled. We should prepare for slightly unsual conditions, because although Koreli IV is an M-class world, its gravity is 1.2 time Earth standard and its parent stars are quite a bit more luminous.
Commander Promontory will lead a shipboard team to assemble all information available on the Deathless and the situation at Koreli. He'll be assisted by Commander Katsim and Lieutenants Kessler, Forsyth, and Lahl. Their immediate goals will be to collate all recent developments with the Zet, synthesize all knowledge regarding the Deathless and the Danni, and pull any relevant background on Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend.
Finally, we have been experiencing some bizarrely elevated data transfer rates among several shipboard systems, including power distribution and communications subsystems. While this may have a simple explanation, I've asked Commander Arlill to lead a multidisciplinary team that includes Lieutenants Yinn, Caras, and Nis to determine if this is indicative of a larger problem.
We arrived at Koreli IV about three hours ago, and I have only to report to Transporter Room 1 to begin the investigation. I will update as necessary and as I can.
End log.
Commanding Officer Lia Rouiancet
Executive Officer Avander Promontory
Chief of Science Katsim Peri
Asst. CMO, Phys. Jania Nis
Asst. CMO, Ment. Sevantha Saa
Marine Det. Cdr. Wes Greaves
Marine Ofc. Arturo Maxwell
Chief Engineer, 2O Josh Herrick
Act. Chf. Sec. Anton Richards
Chief Tac. Ofc. Jack Kessler
Diplomatic Officer Lhandon Nilsen
- Lieutenant Commander Moydol, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Physical Health
- Lieutenant Nesre Salo, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Mental Health
- Da’ni’Grend, son of Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend (self-imposed ruler of Koreli IV and now deceased)
- Toal’Dius, rival of Da’ni’Grend
Zet • Koreli IV • Danni
Please refer to the synopsis; the full mission report will be published on this page following it's conclusion.