Lael Rosek/Biography

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Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Purple Heart
Prometheus Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Medical Science Ribbon
Captain's Commendation
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
Extended Service Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Service Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Explorer's Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
Orion Syndicate Service Medal
Silver Star
UFP Medal of Freedom
Innovation Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon





Lael Before Starfleet

Lael's Younger Years

Lael was born two minutes before her twin brother Kellan on Stardate 236610.24 to Adelynn Rosek in Cedar Springs, Michigan. She never met her father and, due to her mother's silence, knew very little about him. From a young age, Lael showed a talent for Mathematics and her curious nature led her to a passion for taking things apart to see how they worked. She spent much of her younger years in fields, studying the local wildlife, even to the point of keeping a nature journal.

Cedar Springs Woods

Lael, Age 14

Though she was bullied in her younger years due to her Al-Leyan heritage, her easy-going and compassionate nature won her many friends. As she grew older, she sought more adventurous pursuits, chief among them being sailing, cliff-diving, water skiing, rock climbing, and swimming in local ponds and lakes. When she wasn't hanging out with friends, she spent summers on her Uncle's farm doing chores and helping to care for the animals. This became a passion for her and at age 14, Lael joined her school's FFE club (Future Farmers of Earth). Needless to say, Lael's mother was determined to train Lael in lady-like arts and when Lael was 15, enrolled her daughter in finishing school course she herself taught at the local country club. Lael learned social graces, various dancing styles, and how to play the piano.

Lael in High School

Lael in high school.

Lael began her freshman year at Cedar Springs High School on Stardate 238108.12. She was a member of her school's National Honor Society and participated in such school sports as Track, Cross Country, Basketball, and Dance. In her senior year (Stardate 2385), she was nominated for Homecoming Queen and lost by only three votes.

The idea of Starfleet had fascinated her since she'd attended a camp there at age 14. She spent most of her adolescence dreaming of a career as a Starfleet Officer. Following her graduation from high school on Stardate 238505.25, she took the Entrance Exam and began her first day as a cadet on Stardate 238508.07 intending to follow the Command track.

Notable Relationships

  • Kellan Rosek: Despite having many friends, her twin brother was always her greatest ally and her strongest advocate. To this day, they are quite close and communicate often. He often comes to her for relationship advice and she, in return, leans on him in times of emotional difficulty.
  • Adelynn Rosek: Lael's relationship with her mother is extremely strained due to her mother's high, and at times, unreasonable expectations of her.
  • Thomas DeMarcus: Lael had a close relationship with her uncle spending many of her summers until she turned 15 on his farm helping him care for the animals.
  • Louise Rosek-DeMarcus: Lael view's her Aunt Louise as "the fun aunt" and enjoys time in her company.

Full Timeline

  • 236610.24--Born in Cedar Springs, Michigan
  • 236911.04--Begins receiving Jiu-jitsu training
  • 238008.14--Joins her school's FFE club.
  • 238102.15--Is enrolled against her wishes in finishing school
  • 238108.30--Joins her school's National Honor Society club and Cross Country team
  • 238111.15--Joins her school's Basketball team
  • 238201.15--Joins her school's Track Team
  • 238505.05--Nominated for Homecoming Queen
  • 238505.25--Graduates high school

Starfleet Academy

Insignia Rank From To Position
Cadet 4th 238508.12 238603.17 Major:Command
Cadet 3rd 238608.17 238705.25 Major: Engineering & Helm/Communications/Operations; Minor: Physics
Cadet 2nd 238801.17 238901.16 Major: Engineering & Helm/Communications/Operations; Minor: Physics
StarBase 118 OpsOps-icon.gif
Engineering Division
Cadet 1st 238901.17 239101.14 Engineering Apprentice
USS Centris-A
Cadet 1st 239101.14 239201.15 Engineering Officer
Service Ribbons
For OOC Awards, click here.
Service Ribbon Name Stardate Assignment
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239201.15 Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 2392 Victorylogo.png
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Prometheus Incident Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase)
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon (2nd Citation) 239210.21 USS Gorkon-logo.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon 239305.10
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 239310.12
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Extended Service Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
War of Shadows Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase) 239401.21
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal

Lael's First Year at the Academy

Starfleet Academy

While Lael did well academically, the holovideos and graphic descriptions of torture caused her nightmares and PTSD to the point that she very nearly developed a split personality. She was dropped from the Command track and ordered to undergo counseling. Lael almost quit the Academy to go in search of her biological father, but her twin convinced her to pursue her true passion: fixing and build things.

Lael's Second and Third Years at the Academy

Her second year at the Academy, Lael began studying Communications/Operations, Engineering, and Physics. During her second year at the Academy, Lael began dating Ivina Genestra, a Betazoid scientist who was studying on Earth. The two were together for almost a year before they mutually decided that, though there was an attraction between them, they just didn't feel that way about each other. Heartbroken, Lael went rock climbing with her friends that summer to get her mind off the break-up. However, she had an accident that resulted in a severe spinal injury that paralyzed her. She was told she'd never walk again.

About a month following the accident, she was contacted by Doctor Gibbons. He was experimenting with the use of nanotechnology to treat otherwise untreatable spinal conditions. The procedure was highly controversial and hadn't yet been approved for Humanoid testing. Despite the risks, Lael agreed to be the first Humanoid subject to receive the procedure. Following the procedure, Lael completed extensive physical therapy to regain her mobility. It was during this time that she met Elina Kincade, who supervised her care and therapy. Through Elina, Lael also became friends with Rebecca Hollendale and with Dassa Alexander, one of Elina's students and an aspiring Starfleet medical officer. Prior to the beginning of her third year, Lael had an intimate liaison with Dassa, leaving the two permanently connected via an unintentionally-formed psionic bond.

As Doctor Gibbons had promised, Lael passed all of her Academy physicals with flying colors and she started classes again in the spring following her accident with no one but her, the doctor, her mother and brother the wiser as to how she'd managed to recover. The nanotechnology offered the added benefit of increasing her already beyond-Human agility and strength as well as marginally increasing her senses; in particular, her sense of smell.

Lael's Fourth Year at the Academy

Elopement to Jensar.

At the beginning of her fourth year during her Engineering Apprentice internship aboard Starbase 118, she met Jensar Berel. The two had a passionate relationship. Halfway through the first year of her internship, six months following their meeting, the two eloped on Risa. Neither of their families were happy about the marriage. Six months into their marriage, Jensar's older brother was assassinated, forcing him to return home to fill his brother's role on the Betazed council. Jensar tried to convince Lael to come with him, but she wasn't willing to give up the Starfleet career that she'd fought so hard to keep. Her dreams were in the stars. Lael was devastated and jumped into a rebound sexual relationship two months with an unjoined Trill woman, Alva Tigan. But this relationship inevitably ended when Alva was selected for Joining.

Lael's Cadet Cruise

Lael finished her internship in January 2391, then completed her cadet cruise aboard the USS Centris-A and graduated with a double major in Helm/Communications/Operations and Engineering as well as a minor in Physics.


  • Stardates 239101.14 - 239201.15
  • Duty Post: Engineering Officer

Notable Relationships

  • Ivina Genestra: Despite their chemistry, Lael realized that she loved Ivina, but wasn’t in love with her. They’re now close friends.
  • Aidia Carter: The two were in a couple of classes together and met through Ivina.
  • Michael Zola: The two met at the Academy and would often go rock climbing together. He was killed in the same rock climbing accident that paralyzed Lael.
  • Elina Kincade: She and Lael met at Starfleet Medical when she was helping Lael with her physical therapy and recovery. The two have been close ever since with Elina becoming a strong female role model for Lael.
  • Rebecca Hollendale: Lael and Rebecca met through Elina. Though the two often disagree on certain issues, they're good friends nonetheless.
  • Dassa Alexander: The two met through Lael's friend, Elina Kincade, and had a one-night stand that resulted in a psionic bond. The two remain friends and now serve together aboard the USS Za.
  • Jensar Berel: She and Jensar were together for six months before they eloped despite protests from both families. They were married for six months until they chose to divorce when Jensar’s older brother died and he was forced to return to Betazed to take his brother’s post with the Council.
  • Alva Tigan: Lael’s relationship with Alva was purely sexual and lasted for a period of six months.

Full Timeline

  • 238507.07--Accepted to Starfleet Academy
  • 238603.14--Dropped from Command Track due to psychological trauma.
  • 238608.17--Switches to Engineering/HCO dual major with Physics minor
  • 238706.07--Rock climbing accident that paralyzes her
  • 238706.14--Lael meets Elina Kincade
  • 238707.09--Lael is the first Humanoid to receive the highly controversial nanotech spinal repair treatment.
  • 2388.01.17--Lael enters her third year at the Academy
  • 238805.24--Lael meets Jensar
  • 2388011.03--Lael and Jensar elope on Risa
  • 238904.08--Lael and Jensar divorce.
  • 238907.25--Lael enters a sexual relationship with Alva Tigan
  • 239001.12--Alva ends her and Lael's relationship.
  • 239101.13--Lael completes her internship aboard Starbase 118
  • 239101.14--Lael begins her cadet cruise aboard the USS Centris-A
  • 239201.15--Lael completes her cadet cruise

Supplemental File: Academy Transcript & Degrees

Starfleet Post-Academy Career Overview

Insignia Rank From To Position
USS Victory Intrepid-icon1.gif
Engineering Division
Ensign 239202.24 239205.21 Engineering Officer
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239205.22 239207.16 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
USS Gorkon Sovereign-icon2.gif
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239207.16 239401.21 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
Lieutenant 239401.21 239404.17 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
USS ZA Chariot icon.jpg
HCO Division
Lieutenant 239404.18 Present Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
Service Ribbons
For OOC Awards, click here.
Service Ribbon Name Stardate Assignment
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239201.15 Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 2392 Victorylogo.png
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Prometheus Incident Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase)
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon (2nd Citation) 239210.21 USS Gorkon-logo.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon 239305.10
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 239310.12
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Extended Service Ribbon
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
War of Shadows Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase) 239401.21
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal


  • Rank: Ensign – Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Engineering Officer, HCO Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Nugra
  • Stardates: 239202.24 - 239207.16


Lael joined the crew shortly following the Luxis III mission. She played a role in repairs to the damaged vessel until the crew was temporarily re-assigned to the USS Achilles while the Victory was in port for repair and refit. The Achilles was sent to work with the Romulan Republic in hunting down missing vials of the Skyfire Virus. During the course of the mission, Ensign Janel Tarna noticed a suspicious-looking female carrying what he thought to be the missing vials in a box and immediately gave chase when the woman ran. Lael went after Janel to offer back-up. However, she found herself caught in a firefight and was kidnapped in the chaos that ensued.

She awoke to find herself in a shuttle with her captors. Despite her fear, she taunted her captors, refusing to provide them with the information they were seeking. Lael and Janel were held in an unknown facility and tortured for three days by Sicarius. It was later discovered that part of that torture was a drug that enhanced the emotions of its victims, administered on the first day of their captivity. This resulted in a strong sexual attraction between the pair. While Lael and Janel were attempting to escape, Janel took a severe beating which led to a head injury and Lael took a Romulan knife to her right side while attempting to stop the Romulan from claiming Janel's life. They were later rescued by Lieutenant Tarsii Asmara and his team. After the team recovered the vials, Janel was rushed back to the Achilles, where he underwent surgery and care for his injuries. Even after the drug was out of her system, Lael found that her attraction to Janel hadn't faded. She stayed by Janel's side during and following his recovery.


Lael was called to the Captain’s Ready Room, where Nugra commended her on her actions. During this meeting, she requested and was granted a transfer to Helm/Comm/Ops. During the awards ceremony, she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and awarded the Prisoner of War Ribbon, the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon, and a Purple Heart. She later discovered that Janel wasn’t present at the awards ceremony because he had gone AWOL. Consumed by a desire to become a host to a symbiont, he had defied doctor’s orders and piloted a lone shuttlecraft to the Trill homeworld, desperate to make it back in time. Upon his forced return, Lael visited him in his quarters and learned that he had been rejected by the Symbosis Commission and his family had disowned him. Neither he nor their blossoming relationship were the same after that. She then underwent counseling for her time in captivity (aka the Temlai incident) [1].


Following the awards ceremony and shoreleave, the Victory was again underway. Once out of dock, Harrington James, a space pirate and captain of the SS Lady Adventure, contacted the Victory and provided Captain Nugra with the coordinates to a Starfleet vessel, the USS Arrow, an Archer-class vessel lost in the early 23rd century. James came across the distress signal from the vessel and decided to pass the information along. Nugra pursued the lead and had Lael set a course to retrieve the ship. Upon arriving, Nugra assigned away teams to investigate. However, due to minerals in a nearby asteroid field that were confusing sensors, the teams were forced to use shuttlecraft out of concern that the same minerals would interfere with the transporter signal. Lael picked up some strange readings but couldn't get an accurate scan due to the interference from a nearby nebula. Though the readings weren't clear, the pattern indicated it might be another ship.

Once the away teams were on board the Arrow, the readings grew stronger and became more clear as the vessel approached and made contact with the Victory, stating that the Federation ship was in Tholians space and must leave immediately. However, they could leave until they had retrieved the away team. With the clock ticking and sensors limited, Lael and the Asmara work to find a way through the faraday field preventing them from rescuing the stranded away teams. The two were able to work a solution that used the Veritas orbs, lining them up to create a subspace relay of sorts, allowing them to extend their sensor range and target an asteroid. This would create a hole large enough in the field for the Victory to fit through.

However, before the plan could be implemented, the enemy ship attacked with Tholians webs that caused radiation leaks on Decks 5, 6, & 7. Lael reported to help evacuate the affected decks and treat the evacuated crewmembers. She donned an environmental suit and met Janel and Danny Wilde on Deck 5. Lael used the Jeffries Tubes to travel down to Deck 7 to find anyone left behind, then work her way up. While on Deck 7, she set up a containment field so the leak didn't reach the lower decks. During the course of her search, she came across Michael Goodwell, a suited up security Ensign who aided her in her search. They brought a few groups back to be inoculated.

Leaving Goodwell behind to wait for the next group, Lael went back down alone to check the remaining sections. However, she experienced hallucinations and passed out. When she awakened, she realized that her environmental suit was ripped and that the hallucinations were most likely caused by radiation exposure. She was able to seal the crack in her suit with duct tape, but she had already been exposed. She hurried to finish her search and report back for inoculation. By the time Lael got the last small group back to the meeting point, the Tholians had taken over Sickbay. Working with Goodwell, she inoculated everyone, hoping to delay onset for the less severe cases. Goodwell inoculated her, but she had a severe reaction to the inoculation and began seizing.


After the away teams returned safely to the Victory, the Tholians left abruptly and the Victory managed to use a tractor beam to tow the Arrow back to drydock. When Lael awakened, Janel filled her in on what happened. She then joked about how they haven't had a real first date and the two briefly discussed the possibilities before she placed calls to her worried mother and brother. She and Janel attended the awards ceremony together. She was awarded a Medical Science Ribbon for her part in rescuing and inoculating the crew. Following the presentation of the awards, Janel revealed to Lael that he had been transferred to the USS Darwin-A. While Lael was saddened by the news, she was determined that they would make the relationship work. When shoreleave was over, she reported for her new assignment, Helm/Comm/Ops aboard the USS Gorkon.

Notable Relationships

  • Janel Tarna: Lael and Janel developed feelings for one another while both were held captive and tortured. They dated for a period even after Janel was transferred, but mutually ended the relationship due to the distance.
  • Tarsii Asmara: Though the two only served together briefly, she came to highly respect his intelligence and his dedication to his duty.
  • Nugra: Despite her initial hesitation, she came to highly respect him as a commanding officer and as a colleague. She enjoyed working with him and was sad to see him step down from command of the Victory.

Full Timeline

  • 239102.24--Lael arrives on the Victory following the Luxis III crisis.
  • 239203.13--Lael goes on her first mission as a member of the Victory crew to Temlai in search of missing vials of the Skyfire Virus.
  • 239203.13-239203.16--Lael is captured by Sicarius and held prisoner, drugged, and tortured for three days.
  • 239203.18--Lael requests a transfer to Helm/Comm/Ops.
  • 239205.20--Lael is promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and is awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Lifesaving Ribbon, and the Prisoner of War Ribbon.
  • 239207.15--Lael is diagnosed with radiation poisoning during The Spider's Web mission and has a severe allergic reaction to Hyronalyn, an ingredient in the inoculation, resulting in a seizure.
  • 239207.16--Lael receives the Medical Science Ribbon for her part in rescuing and inoculating the crew.
  • 239207.16--Lael is transferred to Helm/Comm/Ops aboard the USS Gorkon

Mission Logs


  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Duty Post: HCO Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Quinn Reynolds
  • Stardates: 239207.17 - 239404.17

Section Under Construction


Following Janel's transfer, Lael begins experiencing nightmares and contacts her friend, Elina, for reassurance. Lael admits she's having trouble coming to terms with Janel leaving and she feels alone and afraid. After a heart to heart, Lael decides to head to Sickbay for a sedative. Doctor Jansen Orrey, who she'd met checking in on the bridge, is on duty. The two engage in a brief conversation with Orrey offering her tea and a listening ear. To her surprise, she finds he's very easy to talk to. He gives her the sedative she came seeking and offers a friendly ear should she ever need one.

Just before the next mission, she receives a communique from Janel updating her on what's been going on with him. She responds in kind, attaching a holoimage for him to keep of her.


The Gorkon crew receives a distress call from the USS Tharsis and learn that it is caught in a gravity well. Enroute to the location of the ship, Captain Quinn Reynolds assigns Commander Chen to lead an away team consisting of Lael, Cory Stoyer, and Bren. The team beams aboard the Tharsis, which is strangely quiet and seemingly abandoned. This makes Lael very nervous. They begin running diagnostics in an attempts to find out what happened when Lael hears someone moving on the upper catwalks. Chen begins to climb, encouraging the others to cut off the man's escape route. When they finally corner the man they realize that he is gravely injured and in need of immediate medical attention. However, when Chen tries to contact the Gorkon and the other away team for help, they realize their combadges aren't working.

With limited options, Lael and Stoyer disagree about how to proceed. Lael feels they need to focus on the injured man, believing he might be able to tell them more about what happened. Stoyer feels that they need to locate the spare parts in the storage bays to salvage the ship. In the end, Chen decides they'll take the man to Sickbay and hopefully locate the parts they need on the way. Lael and Stoyer work together to jury-rig a travois, a form of stretcher, to move the man. A strange malfunction threatening a warp core breach threatens to box them in and the anomalies are beginning to tear Engineering apart. They have to escape. Once they have the man loaded up, they escape into a maintenance conduit with Lael pulling the travois and Bren covering the rear.

They soon run into a problem: a forcefield blocks their path. Though she offers to disable the forcefield, Chen is concerned it will take too much time so they forge ahead, going around it. They leave the dying man behind, much to her dismay, and cross the corridor one at a time, the others laying down cover fire. However, they soon run into another forcefield and she begins to feel like "a rat trapped in a maze". Stoyer, agreeing that all the running is getting them nowhere, offers to draw out their attackers using himself as bait. Lael is reluctant, concerned that he'll be an easy target, and offers to cover him.

But Chen vetoes the idea and instead instructs Lael to disable the forcefield. Chen, meanwhile, sets Stoyer's phaser to explode in an attempt to distract their pursuers. It does the job, leaving Lael's ears ringing from the volume of the blast. She and Stoyer get to work cutting power. In frustration, Stoyer smashes the boxes. Taking a cue from him, Lael does the same with the box she's working on, much to the amusement of Chen and the other two. They then head for the storage bays, hoping to find the parts to fix the ship. When they next stop, Lael thinks she's figured out how their pursuers are tracking them and how they can counter the system.

They plan to climb down a turbolift shaft, with Lael experiencing anxiety about the climb down, when Chen gets struck by weapons' fire. He's alive, but he's unconscious. Forced to develop a plan B, Stoyer jumps onto the top of the turbolift, while Bren lowers the unconscious Chen down and then jumps himself with Lael all the while laying down cover fire. Once Stoyer, Bren, and Chen are safely inside the lift, she jumps as well and climbs inside. Once inside, they discuss next steps. Stoyer wants to hide Chen somewhere, but Lael disagrees, afraid that Chen might not be safe on his own with the crew of the Tharsis hunting people like animals. They decide to stick together and continue moving.








Full Timeline

  • 239207.17--Lael arrives on the USS Gorkon
  • 239301.21-239309.07--Lael and the Gorkon crew spend nearly a year trapped in a Dominion-ruled universe.
  • 239312--Lael and Jansen get engaged.
  • 239401--Lael and Jansen break off their engagement and their relationship.
  • 239401.21--Lael is promoted to full Lieutenant
  • 239404.14--Lael undergoes spine replacement surgery.
  • 239404.17--Lael is transferred to the USS Za.

Mission Logs


  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: HCO Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Keelah Rhani
  • Stardates: 239404.18 - Present

Section Under Construction

Notable Relationships

Full Timeline

  • 239404.18--Lael arrives on the USS Za.

Mission Logs

  • Peace In Our Time