Mikali sh'Shar/Andorian Blues

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Andorian Blues

Sh'Shar Crying.jpg

After losing her commission and relapsing, Mikali sh'Shar fell into a dark place.

Her daughter was taken, her commission was taken, and for a time, her freedom too. Having completed rehabilitation and a prison sentence, she now faces the daunting, if not impossible task of trying to rebuild her life.

Offscreen Events

Stardate 239106.14 - Lost and displaced after the decommissioning of the USS Avandar, Mikali relapsed. She spent six weeks in prison on Andoria for possession of a personal-use quantity of restricted chemicals, followed by twelve weeks in rehabilitation.

Stardate 239110.20 - sh'Shar received an General discharge from Starfleet due to her conduct, narrowly avoiding a Bad Conduct Discharge.

Dramatis Personae

- Mikali sh'Shar

- Benna sh'Shar

- Serren Tan

- Safine Rael

- Tasha MacFarlane

- Vexaǂprymmalʘyersevva ("Catscratch")

- Musa "One-Joke" Darweshi

- Commander Valen Carys

- Jona ch'Ranni

Factors behind the relapse

- Lost of structure after the decommissioning of the USS Avandar

- Death of Alleran Tan

- Pain from her implants, most notably her prosthetic eye

- A really, really bad day

List of sims

"Clean and White"

Stardate: 239709.10

On the way to the USS Gorkon, Mikali sh'Shar makes a disturbing find.

Part I

Part II

Part III

"The Deal"

Stardate 239710.11

Mikali sh'Shar comes aboard the USS Gorkon for a visit, and asks for Serren Tan's help.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII


Part IX

Part X

"Much Ado about Benna"

Stardate 239710.18, day 1 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar meets one of her contacts, Tasha MacFarlane, on Iana Station on the morning of her first day and they talk about her and her motivations before her shift.

Mikali sh'Shar - The Eternal Work

Lieutenant Tasha MacFarlane - ReachOut

Mikali sh'Shar - Much Ado About Benna

Lieutenant Tasha MacFarlane - For the Love of a Child

Mikali sh'Shar - Mikali sh'Shar? Taking On Extra Work? Captain Vetri Might Have A Heart Attack If She Found Out...

"The First Day"

Stardate 239710.18, day 1 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar has her first day at ReachOut.

Part I

Part II

Part III

"The Barzan Freighter"

Stardate 239710.19, day 2 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar attempts to fix Tasha's Barzan freighter, as an "extra credit" project, but things are not as smooth as they could be...

Part I

Part II

"Uglier Ways"

Stardate 239710.24, day 7 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar goes to counselling wherein, amongst other things, she is asked to perform a difficult task.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

"The Un-Promise"

Stardate 239710.24, day 7 of 365

Her equilibrium disturbed, Mikali sh'Shar must keep a promise to her counsellor, even if it's painful.

Part I

Part II

"The Logs"

Stardate 239710.24 through 239711.08, day 7 through 21 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar starts making logs of her life, as requested by Carys, and a huge problem is revealed.

Part I

Part II


Stardate 239711.09, day 22 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar's prosthetic eye malfunctions. Suffering from a terrible infection, her mind blurs the line between history and reality.

Mikali sh'Shar - Delirious Blendings of Heroism and Pain From Another Place, Another Time

Lieutenant Tasha MacFarlane - Raised Voices

Mikali sh'Shar - Drifting Echoes Of The Past, Fading To Quiet

Lieutenant Tasha MacFarlane - We'll get you better

Mikali sh'Shar - For The First Time In A Long Time

"The Eye of the Storm"

Stardate 239711.09 through Stardate 239711.23, day 22 through 36 of 365

Mikali sh'Shar receives visitors in sickbay.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

"The Logs" (continued)

Stardate 239711.09 through Stardate 239711.25, day 22 through 38 of 365

Concurrent with the above, Mikali sh'Shar continues to record her personal logs.

Part III

Part IV

"Discovering New Oceans"

Stardate 239711.25, day 38 of 365

Mikali, freshly discharged from hospital and recharged with a new perspective, books an appointment with Valen Carys to talk through it, but the conversation takes an unexpected turn when her career choices are discussed.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

"A Promise Made..."

Stardate 239801.05, day 79 of 365

Having returned to work, but on light duties, Mikali takes some leave to resolve a promise she made to Jona ch'Ranni and Serren Tan.

Mikali sh'Shar - A Promise Made...

K'Turk - Motive

Mikali sh'Shar - A Little Help Goes A Long Way

K'Turk - Let Us Begin

Mikali sh'Shar - The Benefits Of Tiny Hands And Sensitive Antenna

K'Turk - The Demands of Honor

Mikali sh'Shar - 106

"The Boxes"

Stardate 239801.09, day 82 of 365

Taking a brief break from work in preparation for having her new prosthetic eye installed, Mikali travels to Palanon for a little privacy... and to create.

Part I

Part II

Part III

"The Eyesore"

Stardate 239802.14, day 118 of 365

Freshly discharged after a month and six days in various iterations of surgery and recovery, Mikali sh'Shar tries out her new eye.

The Eyesore

"The Cleanup"

Stardate 239802.18, day 122 of 365

Having returned to Iana Station, Mikali sh'Shar finds that her quarters need some attention.

The Cleanup

"Loony Luna"

Stardate 239802.25, day 129 of 365

Mikali reaches out to an old friend from her days on the USS Independence-A.

Loony Luna


Stardate 239803.08, day 140 of 365

Mikali reaches out to an old commanding officer from her days on the USS Avandar, however things don't go anything like she planned.


"There Is No Coming to Consciousness Without Pain"

Stardate 239803.22, day 154 of 365

In her regular sessions with Valen Carys, Mikali discusses a difficult problem: how to become the person she believes she can be.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

"The Corner"

Stardate 239806.20, day 244 of 365

Recovered from her health issues, Mikali puts her back into her work, but as she gets further ahead her roommate begins to fall behind.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI