Mary Fenelli/Personal Log

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Fenelli's Personal Logs
Log Title Stardate Log Body
Aboard the Atlantis 239201.29 I can't believe it! I am finally aboard a real starship. This is so amazing. I can't wait to meet everyone and experience everything.
Meeting Adam 239201.01 Today I met a very interesting man. He is LtJG. Adam Haase. He was very professional, but sweet too. I enjoyed talking to him. I hope to see him again sometime. I enjoyed his company. (Not to mention, he isn't half bad looking.)
Paralyzed 239202.10 After an incident in the holodeck, I was sent to sickbay. Dr. Pike informed me that I was paralyzed from the waist down, but it was only temporary. I honestly don't know what to say. I am troubled. What if I never walk again?
The Briefing 239207.06 For some odd reason, DS26 has gone on some sort of lock down. I was in the lock down, and we were trapped in the garden. Luckily, I had my hover chair, and I got to save the day by hovering up and shooting a laser at a panel. My hover chair began to malfunction and I had to jump from my chair, landing on my feet. It was amazing! I stood and walked a few steps. I have never been so happy in my life. Anyways, I am heading to the briefing so we can figure out what is going on with DS26.
The Wormhole 239207.08 I found a wormhole that might just bring us to the Holana system faster. I feel like today I actually did something helpful for the crew.
The Transfer 239207.12 I was notified today that I will be moving over to the USS Invicta once the Atlantis gets back to Earth. It's too bad. I was having fun aboard the Atlantis, and there are great people here. I was feeling as if I was just beginning to make friends, and learn my way around. Maybe I can make friends on my new might take a while though.
Finding Blueheart 239207.13 Today I was up on the bridge and we found a ship outside the wormhole. I have no idea who or what it is, but I can only hope it's my beloved captain, Blueheart. I may not have got to get to know him well, (Seeing as he is a captain, and I'm but a lowly ensign), but he was the best captain a ship could have. I only hope to see him again.
Awards Ceremony 239207.16 The most unexpected thing happened to me today! I got promoted! I am now LtJG Mary Fenelli, pretty cool, huh? Anyways, I also got another award and a purple heart (Also unexpected.) I feel special :) The thing that made me feel the best though was that Tracy Townson gave me her own pip, from HER collar and pinned it on me. I wanted to cry, it was so wonderful. I am happy replicators weren't working, because if they were...I wouldn't have gotten the most special pip ever on my collar. I will treasure it always.
New Ship, New Faces 239207.17 On a new ship today, the USS Invicta. Not the biggest ship ever, or the best (But I am biased, I still believe the Atlantis was the best.) There are a lot of new faces, but the people seem somewhat friendly, I will have to continue to get to know them though. As for now though, I will just do my job and hope they like me!
Seeing Blueheart 239207.26 Today I saw my first captain, the man I admired most, my role model. He came onto the bridge and Captain Kells called him Doctor, I can only assume that he meant that Raj Blueheart has become the chief medical officer now. I was happy to see him, and very surprised too. Though there is something wrong. Every time I glance his way, or even look in his general direction, he looks away from me. I don't know if it was something I did or said that is making him look away, or if he feels guilty. If the problem is the latter, he needs to talk to me. There is no need for him to feel guilty, well, none that I can think of. I am just simply happy that he is alive, and okay.

Losing Raj (Now he probably rather me call him Captain Blueheart) but loosing him was like loosing my father. The captain and I never had too many words with each other, but he felt oddly close to me. He even came to visit me when I was paralyzed, now I bet there is no other captain that I know of that would take his own time to see one member of his crew. But the point is, he was like a father and I felt as if I had lost him forever. I was terribly worried when we lost him, no matter what anyone else said about him, and why he was gone, I just wanted him back safe and sound.

But now that Blueheart is back, he just looks away from me. I wish he would tell me what was wrong, or even speak to me. All I can do is hope.

My Boyfriend 239207.27 Q is here and playing stupid games. She has made some guy that Captain Blueheart knows, but this kid is super annoying. If I wasn't a Civilized Starfleet officer, I would have killed him. Q has also somehow created my ex-boyfriend and he showed up and tried to ask me back out. I had no idea what I was supposed to do or say, so I pretended that Raj was my boy friend. He played along with it all pretty well, but I still feel really bad.
Flashback 239207.31 Today I had a flashback, and it was like the even had just happened the day before. In my flashback, I saw my Atlantis crush. A tear came to my eye as I never know if I will see him again. At least I have fond memories. Remembering Old Faces
Transfer 239208.07 I transferred ships today, again, this time to the USS Avandar. I was unable to get to know any of the officers on the USS Invicta very well, but atleast I had the chance to meet them. On my new ship, I have Lt.Commander Tracey Townson, it will be nice to see her again. I also have Dr.Pike, which I will also be thrilled to see. I am going to have to apologize to him though for my behavior to him, I was quite rude. An last, but certainly not least, Captain Blueheart is also on my new ship. I look forward to beginning the mission.
Mission 239209.10 Am I seeing things? There is a bleu object that has appeared infront of me. It's an alien of somesort TO BE CONTINUED